What would you buy your mother if money was not an issue, and why?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What would you buy your mother if money was not an issue, and why?
578 answers:
We left and returned!
2012-05-11 16:08:55 UTC
An eye transplant. She's going blind, adn her doctors still don't know any other way to help her.
2012-05-11 16:09:08 UTC
I would Buy My mother Corrective surgery for her legs...

It's always been an issue for her and She cant afford to get all of both her legs done...

She adopted to children and she has to take care of them even on days she can barely walk.

I resect an honor my mother and I would love to see her dance and play with her new additions like she deserves too.

She's only 47 She's way to young to be having to go through this kinda stuff...

✩★✩ † ViŤor Ťadeu † ★✩★
2012-05-11 15:53:39 UTC
I was winning the lottery, I wanted to bring my mother back.

She died in 2002.

This is what she deserved a mansion here in Aparecida de Goiania, Brazil.

2012-05-11 16:41:30 UTC
I would give her all the money in the world, but I wish I could repay her for everything that she has done to raise me and my sisters. Think about it: your mother has carried you in her stomach for 9 months, endured the pain of pregnancy, and suffered the pain that follows it during labor, an excruciating pain. As she takes care of your infant self, she has to plan everything and live her life for you. She endures your cries, she is patient. You fuss, she listens and tries to keep you happy. As you being to grow up, she has to deal with your tantrums, and any kind of trouble that you get in. She's not just raising a baby, she's raising a human being. She has to keep everything about you in check. She cries when you cry, she smiles when you do, and she gets angry and upset when you do not listen to her/confide in her. She fights to keep you alive and she fights to keep herself alive too. Children are emotional/physical/financial/ect drainers/burdens, but mothers love them very much. Your friends might desert you, but your mother won't.

A mother's love comes only once. A mother lasts for only so long.

She's not only your mother, but she's also your friend.

Make the best out of the time that she is still alive.

You'll only have her once, and once she's gone, she's gone.
2012-05-11 15:57:15 UTC
Dr Phil to live with her. She is nuts, but Iove her anyway!
2012-05-11 15:43:31 UTC
I would buy my mother a ranch and a whole stable of horses. She had a horse as a child and has always talked about how she wanted to have another one.
2012-05-11 15:25:19 UTC
I would get her an alaskin cruise...she loves that place and she deserves it...whyshe deserves it is because I've mad mistakes and broken her down so many times that it would be the least I could do...and I believe that those mistakes I made have gotten us closer and she's my mom and I love her :)
2012-05-11 16:12:00 UTC
My mother won't be with me this Mother's Day - it's my first w/out her here to celebrate :( But if I had all the money, I would buy round trip tickets to Hawaii for her and my family and her friends so she could go back to the place she loved! She went with my dad years ago before he passed but was never able to go back again.
2012-05-11 16:14:11 UTC
I would pay off all her debts and buy her a new house fully furnished because my mom means the world to me and I love her with all my heart. She's always there for me and even though I can't actually do all that now cause I'm 15, I'll do it for her when I become a veterinarian.

There's no need to do that just because it's Mother's Day. I'd do anything for her 365 days a year <3
2012-05-11 15:43:32 UTC
My mother is in a nursing home with Alzheimer's, together with my father.

If money was no object, I'd add on to my house and get full time nursing care for them, so they could be here with me.

And I'd invest heavily in Alzheimer's research.

Why? Because I love my mother, and want her back.
2012-05-12 07:18:04 UTC
Read the whole thing before you judge.

Honestly, my mom has never really been there for me. I was a good child growing up- kept to myself, stayed out of trouble, did what I was told, good grades. But for some reason it was like she couldn't wait for me to turn 18 and leave, which I did. Last year on my 21st birthday, she didn't call, text, stop by or anything. Same with Christmas. I feel like she has no interest in me at all, and it hurts.

I like being the better person though, and I still have a lot of respect for her as she is my mother, gave birth to me and put a roof over my head for 18 years. And who knows, I might not be the same successful person I am today if she had been different.

If I won, I'd make sure to buy everything she could possibly want. A new house, a brand new car (or cars), a vacation around the world, a brand new wardrobe, and the rest of the money in cash so she'd never have to work again.

Maybe then she would approve of me?
2012-05-13 19:52:22 UTC
If I won the lottery and money was not an interest I would buy my mother a trip around the world for Mother's Day. Her greatest dream was to go to Europe, see the Seven Wonders of the World, and tour various other places around the world. She is already 58 I think she would enjoy that if I only actually could win the lottery. If I ever do and my mother is still alive and able to travel that is what I would get her for Mother's Day. I love you mom and happy Mother's Day to you and all the moms in the world!
2012-05-13 19:41:08 UTC
She loved me first, and became my best friend. That's the "why"-the easy part.

1) A strip of beach, and a mansion equipped with a staff that cooks, cleans, and does all of the stuff that's monotonous and necessary but takes up precious time. She'll have something money can't (directly) buy-TIME!

2) I'll put away funds so that she can send my siblings to whatever school they may want to go to. She's always putting her kids first.

3) I'll bring her parents into the country and get grandma the best medical care possible.

4) A lifetime supply of roses, king crab legs, coconuts, cherry ice cream, diamonds, and Swarovski sculptures. She likes shiny things.

5) I'll make her birthday a holiday. I don't know if that's even possible, but one way or another, I'll get it done. She is the youngest of seven children, and her mom had serious complications during the pregnancy. At the end of it, my preemie mom wasn't even breathing and the doctors almost gave up on her. It's a day well worth celebrating.

I could say that she is so awesome that she has a kid like me who'll think of all of this cool stuff to give her. But I know that I'm the one that is blessed to have her as my Mom. My only issue is this: What do I get her NEXT Mother's Day?
2012-05-13 12:50:13 UTC
Well to be honest, some of the things that have made my mother the happiest on mothers day cost nothing. I made her a cake once and she was the happiest person on the planet. At the time I had never made on on my own.

But, if I won the lottery of course I would buy her something amazing. She has had a lot of knocks in her life but she has always stayed strong for me. I would buy her a bigger house close to me so, if she ever needed help I would be there. I would pay for the best holiday imaginable and give her as much money as she needed to buy simple things to make her life easier.

Then, when she becomes too old to do things on her own I would use the money so I could retire at whatever age I needed to so I could care for her.

But you have to remember that the most important things come from the heat. I know that is overused and cheesy, but it is true.
2012-05-14 07:09:27 UTC
If I won the lottery, I would try and buy my mothers child hood back. She wasn't the richest family so I would try to give her anything and everything she ever wanted. She ALWAYS makes sure I am the one that has clothes on my body and food to eat before she has that. My mom and dad never had their honeymoon because they got pregnant before they got married. And also they were both 18. I would make sure that they went to the nicest place to have their honeymoon next march in celebration of 27 YEARS!!! And my mother has always wanted to go on a family reunion cruise, but our family isn't rich, so I would buy all of my mothers family and my fathers family a seven day cruise so that my mom could have everything she wanted. I would remodel the living room like what she has Always wanted. And FINALLY buy her every purse she wanted from coach or Louis vittion! I would do anything she wanted, and buy anything she wanted. I would not be here today without her and that is something I think about everyday even when we are having a fight. I love her so much and don't know what I would do without her. She is my life! <3
2012-05-13 08:02:11 UTC
Well here in the UK mothers day was about 3 months ago!!! Strange how far apart it is from the uk and america, huh? To the unlimited money part, well funny you ask that, today i was in the car with my mum and i asked her what she would want if i ever got rich and i'd buy it for her, she said a boat. So i would buy her a boat!!! Now if i ever get lucky and win the lottery i have to buy her a boat, and if she ever wins the lottery she has to buy me an apartment and a car [I'm only sixteen, so not old enough to have enough money to buy my own apartment for a few more years, and in the UK you can only start driving at 17 at the least, and i can't wait to start taking my lessons and driving test in a year! Woohoo!] Hope everyones having a good sunday wherever you are, i spent mine shopping around with my mum. It's actually sunny for once in england! Yay!
2012-05-14 06:38:22 UTC
I would tell her that whatever she wants or needs is my desire to give her,

since I won the lottery and am now able to do this for her. I'd also pay off

any bills she might have, fill her cubbards with groceries, get her a housekeeper

(as she's in her 90's), private nurse, and a cook. She should live the rest of

her life then very happy with no worries but her health (which none of us can

do anything about the body aging but get the best of phsicians to care for her),

and I, in turn, will be extremely happy being on the "giving" side for the best friend

a person can ever have.
2012-05-13 15:49:49 UTC
Well, If money wasn't an issue, there are many things I would give her. A few of those many things would be a cruise to wherever she wanted, that would be followed by getting a maid so she wouldn't work so hard making the house look nice, after that I would get her a kitten with all of what a kitten needs since she prefers them over dogs (she has a fear of spiders and large dogs), I would of course include a fully paid off 2 story house and a safe car or limo with a driver (she's deathly afraid of driving on the freeway), for some reason I would also include fish with fish accessories and fish food (she likes fish, but I would worry about the kitten & fish being in the same house and how that would work) since she's very fond of fish (my dad used to own a lot of fish when I was younger), this would include many trivial things like many different movies from the genres that she likes, et cetra. To top it off, I would also include the whole package (not like a package would fit all of that) with a card filled with of whatever was leftover (if any money was left over) telling her how grateful I am for what she does.
2012-05-12 16:30:34 UTC
Yahoo! Answers Team, before I answer this question, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to your mother and to every mother out there, including my mother as well. If I won the lottery and mone was not an issue, I would buy my mother a one month vacation trip to Italy (my dad, her husband and I as her son would go as well). The reason is because she deserves it and although I have Italian roots in my blood, my family never visited that beautiful country (well she and my dad this one time, but they were so little and don't remember much). It would mean the world to her and my family to know the history of the beautiful country of Italy! :)
2012-05-13 12:39:18 UTC
If money was not an issue, I would buy my mother her own house. Or pay to have her build one to suit her lifestyle. She is one of the strongest women I know. She's been there for my sister, brother and me through everything. She was the rock my father leaned on when he had to get a hip replacement at the young age of 46.

She helps the less fortunate whenever she can; helps her aging mother and is available for her no matter what time of the day it is. She is the best woman I have ever had the great fortune of meeting. She's taught me how to be a caring wife; the kind men simply won't leave and the kind that has so much self-respect that she never does anything that will bring shame to her family or herself.

She's the most self-less person I know. And she at least deserves a house to call her own!
Piano and More
2012-05-12 08:14:26 UTC
If money was no issue, I'd buy my mother a trip to the detox center. Perhaps then ,after whatever time was necessary, she'd realize that her misery is mostly of her own making. I'd like to think she'd be far happier without the substance abuse that's been a part of her life for as long as I can remember. She already has material needs taken care of, but she is a very miserable woman despite these necessities. If she only had this clinical issue taken care of, than maybe she'd be happier. Then maybe she'd quit harping on everyone around her, too. I wish for my mom a detox trip. That's the only thing that will truly bring her any happiness and strength for dealing with life in the long run.
2015-10-24 08:56:46 UTC
Strange how far apart it is from the uk and america, huh? To the unlimited money part, well funny you ask that, today i was in the car with my mum and i asked her what she would want if i ever got rich and i'd buy it for her, she said a boat. So i would buy her a boat!!! Now if i ever get lucky and win the lottery i have to buy her a boat, and if she ever wins the lottery she has to buy me an apartment and a car [I'm only sixteen, so not old enough to have enough money to buy my own apartment for a few more years, and in the UK you can only start driving at 17 at the least, and i can't wait to start taking my lessons and driving test in a year! Woohoo!] Hope everyones having a good sunday wherever you are, i spent mine shopping around with my mum. It's actually sunny for once in england! Yay!
2012-05-13 19:57:31 UTC
I would buy my mother anything that I could afford by working for the money to buy the present. Because, when I think about money not being an issue, I realize it is even if it wasn't. This is because money that I earn by working and achieving with effort and then spend on my mother means more to her than money that I won from the lottery with no effort and by gambling. She would be more honored if I bought something I could afford with the money I earned than spent an endless amount of money on something with not as much feeling put into it.
GiR c:
2012-05-13 12:16:22 UTC
Wow, this is sorta a hard question to answer. My mom has a lot of dreams, and if i could, i'd make every single one of them come true. There are two main things I would buy for my mom if money wasn't an issue: 1. I would pay for her entire college tuition fee, and anything else that came along with it, like books, dormitories, everything. My reason why is because my mom has many dreams, and one of those dreams is to go to Culinary school and open her very own restaurant. She's had this dream for a very long time, and i think she needs to get it fulfilled. :)

2. If i had the money I'd buy my mom anything she needed to build her own home. Like a building contractor, a landscaping artist, an interior and exterior decorator, the property she wants, etc. She's been wanting to build her own home since forever! She says that she wants something for me whenever she dies. She doesn't want to just leave me with bills and nothing to get on my feet with. I simply tell her that if she does leave me with nothing, that it'll be just fine, because i know that she tried her best and trying her best is enough for me:) I love my mother very much, and I think she deserves anything and everything the world can offer.
2012-05-13 06:23:58 UTC
chocolates,giftes,jewelry nah.. These things are fine and handy but i think they are unneccesery.

I think all the mothers in the whole world works a lot.

Get up early in the morning,attain uninvited guests,makes food and etc , all single handed. Some moms have daughters who gives some relief to them but what about single moms and moms having only a son ( like in my case im single son of my mom and )

In these case they gets totally frustated,tired and sometimes weak and ill.

So will these chocolate,gifts,vaccations will do some help?

So if i won a lottery i would buy a robot or some thing like that which will help my mom or could do all her works so that she could live a life with works and tension and she can spend her times with us.

I think this will be the best gift to her.

Btw "happy mothers day to my and all the moms"

You really rocks :)
2012-05-12 20:43:47 UTC
If money wasn't an option I would buy my mom a new car because her truck that she has now is HORRIBLE it's a farm truck so it's been through so much. It's basically falling apart slowly. There's a huge dent in the front bumber from where she accidentally hit a BEAR and the tailgate is broke, the service engine light comes on all the time, it's scratched all over, bald tires, etc etc etc! I would also get her entire property fixed/ re-done. We have a decent sized horse farm with the fencing falling apart left and right, it's so old. overgrown grass cuz we can't afford a lawn mower. over grown bushes on the front porch it's a mess. with this I would also hire a maid for her! She works full time and never has time to clean.
2012-05-12 13:19:32 UTC
If money was not an issue, I would fly my mother to France first class. There, I would buy her a huge chateau (or castle in English). I would give her a huge garden on the property because she loves gardening and has always had the most beautiful garden in our neighborhood. I would buy her gowns, jewelry, tiaras, shoes, and any other luxury she might want. I would fill the castle with pictures of our family. I would hire a chef to cook her favorite dishes every day. I would have a large ballroom made so that my five brothers and I could dance with her. I would make her a room fit for a queen decorated in all purple, her favorite color. I would do all of this for my mother because she went through hell and back raising me and my five brothers and she deserves to be treated like a princess the way that she treated me growing up. She never stops taking care of people, it's time that somebody took care of her. I love my mommy and she deserves nothing short of the best <3
2012-05-12 06:24:34 UTC
If my Mom was alive --- I would make it a day that she would never forget.

It would start with a rose & breakfast in bed. I would take her to a scheduled

appointment at the hairdressers for the hairdo of her choice. To the mall we would go

& I would let her pick out anything her heart desires. Lunch time would be a restaurant

of her choice. In the afternoon I would take her to visit her own mom where she is laid to rest.

Come dinner time it would be a dinner for Mom & Daughter along with a show. Of course the entertainment

would be her choice. By that time Mom would be exhausted so off we go back home, where I would spend

some quality time with her. But when you think about it all she would really want is more time on earth to spend with me which would cost no money at all. This question really made me think of how much I miss my Mom. Where ever you are Mom Happy Mothers Day. xoxox
2012-05-14 11:23:42 UTC
I would buy my mother a house. I live with my dad because my mother can't afford to provide for me, even though she works really hard. She's one of the greatest people out there and never asks for anything in return. The last time I heard from her she was living in a small apartment and working every night. I guess I just want her to have something that doesn't smell like garbage.
2012-05-14 09:00:07 UTC
My mother would probably tell me to save the money for myself and for my studies. She wouldn't accept anything more than just a big hug and an "I love you"!

However, since money is not an issue and she would appreciate my gift(like she always does!),

I would organize a trip around the world, she likes traveling a lot, both my father and my mother have worked a lot in their lives to support me and my brothers and I believe traveling around the world would be a nice gift for them.

Next, I would pay off their debt, everything, I would make sure to do this beforehand and then on mother's day, tell my mom that she's debt free!
Vishnu Hari Kumar
2012-05-13 03:39:32 UTC
I am not trying to get the points by making my Answer sentimental or something like that, but the truth is that a Mother doesn't need her child's money or gifts. Instead, all she expects is unconditional love from her child's part! All she wants is to see her child happy. It's our duty to love her at least in return for the 9-10 months of suffering and love. But, if money wasn't a matter I'd buy my mom anything she wants! She likes Jewelry a lot. So, I will buy her that. It's sad that there are people who abuse their moms forgetting the fact that if she'd denied to suffer for almost a year, they won't be where they stand!

BTW, a mom would be happy if you buy her a Candy(with love from your heart).
2012-05-12 01:41:14 UTC
What wouldn't I get her. I would get her everything she provides for me and more. A house, a car, numeroud ammounts of vacations, eighteen years worth of food. College tuition funds so she could go to law school like she always dreamed. Help her open the restaurant she wants to do with my dad. Get her the alpacas she's been begging for. I'd get her a private jet if I coulld. I would buy her islands, so she can have a house on everyone. I would reunite her with all her family that is spead all over the world. I love my mother, and there is no limit to what I would get her. I would get her anything she wanted because I love her more than anything or anyone. If she needed them, I would give her every organ so she could live. I could not live with out her. This year though, I am giving her a clay sculpture I made of her. It's small but all I could do. I love my mom more than anything and I would go to the ends of the earth to make everyday mother's day for her.
Shawnte B
2012-05-13 21:16:24 UTC
If money wasn't an issue; at least once I would get her thee largest bottle of perfume she has ever had and have it special delivered to her door. And I would get an assortment of flowers and a basket of goodies to go with it with a card and some non alcoholic bubbly yearly. She wouldn't have to cook either I would take her to a nice restaurant or just have a caterer cater her a meal to remember every mothers day on top of which I would get her a vacation package for three days and nights somewhere even if it was right here where we live. There are very nice hotels here I'm sure she would love to visit. I would get her a nice bath and body basket, a robe and slippers, so that she could luxuriously bath and then relax her tired feet from all of the fun she had when it is over. I would plan for my sisters and I to come together and sing her a song she taught us when we were children and we would spend the day just enjoying mom. ( then she could take her trip some of us might go with her but they would have to pitch in) Happy Mother's Day mom. I love you.
2012-05-13 11:03:28 UTC
I Would Treat Her Like I treat her everyday But Today I will make her feel MORE special So If Money Was not an issue I would Take Her to Her Mom(Shes Outside the U.S.A) Because My Grandma Is Sick And My Mom Wants To Visit her Before she dies! My Grandma Is Really Old and I know My mom would love to see her mom and if we can bring her to america So my Mom can see her Mom every time she wakes up . And Sometimes My Mom has there nightmares of her mom and that's bad she misses her! Its Like I wouldn't want my mom to leave me so i want my mom to have her mom on her side and It would mean the best to her <3 I love my mom For always Being there and everything but If i ever can .. i would bring her beautiful mother to her ,3 Happy Mothers Day <3
2012-05-12 21:40:42 UTC
I would have her a brand new dream custum home built, since our home is not a great shape. I would the home built eco-freindly as possible and have brand new furniture. After her home was finished I would send her and my father on a dream vacation to distract them and while they were gone I would move some of the orignal and favored furnture into the home and pack the entire home while they were gone. Once they got back, I would take them to their new home blind folded and once they arrived I would surprise them.

In addition I would pay off her current home and car(s) so that she would at least the majority debt removed. Finally, I would place some money into her retirement account so that when she retires she can live comfortably. Also I would invest some money in stocks that are highly profitable and some natural resources for her.

I would do this becuase my mother is been great resource to me. She has provided food, shelter, an emotional support. Plus she has been there for me.
2012-05-12 19:40:28 UTC
I would buy my mom a vacation ticket plus pay all the expenses to a nice place that has cool breezes and a beach where she could enjoy and have nice and peace and quiet all to herself... Why I would do this because she has spent her life raising 4 kids all on her own and she deserves a break from dealing with us and all of our problems and have time to herself to ENJOY without having to deal with doctor appointments back to back and constantly just running around like she's a chicken with it's head cut off... It's been very hard and stressful for her and she really deserves a vacation, she's a wonderful mother, and I'M VERY GREATFUL SHE IS MY MOTHER FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!! She never gets a break and every time she does try and get a break she remembers she has to do something... I know i've made a lot of mistakes since I was 14 and I was just trying to fit in and be like every one else but come to find out trying to be just like every one else made me think that, that's not who I am and they get you into a lot of trouble.....This would be the least I could do.... I LOVE YOU MOM HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!
2012-05-14 17:03:21 UTC
I Would Buy Her My Love, I'm Sometimes Very Horrible But I'm Willing To Change Just For Her:)
2012-05-14 15:29:16 UTC
I would buy her a cruise around the world and if she doesn't want to then a cruise to hawaii! I would do that because even though she may not be perfect or the best mother in the world she struggled through two kids, school and a full time job. I love her, even though she pushes my buttons and I push her's too, I still love her and know she deserves the best and she always talks about all the amazing things she would do if she ever had the money.
2012-05-13 19:33:46 UTC
I would pay off her house and debts, and give her a spa day. All the money left over is for her to be showered with everything she has every dreamed of, she truly deserves it ! She's been through so much and for her to have a day of relaxation especially with the job she has now, would definitely do wonders to her. There is nothing in this world that can sum up what my mother truly deserves, she is an amazing human being.
2012-05-12 19:14:06 UTC
Here are the things I'd do.

1) I'd take my mom to the most expensive restaurant because of all the times she bought me things that I really didn't deserve. She got things that she didn't have money for. I took her for granted, and I'd like to pay it back.

2) I would totally buy her a new car, she's been bragging how she wants one so bad..I would change that if I could.

3) We'd move. She hates Colorado so much, I would grant her wish. Back to Michigan or maybe even to her wanted vacationing.

4) Order her Edible Arrangements & Fill the house with roses :)

~I disappoint my mom so much, I feel like nothing sometimes when she wishes I was never born. I could make her happy...One day~
2012-05-13 00:43:01 UTC
I would move her to Hawaii. My mom has been there twice and never wants to leave once she goes. She feels at peace with everything there and is always happy, even just talking about it! I love seeing her so happy and would love to spend time there with her. I've never been and I've only heard about it and it sounds absolutely incredible!

She is the coolest, most amazing mom out there and she would definitely deserve the chance to live there! She does so much for me and my whole family, we would be completely lost without her and I owe her so much. I know how thrilled she would be for me just hearing about me winning the lottery. I would die to see her reaction when I told her what I would do with my money. I would buy her the nicest house I could find, right off the beach where she said she would want it to be. I just think it would be so cool to do something like that for her. Usually I just help her clean up and stuff, but this would knock her socks off!

I would love spending time with her down there, in what she describes as the happiest place on earth. She said it would be even more amazing if we could be there with her and that's what I would love to happen. She would deserve it and I wouldn't have any problem with doing it for her :)
2012-05-12 15:31:42 UTC
My mother is dead so I can't buy her anything.

Honestly is it a situation where each person is different.

Flowers are almost always a safe bet. Other gifts are probably a little more risky.

My mother would have liked jewelry - lots of it - gold and silver, turquoise, gemstones, etc. She liked

stuff that you had to pay some cash for. She also would have liked having a sports car. My mother

pretty much had a loud personality - she would have liked a lot of jewelry, cars, clothing, anything that would make her stand out a little bit. She like loud gaudy jewelry but other people wouldn't like some of the things she liked. But other people might be content with some flowers.

I know that my mother wouldn't have liked any gift that was cheap - that's how she was.

Like I said different people are different.

With my mother in law (my wife is deceased but my mother in law is alive)

she would be happy with some pretty flowers. It helps to get to know the person to know which flowers they like. She likes tropical flowers, bird of paradise, etc.

hope this helps.
2012-05-12 15:28:59 UTC
If I were to give my mother anything for Mother's Day, I would first buy her tickets to a European cruise headed for Greece. It's my mother's dream vacation, and I know she deserves it after taking care of me for so long, suffering for me, spending much of her earnings on me so I could be successful.

Next, I'd give my mother love. My love for her is almost all she needs to stay happy, and as long she knows I love her, hopefully she will live a long, peaceful life.

Afterwards, I'd get her a membership to a spa so she can use the steam rooms daily. She absolutely loves the feeling of stepping out the sweltering steam room.

Finally, I'd give her the renovations for the house she always wanted, but never had. I would buy her a new dining set, replace the hardwood floors, upgrade the kitchen, and get her a nice TempurPedic Ergo (the soft adjustable mattress that can massage you).

Of course, she can keep all of the remaining money. :)
2012-05-12 09:27:50 UTC
A home in in New Zealand.

Ever since she was a little girl, she wanted to move out of the United States and go to some island paradise. Eventually her dream settled specifically on New Zealand. Although she has been able to accomplish a lot of her dreams so far, she is still struggling financially and couldn't even move out of her own state now, much less to another country. And her health's getting bad, too. I'd buy her the house if I could, so she could at least spend her retirement days there.
2012-05-14 09:26:25 UTC
If money was not an issue, I'll buy a plane ticket or the whole plane for her and take her back home. I'll let her spend the rest of her life living like a queen in our home. She's working hard abroad in order to give us all our needs and wants. I know that being with us, her kids, is the most happiest moments of her life. And her happiness means everything to me.

I really want my mom home. :(
2012-05-14 04:23:52 UTC
She deserves something special and magnificent in different circumstances. I know she would be happy knowing that 10% of the lottery be given to charity and also think about it blessings will come in every righteous doing, ;). Providing mansions, large amount of money, yachts, and different worldly materials is not enough through all the sacrifices and love she provided for me and to the family. I know her someone who is generous in consequence it would be great doing something for others. Oh how lovely it would be going on a wonderful and unforgettable vacation of love anywhere. But to tell you the truth I know she will let me know what mother's day really is which is not always about money. I just hope that I will still be someone who knows how to respect others; we never know what my attitude might be winning that kind of lottery. Verily I will control myself for her sake and others, :D. Come what may and love it, because I could not determine what may come but if we live righteously then the consequence shall be great too. Happy Mother's day to every mom!

I also agree with Dr. Crasie Brayne and M their great commenter's. Have you read Rozell Swanson! Hahaha! Good comment too. His mom is great.
2012-05-14 00:03:48 UTC
My mother has long left this world. As a mother and grandmother I would like to weigh in. I wouldn't want anything material. Buying something means nothing to me I've got all the knick-knacks, and stuff I could possibly want. What I would like is time. Time with my kids and grandkids and that can't be bought with lottery winnings.
2012-05-13 18:51:22 UTC
I would buy her a new house. One thing my mum has always wanted was a two story house with a big backyard. She swears that once she wins the lotto that she would buy the house she has dreamed of owning. She says it doesn't matter if it has two stories or not as long as the backyard is big enough to have a garden and enough space for all the children to play in. So if money was not an issue I would buy my mum the house of her dreams.
2012-05-13 16:53:56 UTC
I would buy ner a new house because 0)I love her1)she deserves it 2)we live in a apartment 3)she has three kids 4)no father support 5)hates her job 6)apartments to small 7)she got her teeth pulled which really hurts 8) the neighbors are annoying 9)the neighbors smoke 10)neighborhood is full of cats11)the neighborhood is full of creepy people
Kuro Bear
2012-05-13 07:16:32 UTC
My mother suffered a brain injury a few years ago, lost her job and everything. If i could, I'd by her a Small home of her own (something she has never had) and Hire someone to be a live-in helper. This person would drive her wherever she wanted to go, clean the house for her, and keep an eye on her during the day while I attend college.
Jo Ann
2012-05-12 18:46:06 UTC
My mother would not want me to buy her anything for Mothers Day. All the money in the world would not make her happier on Mothers Day. Spending time with your mother on Mothers Day can not be bought at any price. It is freely given while time allows. No greater love than a mothers love. A mother gives you life and then she gives you your wings. Lots of money can buy material things that do not last forever and neither does your mother last forever. The most precious gifts that you can give your mother is your time, love, patience, and care for her as she cared for you when you needed her. If I was to win the lottery it would be too late to buy my mother a gift but not too late to buy other mothers the gift of life who are dying of breast cancer. So you see the lottery winnings would not be what my mom would want on Mothers Day. She would have only wanted a gift of time. My mother died Sept. 26, 1969 of cancer. If I won the lottery, I would buy other mothers the gift of time with added research for a cure for breast cancer. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and Happy Mothers Day to my Mom.

I will always love you. Jo Ann
2012-05-12 16:38:58 UTC
If i won the lottery and money was not an issue I would buy my mother a ford mustang. I would buy her a mustang because it's her dream car and what she's always wanted.

it would be my way of giving back to her, she raised a great son for 19 years and i would give her what she wants out of generosity.
2012-05-12 09:37:54 UTC
I love my mom and always try to cherish the good times because between, being a teenager, and having a busy schedule, its deffinentley a rare thing. Material wise if i could buy my mom anything, i would buy her everything she needed, and everything she wanted, but if there where no factors at all (like money, if it really exists, that kind of thing) Then the only material item i would get, would be a time machine. I would go back in time, and redo every time I, hurt, disapointed, lied to, etc. to my mom. Then I would let her use it to redo anything she wanted to, as many times as she wanted to, so that she could be happy, and completely satisfied with her life. I'm not saying she isn't but I know for a fact, from the things shes told me that there are things she wishes she had done instead. I had more written, A LOT more, but she walked in the room so I exited out.
2012-05-11 22:05:30 UTC
My mother would never ask for anything material that money can buy. But I have 'money' so...I would buy her a house near Shirdi near the temple of Shree Sai Baba. She always likes to visit religious places and always craves to go and live near God. So that is the least I can do for her. And why only the lottery; I would spend my all money if I had to do this. Peace of mind is what all of us wish for and I feel this could give her that or at least a fraction of of it.

Love you mom. Happy Mother's day.
2012-05-11 18:24:48 UTC
Give her the day off. Take care of some of her chores for her such as cleaning, laundry, dishes or ironing. Give your mother a much needed break. Mother's day should be a day of relaxation for your mother

Take her on a spa day. Give her the vip treatment and let her choose massages, or a makeover. Mother's day is a special holiday that comes only once a year. It would also be a great time to spend together.

Take her out to eat and give her flowers. Have her pick her favorite restaurant and let her enjoy it. Mother's day holiday is about your mom and her special qualities, so show her your appreciation for all that she's done. Mother's day can be enjoyed by all.

take her to the theater

I would also

Purchase a digital picture frame. Load up those pictures on a picture frame for Mom. Get some old pictures out and mix them up with new ones. She'll love such a gift that is made especially for her.

Give her a facial or spa day. If you're a woman, go with your mom to the spa, sit around and do some girly things, such as taking high tea. She will appreciate this gesture. If that is too expensive, create your own spa day at home. Cook her favorite foods and make your own facial masks.
2012-05-14 03:41:43 UTC
My Mum has always loved dolls houses. My Dad and brother say she is too old for a dolls house, but I know that she still wants one! If money was no object I would have the most elaborate dolls house built exactly to her specifications, with electric lights, wooden flooring- the lot. Then I would buy her a new furniture set every year for each room, with designs from different periods so she could "dress up" the house every day!
2012-05-13 16:19:10 UTC
Hmm... my mother has always been a really humble woman, who didn't care much for luxuries (indeed, she told me numerous times that all she wanted was me to grow up well)


Her childhood and immigration was an extremely difficult part of her life, as she had to brave the journey alone (my dad left to find work.. it's wasn't until later he entered our lives). As such, she had to work ceaselessly, and would never find time to relax.

I want to buy her a grand piano.

She loved music, especially classical, but she neither the money nor time to afford lessons. And now, in her old age, I would love more than anything to teach her how to play, just to see those leather-worn and scarred hands dance in melody on those black and white keys.

Happy Mother's Day!

2012-05-13 09:32:06 UTC
I would buy my mother anything in the world that she asked for, no question. She is an amazing mother and is there for me everyday. I am able to talk to her about anything, and she is so great at what she does. She supplies so much for me and my two other siblings, and without her in my life, I simply have no idea what I would do. She is a truly wonderful and beautiful person, and she deserves anything she asks for.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there!
2012-05-12 19:55:13 UTC
If I could get my mother anything in the world, it would probably be a cure for cancer. She lost her mother to the disease back in 2001, and I know it would mean the world to her if she was alive to celebrate with us tomorrow. I love my mother more than anyone, and don't want to see her suffer the way my grandmother did. Nothing could bring Grandma back, but knowing that no one else will have to go through that would make her the happiest mom on the planet.

Happy Mother's day to everyone!
2012-05-12 16:32:38 UTC
Most mother's I know would say it is not the gift but the thought behind it. The best gift one can give there mom on Mother's Day is a homemade card and a call everyday. If mother's day is just once a year, you are missing the point. Show her love all year round and mother's day is just another day. Just is not stuff anyway...
2012-05-14 09:23:08 UTC
I would buy her a nice house on a beach in Florida with a boat and personal servants. She has worked hard her whole life, raising four kids, a dog, and a cat. Her husband helps with income, but she did all the housework. She also wants to retire in Florida. I think she deserves a break, where people are looking after her, and she can relax and swim whenever she wants. She would not worry about cooking or cleaning, because the servant would do it for her. And I would get her other children college funds so she doesn't have to worry about their education.
Sherry the advice giver
2012-05-13 10:18:43 UTC
I would give my mother a list with 50,000 lines on it and she can fill them out as soon as she wants something. She has done so much for me and my siblings that she deserves a lot of paradise. Also I would give her 1,000,000 dollars because she is always so shy about money but people just ask for money from her, and are very blunt about it. She deserves better, and I mean 1,000,000 dollars better. I would also organize a spa day for her and 4 friends, she is always working hard to make my dad and siblings and i happy that she deserves to have sometime with her Friends and not her annoying kids, no offense to us. I would also give her 5,000 lottery tickets, she deserves to win something as well. i would also by her her favourite car because she dreams and talks about it but my dad never buys her the car. She deserves her dreams to come true because she constantly makes her husband and kids happy. I would also buy mom a new house because she has always wanted an amazing kitchen and never gets it because we rent our house. Again, my mom deserves better

All these things are extra just because she is to shy to actually ask for them

Happy Mothers day everyone!!
2012-05-13 07:09:53 UTC
We have never had the money to have a very nice house, and everywhere we have ever rented has been pretty grotty and small, Mum has always hated that. Not because she didn't like living there, but she always wanted better for us.

So I would buy my Mum a beautiful house in the mountains somewhere in Italy, with some land for a vegetable garden, fruit bushes, places for olives and figs and some exotic fruits. And some chickens and geese too.

That is something she has always wanted.
2012-05-12 17:02:31 UTC
I wouldn't buy anything.

A few year's back, I bought her a heart shaped metal thing with the words ' Thanks, Mom' written on it. I thought it was really neat and gave it to her for Mother's day. She was exhilarated with it for a while, and then she kind of forgot about it. I felt really disappointed.

But from Kindergarten to now - except that specific time, I have always given her homemade presents. Freshly picked roses (from our backyard), origami, a knitted shawl, a braided bracelet and tons more. Those were the gifts I truly gave with my heart. I think she unconsciously cherished them more. I will never know what she truly thought.

This Mother's Day, I'm giving her this scent bottle I made. I hope the warm fragrance of flowers, leaves, and oranges will remind her of all the times that I've spent and loved with her.
2012-05-12 12:16:25 UTC
I wouldn't buy her anything... or atleast I wouldn't directly buy something for her. I would use the money to buy supplies to make her something she always wanted. A gift is always better when it is home made. I would go and find every single part for a '88 Jaguar and rebuild it from the top down for her. I would do everything I could in my power to get her what she wanted. If I couldn't get her the car, I would deposit every bit of money into her retirement account so that she could finally retire with enough money to not have to worry. I believe that is the best gift I could give her right now, to get her out of working with a good retirement fund. Unfortunately, I can only afford a little thing. I made her a purse and wallet. I hope she likes it, Love you Mom!
2012-05-12 09:24:15 UTC
I would buy my mother life because she passed away almost 10 years ago. No matter what kind of relationship we have with our mother, all our mothers gave us the greatest gift one person can ever give to another - they gave us life. So I would want to return the favor. Most of us do not, or did not, for whatever reason, appreciate our mothers enough when they are living. Don't have regrets. Appreciate your mother now. And it is not stuff that matters to them - it is love and time and attention and being there to talk or just go for coffee.
2012-05-11 21:21:07 UTC
I hope I could have bought some "time" for my mother. She is very busy these days. But that isn't just a possibility no matter how much money do I have.

Very soon will be my sister's marriage, and I am from India. So my mother still has to do a lot of shopping. I would get everything done for her if I get unlimited, or just a lot of money.

Happy mothers Day.
2012-05-13 20:23:39 UTC
My mom is one of those people who give more than they receives, and always does what she believes is right and benefits others before herself. She is absolutely inspiring and amazing. If money was no issue, first I would arrange for her to meet and talk with Elton John, who she loves. And any other person she would like for that matter.I would pay off her student loans, mortgage, medical bills, and any other bills (including my sisters student loans that my mom helps pay for). Then pay for all the house projects she wants to get done. Buy a small coffee place for her (she has always dreamed of retiring and owning a tiny coffee house). As well as a retirement home, because she also has always wanted to help elders and open one that really takes care of them and is enjoyable for them. Then help everyone she loves have enough money for them to feel secured and not worry about money, because like I said, she's cares about others before herself and others happiness makes her happy. I would pay for a vacation to anywhere in the world for as long as she would like. Then I would ask her what would make her happiest and if money could buy it. I'm not 100% sure what exactly what she would respond with but I'm sure she would say she is already happy.
2012-05-13 12:49:38 UTC
I would send my mother and father on a trip across Europe! Land in Ireland, drive to England, through the Chunnel, drive to the Netherlands, stop in Belgium and France, go to Tuscany, North to Germany, and north through the Baltic nations to St. Petersburg. All the while in a very expensive rental car, 5 star hotels, everything fit for royalty. My mother has always wanted to see Europe, they both deserve it! They are the best parents a son could have!
2012-05-13 09:34:19 UTC
I would buy my mother a big farm house.

The reason why I would buy her one is because she has never really had a place to call home. Ever since I could remember, we have always been moving place to place because of my fathers constant job changes and has never really stayed in one place long enough to call it "home."

My mom is the "Top Mom" . We have a big family and one more on the way and she does everything. (With the help of the older kids of course )

She cooks, cleans, does laundry, home schools, makes meal, goes shopping, and helps keep everything on track. She's our family's rock. We don't know what we would do without her.

With our big family and small house, it makes it allot harder for her. So a big farm house would be perfect for her. Not to mention I think owning a house would mean allot to her because she could finally call it home for once and she wouldn't have to have the stress of worrying about paying rent all the time or having to pack up and move again.
2012-05-12 21:24:00 UTC
i'd make her something myself ... tend to her needs for the entire day , cook for her and just show her how much she means for me .... why? Because if money weren't an issue i could buy her fancy stuff any time , but those don't really show affection, they're just so that people can't say you forgot about her .

What is indeed of value is the effort , feelings and passion you put into giving her a memorable mother's day
2012-05-12 04:39:21 UTC
Hmm, lets think, First of all, I would give her a little card with plane tickets and accommodation for her and my father to go away for a weekend, I would probably send them to Hanmer Springs because that was a favorite family holiday spot until we moved too far away. I would organize baby-sitting for my younger sisters and brother. While they were gone, I would do up the garden for her since I know she likes a pretty garden, (wouldn't anyone) but we never have time or money to plant it out. Why?

Do I have to explain? she Is my mother and she has done everything for me and she has taught me about God and she taught me I am worth something and brought me up well. I hope I can one day be a good mother to my children like she has always been to me. I love you Mum!

Now that I think about it I would also finish writing my first book and have it published so she can be extra proud of me, Oh! I realized I can write a book with the resources I already have so I should work on it now.
2012-05-13 19:15:24 UTC
I would give her everything she wants. She has always wanted to move to British Columbia, to a beautiful big home with a big stables for our horses. My mother also always wanted an RV to go traveling in. She wants to visit different countries and see what they are like, if we really had the money I would buy her a bunch of tickets for her to go everywhere she wanted to go.

I love my mother so much with all of my heart. She has been there for me with everything, through the thick and thin. She tries to be there for me when I'm upset, but sometimes I push her away. The best thing is, she keeps strong and stays with me. I love her so much and I regret ever being rude to her.
2012-05-13 14:42:02 UTC
Everyone knows their mother best, but I'd say most of the mothers' fulfillment of a lifetime dream is the same:

To see their children become happy, healthy, and successful in life and to know they are loved by them. Nothing worthy the money can make her happier compared to this. So what I'd do (and try to do every moment I get the chance) is I would cuddle her, kiss her, tell her how much I love her and how lucky I am to have her as a mother. I'd take her to walk with me by the sea, let her smell the beautiful air filled with joy and spring in this time of the year which is her favorite. And I would treat her to a nice dinner by the sea at the sunset so that she could see the Mediterranean Sea and all its beauty revealed while the sun is disappearing at the horizon. And a modest bouquet of flowers...

I know she'd be the happiest mother alive.
Karen J
2012-05-13 10:07:32 UTC
My mother loved to travel. I would give her a worldwide year-long vacation, no holds barred. It would include the fanciest resorts, the most interesting sight-seeing junkets, and a few quiet fishing holes. It would also include World Series tickets. She had a hard life, and I would like to fill her life with no-pressure fun. But all the money in the world can't buy her that, because she passed away 37 years ago. Miss you, mom!
2012-05-12 21:42:05 UTC
My mother's hobby is to put together puzzles and then frame them. She loves it so much. To start I would buy her the largest and hardest puzzle in the world. We saw it once, but she decided not to get it. I would also pay to have it framed. Her dream, is to have all of her puzzles displayed in a museum as an art exhibit, but she's convinced that, if it does happen, it will be only after she's dead. I want to make that it happens, while she's alive. I will try as hard as I can, it would just be a lot easier with money on my side.
Ro Lynn
2012-05-12 21:07:07 UTC
I would buy my mother a home that she could be comfortable and safe in. She has Dementia and is still cognizant of who her children are but can't remember where we live. She knows she is slipping and wishes she would completely forget instead of pieces of memory slowing slipping away. I would furnish her home as it was in the era that she remembers the most- the 50's. I would line all the walls in a photographic chronology of her families progression. She would never be alone at night, she would never find herself with strangers and in a nursing home, she would be forever with one of her many daughters on a new adventure exploring beaches, parks, and monuments within in the United States. And she would have the best team of doctors all making sure she leaves us happy and content that she had seen it all....
2012-05-12 13:07:07 UTC
My mom is at that point where she doesn't want, nor does she need (her house is already pretty cluttered) any THING. Especially bought--she'd rather we spend our money on our own lives. What my mom appreciates most is just people remembering her, taking the time to call and visit, take her out somewhere pleasant--not expensive, just very pretty and nice where she would not otherwise get to since she no longer drives. She tires easily so nothing that will take hours and hours to do, just dash in, have a nice couple of hours, nothing really gourmet or fancy. A picnic is nice on nice days but she can't sit on the ground so she needs a chair. She just likes simplicity and family around.
2012-05-12 11:13:19 UTC
I would buy her a bigger house where she can be happy because our house is really small and we own a chinese-take-out where there are horrible people surrounding us. I feel bad that her hard work doesn't add up to much of anything because I don't get good grades usually and since I'm heading towards High School,she and my dad will need to work harder. All I want is for her to have a better life. That would be the best gift of all to her.
2012-05-12 07:27:31 UTC
My mother has always been an avid fan of British crime-mystery authors, especially Agatha Christie and her dream has always been to live in a little cottage in England just like the one's that are settings to Christie's stories. So when I grow up, my dream is to be wealthy enough just to buy my mother her little cozy cottage with sheep in the English countryside. Also, she want's an owl, but I'm not sure if that's legal or not over in the UK. That is what I would get my wonderful mother for Mother's Day, and she deserves it for being such a great mother!!
2012-05-12 19:53:14 UTC
I would by my mom a new car, an exclusive large house w/ backyard and all the inscense, songs, and items she loves. I would get her anything she desired I would by her the world, if I could. She deserves everything on this planet for all of her hardwork and faith in ourselves and herself. She is a single mother with 6 kids and 3 of those being under the age of four, she is a full-time mom, and a full-time blessing. I love you mom :)

Happy Mothers Day to all. <3
2012-05-12 05:02:37 UTC
I would buy her a house, just like she always talked about. I would let her design it however she wanted. Big bay windows, vaulted ceilings, a HUGE kitchen. She loves to cook and entertain people in her home. I would also open a restaurant for her, so she wouldn't have to really WORK anymore. She has always loved my sister and I, and when I am able to do this all for her I know she will feel like a weight has been lifted. I would also donate some money in her name to cancer research because both of her parents died of cancer and I know we all miss them everyday. My mom is truly the best mother and grandmother anyone could wish for. I love you mama!
2012-05-15 04:01:58 UTC
A luxury flat in Brighton. She's always loved brighton and visits regularly with her partner. They've spoken about buying a little flat by the seafront there if they ever win the lottery. Then they can visit whenever they like on the spur of the moment without worrying about booking a B&B or hotel... and eventually they'd like to retire there :)
Jessica W
2012-05-14 07:18:05 UTC
I would buy her a house of her own and her own transportation, and have her own bank account. My mother is married to a man who is not very nice to her, and he is in control of all the money and cars. I would set it up so she could be independent and as far away from him as possible. She loves the New England area. She has been traveling back and forth up there for years. So I would buy her a nice conservative house near the beach, where she could have her own garden and enough rooms where my husband and I could send her grandchildren, when we need a break, lol!
2012-05-13 16:39:31 UTC
My mother isn't interested in material things, and she is a very caring person. I would help fund and create a new non-profit organization for children in poverty, which is currently what she does for her job. However, the organization is poorly lead and she does not get recognized for her actions enough. She is so stressed out all the time that I would give her enough money to retire, and then she could dedicate her time to working on her organization during her own time, with vacations every now and then. She could make a difference in children's lives while enjoying life and keeping her blood pressure down. I think it sounds like a good deal(:
2012-05-13 03:06:24 UTC
Perfect health! She's the most wonderful perosn i've ever known, and a great mother. She has a massive list of very serious health concerns though..we've almost lost her several times and had even been told there's no she is able to maintain her little bit of health, to come extent, but will never be well again..she suffers each day :( I hate seeing her in pain and if i could, i'd have her health completely restored!
2012-05-13 02:19:38 UTC
I would get her what i would normally get- a bunch of flowers and some jazzles (her favorite chocolate). I would do this even if i had lots of money because we both agree with each other and think other people should know that presents aren't important to show how much you love your mum. Lot's of hugs and support through the the bad things that happen is the most important thing. The best present your mum could get on mothers day is you showing your love for her, i sometimes write poems to show that <3
Magic * Meg
2012-05-12 19:55:29 UTC
I would buy her her own plane, a private cinema, private therapists and carers for my brother (not BUY though, haha, more like, hire), a new car, a cruise around the world, a trip to disneyland, a new house... I would rent the mall all for her for an entire day and buy her all the clothes and shoes and stuff she wants. ANYTHING at all. She deserves everything...the best mom in the world. I can buy her whatever I can and it still would never compare to the sacrifices and love and work that she's done for me.
2012-05-12 19:39:35 UTC
I would buy her a trip to somewhere beautiful that she's always wanted to go to, like Italy or Japan. Or I would just pay off all the bills as a present. Or, I would hire someone to come to our house and fold the socks, so that she would never have to do that again. Or I would magically buy her the best physical therapist ever so that her back could get better.
2012-05-12 16:24:15 UTC
I would buy my mother a new house. She has worked hard for me and my two brothers all through her life but has somehow ended up in a camper trailer in my grandparents back yard. I would also buy her a New truck because she has no car and she hates driving my grandparents trucks because she feels like she is taking too much from them. My mother is a wonderful woman who happened to fall on hard times. It would be the least I could do to give back
2012-05-11 22:04:08 UTC
I absolutely LOVE my mother. She has done various things for me, She has been there EVERY step of the way. Yes, Here and there a tiny argument,but no matter what, I love her. Think about it, all the things mothers do, Give you shelter, food, clothing, toys, care, and the best two things, LOVE and a LIFE. (And so much more) :) I dont know what I could of done if i did not have my encouraging, caring mother with me. I appreciate her so much, and she will be with me always. :)

If money wasnt an issue, I would give her everything she has wished for but never got to experience,She deserves it. If it cost me all the money i won, it wouldnt matter, It would be a gift in return for everything she has done for our family.

Happy Early Mothers Day!
2012-05-11 19:34:49 UTC
I would buy my mother a professional sewing machine. Some nice clothes, and a holiday.

I think that she is really good and that she works sooooo hard every day and I think that it is our turn to work hard and her turn to rest and holiday. I think that the holiday should be a long one maybe 2 months,to the place of her choice. OR I would help her fulfill her life long dream (what ever it is I don't know). I would want to make it the best time of her life because she deserves it. We are a family of 6 and 4 kids are really hard to control considering 2 of them are babies. She needs a break from us and I would buy her a break from us. She needs to be told to go away and forget about her problems for a while. And when she comes back from her holiday she will be very happy and relaxed. It would be the best mother's day present she could ever have.
2012-05-15 13:05:41 UTC
I would buy ingredients to make my mother another chocolate cake. The reason is because when I was 6 years old I wanted to get my mommy the best bday present ever. She said she loved chocolate cake. So I got up at 5:00 a.m and tried to make the cake. All I did though was put crushed eggs, cake mix, and frosting on a plate. I mixed it around, Then I put candles in it and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Unfortunately the candles melted LOL. So I put more on. She woke up for work at 6:00 a.m. I ran into her bedroom with the chocolate cake. "Here Mommy. I made this for you" She began to cry. She took the plate with my so-called cake out of my hands. She gave me about a 2 minute hug. She said the people at her office asked her why her face was red. She told them. She said they were all touched. Now, every year I make hear a chocolate cake and we remeber that birthday of hers together. She still gets a little emotional and tears up. ;)
2012-05-14 02:57:33 UTC
There's nothing money can buy that would show my mom how much she means to me and i can never repay her for everything she's done for me :) but she's always wanted to have a small house in the mountains in a calm area where she can relax i would build her 1 so she could enjoy it in the summer :) happy mother's day everyone x ^^
2012-05-14 02:24:08 UTC
Since I won the lottery,I decide to buy an overall body check in the most famous hospital for my Mom.

Several years of work inceasingly made her become sick,once I learnt from hospital what kind of problems she suffered,I thus also have got money to pay for the treatment.
2012-05-12 21:22:18 UTC
My mother and I have lost my brother and my father to cancer in less than 3 years, so I would buy my 71 year old mom a trip to outer space. So she can see just a small amount of what my daddy and my brother get to see every single day if you can see the stars a lot closer while you are in heaven.
2012-05-12 12:51:26 UTC
If money wasn't an option, I would buy my mom a house and car for Mother's Day. I'd buy her these things because you can never go wrong with giving someone security--a home of their own and a car (so they won't have to rely on anyone else).
2012-05-12 06:13:24 UTC
If I won the lottery, I would get her a family trip to Vietnam.That was where she was born.She haven't visited there in years.( About 35 years!) Everyday she would write letters,call numbers,and yahoo them(face chat). It makes me sad that we don't have that much money to take her,but I'm working up the money to take her.Happy Mother's Day,Everybody!^_^
2012-05-11 20:40:02 UTC
My mother has always been enamored with New England; I remember, when I was young, she used to read Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau to us, and always used to say if she had enough money, she'd buy a house in Maine.

If I won the lottery, the first thing I'd do would be to buy her that house in Maine, and make her dream come true - she's given so much to my siblings and I, and I feel like if I ever had the oppurtunity, I'd want to do something special like that, for her.
2012-05-14 18:49:03 UTC
Hmm well this is a little tricky because i really don't know what my mom wants.

But if i had the money i would give her all the money because she really deserves it and shes been through alot in her life.I mean she works hard even though she has lupus and cant move at all.

Shes always tired so i would give her the money to make any choice she wants.

`Marina x_x
2012-05-14 07:22:03 UTC
I'd buy her a little house in the Lake District in England, as it is a place she absolutely loves and would like to spend the rest of her life when she has finished raising my sisters and I. It would be a wonderful to see her face if I handed over the deed of sale to her, as she would know that her dream came true and would see that she need not have worried for years about where she was going to go.
2012-05-13 21:59:08 UTC
A car..

My mom's car died a couple years ago and she's a widow on a fixed income. She lent my brother a large sum of money a while back and with that she can't afford to buy a car and with her income can't afford a payment.

She also is the primary babysitter for my other brothers kids and lack of transportation stresses her out on how to get my niece back & forth to school some days.

For now, I let her use my car a lot. I will have her take me to work on days she needs the car for my niece and on days she needs to run errands.
2012-05-13 16:41:12 UTC
If money wasn't an issue I would invest in science to make me a time machine. This way I could go back in time and give my mother all the money she needed to raise me and my siblings. We were very poor, struggling to eat and even pay bills. Sometimes my mom would go days without eating just to feed us the little that she could. Dead beat dad and all she tried her hardest. Now she is sick and I try my hardest to care for her. Sometimes I feel if she had the money to take care of us and herself in the past, she wouldn't be so sick now. But who knows...if we were spoiled children, we probably wouldn't be striving for what we want today.
2012-05-13 15:15:06 UTC
Well, love can't be bought. A think a mother loves nothing more then a simple "I love you", and a hug. But if I could, I would build my mom her dream house, and pay for surgery for her foot. She's always wanted a simple cabin in the woods looking over the mountains. My mom is wonderful....she put up with a lot..I would give her everything, all the money, and I wish I could let her be worry-free.
Angel Girl
2012-05-13 07:40:47 UTC
Probably something she deserves. At times, I haven't treated her very well. I yell at her, and prove her wrong in a harsh way, in which she doesn't deserve. She's going through a hard time, marriage, money, and the house. She deserves something she'll never forget. Probably a vacation to Hawaii (first class on plane), Take her to a spa, do the chores for her, bring her to a nice restaurant, watch a couple nice movies, or in other words, make her happy. I love you Mom! :D
2012-05-13 03:36:32 UTC
My mother liked to visit temples. Temple is a place of peace. We cannot afford on the traveling to visit few temples. If i won the lottery i will use the money on traveling expenses for a couple of temples. Give money to the poor and needy. My mom used to tell me, Happiness and peace comes to those who spreads happiness and peace.
2012-05-13 02:17:14 UTC

She's always spoken of wanting to go to Tahiti. I think she read about it when she was a little girl and she lights up whenever she's talked about it.

Mum has suffered a chronic lack of confidence all her life. She believes that she is stupid but she is very intelligent and insightful. I would pay up front for an Open University course (of her choosing) so that she would realise just how brainy she really is. I wish confidence was something you could buy... I'd save for it now if I could get it for her.

I would take her househunting. She's lived in some proper dives in her time (due to my dad) and I would want to get her out of the council house she's in now so that she feels safe and secure.

I would buy her a typewriter... (she has a pathological hatred of computers) as she has the remarkable gift of storytelling.

I think if I could buy her those things... confidence and security - she'd flourish. I still think she will one day.
2012-05-12 20:08:09 UTC
A nice house in the beautiful countryside somewhere. Also with all the money in the world to redecorate the house the way she wanted. Why? She gave me so much! She literally sacrificed her freedom to take care of us and raise us to be the best we can in the future. She allowed us to realise our potential, and this wouldn't at all even express, even in money. I think for once my mother would want some freedom, when she is at old age, so she can live the life she wanted in peace. She deserves it!
2012-05-12 18:40:23 UTC
If youth were possible to buy, that's what I would get her. I wish she was still energetic and able to keep up with a teen like me! I'm a handful for her!

She always tells me I don't need to get her anything because I'm the best gift she's ever had but I know deep down she likes getting gifts.

I love my mommy no matter how much of my teen attitude I give her. <3
2012-05-12 14:02:25 UTC
I would send her to a library every day. No i wont buy her one I will send her. She doesn't like attention and she does not like gifts, but in the end give her a place to relive her past and she would love you. I adore my mother and i recall her telling us that she was poor and that she never had money for books, But fortunately for her there was her neighbor who adorned books. He had children who despite all his efforts to make them encouraged enough to read, they would not, but my mother would go ahead and ask her neighbor if she could have one book to read. She told me she doesn't like borrowing stuff or let people have anything on her as if she owes them one, so she would love reading so much to the extent that she would read every book and take it back to her neighbor on the same day every day until she became our mother and didn't have time.

Off topic from my mother but sometime not long ago my teacher told us of her mother and how she used to love reading. We got into the topic by explaining how reading was the entertainment of the past and not television. When my teachers mother
proud mommy
2012-05-12 13:20:40 UTC
Well I was abused as a child by my mother so, this is kinda hard for me to answer, but if I had an awesome mom like you guys seem to have. I would sit down and talk to her and ask what she ever wanted in her life or what her dreams were and I would tell here I would like to make them dreams come true as long as money can pay for it. And roses and chocolates of course!!! :) And why? Well a good mother cleans cooks cares for you all your life even as an adult. Every GOOD mother deserves their dream to come true. That's why. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOMS! :)
2012-05-14 08:05:09 UTC
As a grown woman myself, and having found some happiness in my life, the thing I would wish for my mother is not anything that can be purchased with money.

My mother died not realizing that she was able to choose for herself what pleased her. She lived her life for the church and my father and for the needs of her children.

That level of codependence is so soul sucking!

So what I would give her, if she were available to receive it, is the secret to happiness- a healthy dose of personal responsibility and selfishness. After one realizes this, there is nothing that is needed that can't be solved without money.

Thanks for asking.
2012-05-13 23:35:04 UTC
I would buy my mother a first-class trip around the world. My mother has always dreamed of travelling the world. But she never had enough money to. My mother deserves to have a reward! She is special to me and has constantly supported me through life. I love you mum!
2012-05-13 22:29:38 UTC
I would send her to a tiny town in Germany called Furth im Wald. That is where she grew up and that's where my other relatives (on her side of the family) live. She hasn't been back since she came here, to the United States which was over 20 years ago. Not only would it be for her, but also for my Oma and Tante.
2012-05-12 14:27:07 UTC
I would buy her a house in Alpine, CA. Its been her dream since forever to leave the desert climate, the burning sun, and the extreme temperature in summer on which we currently live. When we visit that Alpine she said that she wished one day to live there because of the peacefulness and the fresh air.

She truly deserves that, and just for the small detail that I adore her with my whole heart, I would buy her a brand new car and let her drive it out of the agency just for the heck of it. She's said once that when she bought a brand new car, she would honk on her way out and yell, "Bitches, I do not owe this car!"

I want to let her yell that as she cruises happily to her brand new home (:
2012-05-12 14:07:12 UTC
If money was not an issue, i would buy her love.

Why? Because love is irreplaceable. it fills in the hole of loneliness, which i'm pretty sure no one wants to be a lonely soul. Love mends the broken hearts and takes away all worry into the wind. I would buy my mother an endless supply of love.
2012-05-11 23:23:10 UTC
Mother love is unconditional they won't ask from us to give them anything, they just want to see us happy thats their biggest present but if i have enough money i will give it to all those mothers in world who are financially poor and can't keep their life their children happy and healthy, thats what i seriously want to do and my mother will be the happiest person in world that her son has given her such a big present that no one can give

Thankyou Y answers! For asking such a wonderful question and let me express my feelings
2012-05-11 18:07:15 UTC
I would bring my mother to Guatemala, where she was born and grew up. My mom hasn't been to Guatemala since she was 8. She loves and misses the island and has been wanting to visit again. Also, we have 90% of our family living in Guatemala. Having a family reunion would not only satisfy her, but also re-live her memories from her childhood and reminisce during this vacation. Our visit would also include spending some quality mother-daughter time, which we have been needing. I think i deserve to win the lottery, so i can bring my mom to Guatemala and go on an educational and entertaining trip with my mom.
2012-05-14 12:38:11 UTC
if you are so rich that money is not the problem then for my mother also there will not be so if important of any expensive thing but there is always importance of love and the time you spent with your mother.

So even i will became the richest person in the world, I will give time to my mother and i will take care of her personally (means not through servants ) as much as possible.
2012-05-14 13:51:41 UTC
A collection of her favorite books or a collection of Louis de Funes. Because she loves to read and she loves this guy's movies, they are hilarious and they create great family moments so they are good only for her. I don't believe a good gift has to be super expensive, unless it is a trip to somewhere like the north of france, however even that would not be that expensive.
2014-11-09 18:17:27 UTC
Next, I'd give my mother love. My love for her is almost all she needs to stay happy, and as long she knows I love her, hopefully she will live a long, peaceful life.

Afterwards, I'd get her a membership to a spa so she can use the steam rooms daily. She absolutely loves the feeling of stepping out the sweltering steam room.
2012-05-13 15:01:40 UTC
I would give her a comfortable retirement, because teachers here in Texas (which includes both of my parents) are having their pensions repeatedly slashed and threatened due to high-risk public investments going terribly wrong with the market crash.

Most importantly, I would write her a homemade card, because those take time and effort. And since time is money, but money is not an issue, I would not ever be able to hesitate making her such a gift.
2012-05-13 12:46:30 UTC
Why is it that we all celeberate mother's day.Why don't we make every day of our life a mother day.

Our parents spent and abondoned their future for our future.Why dont we celebrate mother and father day every day.We think that by doing this on just one day of a year, we can return all of their favours?. You don't need to buy anything to see smile on your mother's face.You can make her happy just by spending some of your time with her. If you don't even sometimes understand what they say, then it does not matter what they say ;what really matters is that you are with them.They need your attention just like you needed them when you were a child. Give them some of your precious time THIS IS BEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE TO YOUR PARENTS.
2012-05-13 07:13:16 UTC
If money was no issue, I'd buy my mom her dream house. Right now we live in a rented house and every time we look to buy a house, It doesn't have enough rooms, It's too expensive, It's too small, It's blah blah blah....

I just wish I could do this, because my mom is the best mom ever!
2012-05-13 05:09:32 UTC
24 hours with my dad!

He died 4 years ago - their love was the sort of thing fairy tales are written about, true soul mates - a love and respect for another being that most of us can only dream of finding.

So.. if money (and reality) were not an issue - I would give them one more day ..NO, one day would not be long enough - but to just see them together, to see how happy they were just in each other's company would be a gift not only for them but also for me!
2012-05-13 02:43:49 UTC
I would pay off her debt, buy her a nice house on some nice island maby and get allot of stuff, but as i and her care about others most of the money i would use to help people in need, and i would start a non profit company to continue giving
2012-05-12 19:29:58 UTC
Several things - a security system, a housekeeper, a groundskeeper/handyman, a home health professional (she is a caregiver for a family member), and a trip to Hawaii. The reason is this - the first 4 would be to make her life easier & they are services I am unable to provide myself and the trip because she had always wanted to go there.
2012-05-12 18:54:56 UTC
I wouldn't buy my mother anything. My mom thinks that money isn't the key to happiness. I would just spend the day with her, telling her how thankful I am of all she did for me.
2012-05-12 16:47:25 UTC
Who cares about money?

Love is priceless and it really comes from your heart. Love can be the best thing a mother could ask for. But I would also give her a beautiful rose.

This would really warm up a mother's heart.
2012-05-12 06:49:28 UTC
Money is nice and all and can give you a nice sense of security but the best mother's day a mom can have is to have her family around her with all the love and support that makes it all worth it.
2012-05-13 20:43:14 UTC
A cure for her disease;

Or if that was not possible, 1 day of being free from Alzheimer's...where she was her normal, healthy self and could enjoy the sweetness of life with no worries.

Or, round the clock personal care (24-7), to augment the care she has now, just to make everything a little easier on her.

Maria Frias
2012-05-13 14:01:22 UTC
It would be her dream to go to Europe and tour many of the countries. She's been wanting to do that as a little girl, but we've never had enough money to actually pull one of the tours off. She's been working her entire life and this would be a great way to show her my appreciation for that.If money was not an Issue this is what I'd do.
2012-05-13 08:29:44 UTC
I would fracture my ma’s leg just so she could get a day-off from her work. Even though she owns the industries and organizations she never slips a day, just so she could provide us what we want and spend the whole day with her while I wheel her in her wheelchair.


The easy way I will kidnap her in a rented microbus(Cliché, I know) and take her to the top of the Empire State Building and have a date with her. :D not romantic, she is my best friend.
Punch The SUN!
2012-05-12 17:14:00 UTC
Yes it does. Money is always the issue.

But, if I do win.. i'll give the lottery to my mother.
2012-05-12 16:45:04 UTC
I would do so many things for my mother.

First, I would send her on a European vacation for a month. I would also buy her tickets for a Liza Minnelli concert (she's her favorite singer!). I would also buy her a nice fruit basket and a lot of sweets.

My mom does so much for me and this would only be a small way to say thanks.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
2012-05-12 16:05:05 UTC
Well I could cook, a little. At least I could make her her favorite soup. And I love writing poetry and singing a song. I'll make some kind of surprise for her and give her a card that says 'Don't Forget Me' and probably smash a leftover cake at her for extra gift. Then I'll take a photo... I'll just gave her a virtual cake and a poem. :) But the cooking is good.
2012-05-14 09:34:27 UTC
I would buy my mother the house she always wanted, because we've always lived in a house that was two bedrooms short of what we needed. I would make sure she had her own bedroom and bathroom, and hopefully that would make her happy and end her depression! I love my mother dearly.
Apple al.
2012-05-13 00:08:34 UTC

Since money isn't an issue,I'm going to use the money for my mother's health.Since she was 30 plus,she was diagnosed hypertension,gout,migraine,asthma,sinus and weight problem.We all went through hard times every time she went for multiple operations.I thought I'll lose her back to few years ago but then no,my father used half of his property to save my mother.

My mother was diagnosed cancer of the uterus (stage 1) on 2007 and the doctor advised her to remove everything and caused her stop having period at the 40+.This year,she went to her doctor and thank God,she's okay.

I gave up everything for her and just study and work at my own country so that I'll be close to her.

Today,we are celebrating mother's day and I just got home from Sabah,I can't wait to give her something that she always wanted to have,the Fendi Scarf and 1 set of vintage earrings.It took me almost a year to save the money.

I love you mom,Salbiah Haji Matzini@Mazni who is now at Borneo Island :)
George W
2012-05-12 18:38:20 UTC
I would buy my Mother an unlimited travel ticket plus meals and lodging so she could visit her loved ones whereever they live. I would also give her a blank check to support her favorite charity.

And I would give her a gift of my time, to be with her, do chores for her to make her life easier in her senior years. This would bring her more joy and satisfaction than anything.
2012-05-12 10:13:35 UTC
I would buy a whole garden-ful of rose bushes and hire a landscaper to plant them in my parents' garden. My mother is an avid lover of roses but we just could never afford to buy/plant rose bushes and the landscaping would be really expensive. Now the garden is bare, empty and simply dreary. If it were full of flowers, specifically roses, imagine how my mom would feel everyday coming back home to a beautiful garden, or just looking out the window and see that the flowers are blooming for her. :)
2012-05-13 19:44:22 UTC
I would not buy her again. Instead I will donate the money. I will then work hard and find a good job, so I can pay my mother back using my own means, rather then others.
2012-05-13 15:58:09 UTC
First, I would take my mom on a cruise. I would take her all arounf the WARM places of the world, like hawiaii and jamaca. We would stop and go snorkling in coral reefs, go whale watching, swim with dolphins, and her favorite : relax on the beach.

Then we would go to Kentucky, and go to the Creation Museum. She loves it there. We went a few months ago, and she was SO excited to finally be going, but our car broke down, and our hotel had bed bugs. I felt bad that she was stressed out. She wanted us to have a nice family trip but it was a disaster. So I would take her back to the Museum and we would have a worry-free day. Then we would go to Skyline Chili. She loves their chili. Then we would go to a Bed & Breakfast, somehwere that had a hotub. She loves them. Then we would have a good nights sleep, and in the morning have eggs & sausage for breakfast.

Then we would be of to california, where we would go biking. She loves her bike, and the fresh air, the sun, the nature. Then we would go hiking in Utah, with our dog, Benji.

My mom is a loving mother of 8. Her two step daughters, who she cared for and loved when their mother left them. Us five of her own children, And her 1 baby up in heaven.
2012-05-13 15:11:05 UTC
I would pay full college tuition for her only grandchild, my nephew.

My mother has what she needs (short of perfect health, and there's nothing money can do about that.) My brother on the other hand is struggling in his marriage and finances and will not be able to afford college for his son. It really worries my mother and I'd love to let her know that not only will I continue to care for her but I will give her grandchild the opportunity to find his way in this world with the same advantage that she and my father gave us.
2012-05-13 08:28:20 UTC
My mothers quite simple. She really doesnt like fancy or showy stuff. But My mother loves to garden more than anything so i would buy her tons of flowers any kind she wanted and the other things to help her plant along with more property to plant because i swear shes never happier than she is gardening. it may not cost that much money to garden but i know she would love it:)
2012-05-12 23:49:46 UTC
Me? i would hire a team of private investigators to find a perfect school district for me and my brother since thats whats on her goal list for herself: to give us (her children) the best and most proper education one could find. She`d want the area to be near the beach and close to yoga studios. one of the other things on her list (just like, 5 things) is a house that the whole family could come to in their most desperate time of need in the exact same spot, forever. I would buy her a HUGE house, big garden, lots of guest rooms (family/relatives are very important) on a cliff overlooking the beach. She`d have everything she ever wanted, a loving, caring family, a future for her children and a home of her own. It may seem like a silly wish for others who said 'a dozen flowers, every day for the rest of her life' or 'id ask her what she wanted most-she knows best'. but i really think a stable home would do her good right now, a project to take her mind off of all the things going on in her hectic life.
2012-05-12 18:31:25 UTC
I would pay for my mom to take a trip to Washington state.

Answer: My mom was born and raised in Washington, she now lives acrost the country. She has not been back there since 1979. I can't afford to send her, but that would be the best gift, because she would love to visit her birthplace again.
2012-05-12 14:05:03 UTC
I would buy my mom a nice house. We used to be a really great family, and we used to live in this really cute house. But after alcoholism tore our family apart, we were forced to sell and move into an apartment. We're not the same family that we used to be, especially now that our dad is MIA. I believe that a house would bring us a little closer to the us of the past, and it would make us all really happy.
2012-05-12 06:34:21 UTC
That's a tough question. I love my mother with all my heart and I'd buy her the world if I could. She's been there for me through thick and thin. There is nobody else who could replace her. She's always been there to make me soup when I'm sick and scare away all the monters under my bed

To be honest, all the money in the world wouldn't be enough to repay her for what she's done for me in my life. I love my mom and the only way to repay is by trying to love her as much as shes loved me.
2012-05-14 09:18:07 UTC
I would buy her a new 2-story house...with a wide backyard, beautiful garden, pool and spa...with it's own personal caretaker and/or butler and high tech security system with her own body guards.. My mom deserves the best because she does so much! But hey! That's a lot of mothers :)
2012-05-14 06:16:56 UTC
I would buy my mom a new car, pay off all the bills she has and finally send her on a trip to Australia. My mom has done so much for so many people and she deserves the best. She took care of my dad he got sick and was the best caregiver anyone could ever ask for.
2012-05-13 13:39:53 UTC
I would buy my mom everything she has always wanted. I would buy her an unlimited pass to a spa, a new car, and I would pay off all her bills. I would buy her a plane ticket to Hawaii and everywhere she wanted. I would buy her a new house. I would buy her a retirement plan and she could drop out of work early. We could travel the world together. My mom deserves the best because she is the best. I love her dearly.
2012-05-12 22:24:59 UTC
I would buy my mother everything she wanted, she has helped my family through such hard times that a little money would be useful. Most of all, I would save the money for her, so she could do anything as she wishes. It would be hers to have for her to use. She deserves that much at least. I wish I really could do that for her you know? It seems so unfair she has to be worried about money all the time just because my dad controls everything.
2012-05-12 15:59:15 UTC
Probably liposuction and a nice long vacation to somewhere nice with my father. Liposuction because she is so constantly worried about her weight, and because of this, she doesn't eat properly. She's always putting herself down. I really just want her to eat normally. The vacation with my dad is because she loves him a lot, but she has lived separately from him for most of their marriage. Some of it was kind of my father's own fault, but other reasons are because she wants me to get a good education, so she doesn't want to move in with my father yet. Perhaps if she has a nice vacation she won't worry so much and just be happy.
Håvard Vincent
2012-05-12 14:45:02 UTC
I would start an organization that helped people in Africa getting better life's by building good homes for them. The organization should be named after my mother, because I want to make her proud of me not thinking of myself and what we could do with the money. Anything to make my mother proud !
2012-05-11 19:50:28 UTC
I'd buy my mom a getaway, and a cruise trip. My mom has MS in her bones and she is in pain everyday. I feel so bad for her. She can barley do anything anymore. She used to be the best mom anyone could ask for and she still is. She just can't do the things that she once used to do. My mom would always volunteer at my school and help out with almost everything. Now she can no longer do that with my younger sister. My little sister has not experienced half of the things I have with my mom. Things like, going to the park, her helping out at school, going on field trips, waking up with mom in the morning, her making us breakfast, her tucking us in at nights. Those are the things that a little girl needs, like my little sister, and unfortunately my mom can not provide that for her. My mom stresses about these thing so much and she never relaxes. Even though she knows that she can not do a lot, she tries her hardest and I see how much she struggles everyday. I just wish she could feel at ease :(
2012-05-14 04:31:11 UTC
Muslims believe because Prophet Mohammad SWS has hold that The Paradise, It easy to get if respect gratefully secure by custodian of mother and thankful to her because she borne him/her since a drop of water and she had observed negligible pains to till the harder labour pain. 9x30=270 days she ignore each and every pain and she borne it by smile with a hope on her child that he/she will love her, with her child she would expect or hopes that she never ever disregards in any time or in any circumstances. She expect no other than love. Either The mother of human being or any creature of world, Gems/Insect to elephant. "Mother" SHE KNOWN AS SYMBOL OF LOVE with priceless. MOTHER IS GREAT..! not mother-day it should be celebrate each and every movement of our life because of by our mother.
2012-05-13 21:57:09 UTC
If money wasn't an issue I'd take my mom to the fanciest car lot in town and buy her a brand new car of her choice.

Why? Why not?! You can't really beat giving someone a brand new car.
Calamity Jane
2012-05-13 19:31:29 UTC
I would buy my mother the dream of her move to Branson, MO and dress like in the old days. She said that would be the most fun she could ever have and to start an old time general store. She would love that!
2012-05-12 20:18:02 UTC
I would buy my mom, Natalie, an airplane ticket to Ukraine. Her mother lives there. They both miss each other tremendously and her mom is going through a tough situation. My mom's dad recently got fired and now they are both unemployed. My mom hasn't seen her parents for over 13 years. Her father is also becoming very sick. I would love for her to see him one more time. It would mean so much to her. I would like my mom to see the place she grew up in, including the house she grew up in. If my mom went to Ukraine, it would also be a present for her mom. Natalie would take the money from the lottery and take her father to the hospital for treatment, since he cannot afford it. She could also lend them enough money to open up a business there, since it is easy to accomplish. My grandparents built their own house when they could afford it, so opening a business would be easy for them. It would be the greatest Mother's Day present.
2012-05-12 03:38:16 UTC
I would buy her a life annuity which would give her a very fat amount of cash monthly so she will have the financial security she deserves.

My mother has few dreams. I would get a caretaker for my brother who has Cerebral Palsy so she would not have to take care of him since she is getting weak while my brother is still getting stronger..

I will ask her where she wants to travel, and give her the vacation that she deserves.

Why? You should not ask why, Yahoo! It is simply because I love her! We don't need a reason!
2012-05-13 15:32:35 UTC
I would pay off her house, buy a block of land and tell her to design and build her dream home. I would also send her off a a really nice holiday and tell her to buy a whole new wardrobe. :)

Why? Because she has had it rough and puts up with a lot of rubbish. She always does so much for everyone else and nothing for her. She deserves the best!!
2012-05-13 06:56:20 UTC
If I could I would buy my mum everything she ever desired. I love her so much. But this year, instead of buying loads of things she wouldn't use, I just bought her this delicious vanilla smelling candle. I also made her a little book, and on each page it would say what I love about her, on the back I wrote a poem :)
2012-05-12 06:29:53 UTC
first of all thing you must give her your love i mean your true love after that there many thing you can give her

• A nice card, a bunch of flowers (whatever you can afford)

• The most precious gift of all is giving the full day of your attention to her. Go out for a nice lunch or special dinner and just have fun!

• flowers

• nice, relaxing day at home

• a homemade gift

• cookies

• shopping

• respect

• scented candles

• gift certificate for a day at a spa

• I am going to cook all her favorite dishes for dinner on Mother's Day and I'm giving her a DIY custom-jewelry pearl necklace and matching earrings to match her new clothes she just bought. And my kids (5 & 7) are going to play her a piano piece each; they have been secretly practicing for a few months now.

• If you are gifted in crafts give a gift like pottery, painting or knitting.

• Go to your local gift store and get some custom-made gifts with her name on it.

• Write her a poem, sing her a song or take her for a short trip: fly out of town or go on a cruise.

• The bottom line is that a Mother's Day gift does not need to be expensive; a gift from your heart will do. Nine times out of ten, a thoughtful card will be enough to make her smile. Anything homemade is a relative winner: cards, gifts, anything you put together yourself will add a thoughtfulness to the gift that she will appreciate.

• If your mother is not partial to arts and crafts, there are plenty of other options. Save the jewelry for the husband/dad. If you do not know your mother's tastes that well and are not sure what she likes, ask her friends, coworkers, or significant other, as she has probably mentioned many things she is fond of over the course of many conversations with them.

• A note on material things: Mothers are not like fathers, so do not think of a gift your dad/father figure might like and get that version "in pink." That is a cop-out. Instead, watch your mother's every day behavior and see if there is anything she might find useful, like a shuffle if she likes to work out, a fancy ballpoint pen (name engraved optional) if she writes.

• If all else fails, most mothers love family, so a family photo album or scrapbook or anything to remind her of her family and the love and care she gets will be an automatic winner. And you can make the gift-giving part interesting as well: maybe send her on a treasure hunt around the house; or have her answer some trivia related to family members or herself.

• Try to discreetly discover something she'd like rather than something you'd like to buy her. Ignore advertisements. If you've lived with her your whole life, you might have somewhat of an idea of the things she likes. It doesn't have to cost a lot; chocolates or a good bottle of wine or a book by a favorite author might be good, or even a subscription to a magazine you know she reads sometimes. A DVD or CD that you know she'd enjoy is always okay. If you have little money, why not make a huge, colorful card with lots of sentimental and loving comments, complete with glitter?

• Kitchen appliances and cleaning implements are not recommended; neither are fluffy slippers unless she's indicated she'd really like a pair.

• She's probably dropping hints. Listen hard. Ask her friends, but be careful they're not recommending gifts they'd like.

• A night out at a good restaurant is always great, especially if you can manage to have flowers delivered to your table; this is the kind of personal attention everyone loves.

• Those ideas are quite good but bake a cake, take her out, buy her a giant glittery card and tulips. put your feet in her shoes.

• Get your Mom something she will like: DVD's; makeup; a bag of toiletries. Or treat her to: a night out with "the girls; a visit to a spa; a massage. Another idea is to bake her a cake.
2012-05-14 06:45:20 UTC
Your mother's expectation is not any material present from you, only your love and recognize her love and good job. But, if you have money, buy for her something that she is going to feel safe for her life like home, medical insurance, or invest your money in something that she is going to have some money every months for all her life. Hug her....
Morning Wood
2012-05-13 22:59:33 UTC
I would Buy A Restaurant My mom likes to cook. And she really knows how to Handle the familys finances. I have no doubt it wouldn't Make everyone in the family happy
2012-05-13 21:00:24 UTC
i would give her half of the money i won from the lottery , why because she the one that made me and brought me to this world i know how hard is to raise a child also remember how she always buy me stuff from her sweating money from work. !! she carry me so she could have whatever !!
2012-05-13 12:33:42 UTC
A 1980 Ford Red Mustang. Her first car
2012-05-13 09:33:36 UTC
Something that money can't buy, love , love you for taking care of me , love you for letting me be born,love you always being there in the past for support, love you for years of listening and giving advice, happy mother's day ,mom!
2012-05-13 08:33:06 UTC
Theres nothing that can compare to priceless love that she has given me and my sibling, but if i had to, then ill give here a restaurant in which she would be served food like she served us all the time. Happy Mothers Day!
2012-05-13 02:28:42 UTC
I would pay off her house. Then I would Pay off her car. Then I would pay all of her bills as far in advanced as is allowed. First though I would buy a trust for her old age. I would hire a maid and a nanny so she can enjoy my young siblings but have someone else change diapers Thten I'd get her a breast lift, not implants. She has been struggling for too long and now she is divorced
2012-05-12 21:59:48 UTC
I doubt my mom would want anything of value because she always says that money isn't important to her (Don't get me wrong, we are in good financial standing) But she says, she is just thankful for all of us to be in great health and that's all that matters, as long as we love each other. But if I did have lot's of money I would probably send my mom back to Ireland since she was born there and hasn't been back there for about 20 years. Yeah I really think she would love that :)

Just a Cat
2012-05-12 09:03:35 UTC
A Holiday Home

because we live in England and the weather is rubbish. She loves sunny days and occasionally we go to Menorca for a week or two. She loves those holidays and always asks if we can stay longer! So i would buy her a holiday home so she can stay as long as she likes!
Trinity W
2012-05-12 06:26:47 UTC
1. Ask your dad 2. Give her a check for $100,000 and let her pick 3. Buy her a condo on the beach completely furnished and a new car 4. Get her and her husband a passport and buy them trips all over the world Ex. Once a month they get to go somewhere they choose
2012-05-12 02:45:58 UTC
First, I would take my mom on a shopping spree. My whole life, my mom has been trying her best as a single mother to take care of my needs and wants, so I would definitely do the same for her if I had the chance. Then I would pay off her debts & bills (duh). Then I would take her to a nice seaside restaurant (my mom loves seafood + the view would be nice). &Then I would pay for a personal concert from Chris Brown (she always turns up his songs in the car).
2012-05-12 01:36:13 UTC
I would give her the best week she's ever had. I would take her out of the house, to a good spa, because she has a lot of back problems, and always says she wishes she could afford a massage. She's been working a lot, and has been taking care of us her entire life, it's about time we took care of her. Once this was done, I would give her and my dad tickets to Spain, as they have never been abroad, and then tickets to England so they could visit my sister. In the meantime, I would take care of the house, would paint it, clean it and decorate it so that there would be a nice surprise for both of them once they got back.
2012-05-11 23:05:01 UTC
She has always wanted to own a restaurant and serve her favorite Taiwanese dishes. It's pretty rare to find a good Taiwanese restaurant in most places, and she would do an awesome job. Tea eggs, braised pork stew, congee with yams, cabbage sauteed with salted turnips, and fresh made pineapple filled finger cakes would be some of my favorite menu items.

Happy Mother's day weekend!
2012-05-11 21:08:46 UTC
I would get my mother a new car. The one she has is almost 35 years old and the wheels are about to fall off. The passenger door doesn't open, it is forever having to be welded together on an almost daily basis, and she does a lot for me because I have poor eyesight and can't drive. She is on a limited budget and would never be able to afford it. But tomorrow we will put another bandaid on it, or a paper clip somewhere and go for another day.
2012-05-11 19:53:06 UTC
Well coincidentally, as a gift I'd like to make it so that money wasn't an issue for her. I'd want her to be able to pay off all her bills and finally be stress free allowing her to have some time for herself.

God knows she is going crazy but I don't blame her, she does have two teenage daughters (me being one of them.)

We haven't been as close as we once were for a while now but I know she wants nothing more than to relax and know my sister and I are happy and doing well. In reality money is an issue but luckily the fact is my mom isn't into material gifts. She's always been selfless and the least I can do is make her feel appreciated, which requires no money.
2012-05-13 16:27:59 UTC
I would "buy" all of my mothers debt. Why? Because she is an incredible mother of 6 children, who worked hard her whole life, and struggled even more. I would love for the rest of her years to go worry-free of financial hardship.
2012-05-13 16:21:47 UTC
i would not buy her anything ..... just a warm tight hug and kiss on her cheek and wish her "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM" will be enough and nothing expresses the love and care better than this .... and as a mother she doesn't expect any gifts . She is the giver of life to us ... we cannot satisfy her with mere gifts... but we can through love ...
2012-05-14 08:07:40 UTC
If I won the lottery I'd be sure to give her the biggest share because she is more deserving and she would use it more wisely than me or anyone else I know.
2012-05-14 00:34:22 UTC
I want to go traveling around the world with my mother because she has nearly spent all of her time working hard. I hope that she could take a good rest and heve a good time from now on.
2012-05-13 10:37:41 UTC
A plane flight and appointment with a leading specialist in her particular medical problem. She is in constant pain and although she lives life like a champ and tries to find joy in the little things, I would love for her to experience a better quality of life.
Paul D.
2012-05-12 09:49:51 UTC
Her first car was a 1967 Camaro so I would get her a fully restored 67 Camaro so she can feel like she was 19 again. I wouldn't let my Dad sell it to buy a 1969 Mustang, like he did with the last one.
2012-05-12 08:08:58 UTC
If I could get my mother anything in this world for mothers day I would build her a house! My parents look at houses every weekend but haven't bought anything since our house, 20 years ago. partly because they couldn't afford it but partly because my mother always wanted to build her own house with everything she wanted. Me and my dad have made designs a few times and my mother always gets what she wants and they think about it for a few days then they figure they can't afford it. I've always been interested in architecture and I've made designs myself too. If I really could spend as much as it would cost to build a house where they wanted it thats what I'd give her. It would have giant closets and 6 bathrooms, 6 bedrooms, and cool hidden doors (thats my dads idea). Thank you
2012-05-11 23:51:37 UTC
Bigger house (with team of maids) (why? because she shouldn't have to clean anymore, she deserves to chill ax)

A magical ticket to travel around the world, anywhere she would want to ( ok ok ok so maybe this is my own personal dream, but I'd take her!!)

another magical ticket that would be a lifetime supply of manicures and pedicures at the salon, plus a personal hair stylest and makeup artist (why? you KNOW how long it takes to do your hair and makeup everyday?! it is very tiresome and often tedious)

id like to go to outer space (im into the pretty colors of the galaxies and stuff) but she's afraid of heights so she wouldnt appreciate that very much

Her own chef (so she wouldn't have to cook anymore) and the food would have to be 100% organic and all that natural stuff people like her are into these days

Bullet proof car, most likely a lexus (because a lexus is her fave car and she cant afford it and bullet proof sounds cool ;)

A personal trainer to help her with her work outs (she's pushin' 50 and she likes to stay in shape as much as she can)

a personal masseuse so she can have a nice relaxing massage after her hard workouts.

i would hire a painter to teach her to paint ( she has told me that being a painter would be her dream and she never has the time to do it, not even courses! =( )

she's having a bit of a gum problem, ( no not bubble gum -.- ) and the operation is worth $3,000 so definitely that would help her a lot. plus any additional dental work she would like to get =)

a field of lillies (lillies are her favorite flowers)

I would clone our dead dog, max. (why? well, she loved him to death, probably even more than me..and that dog hated my guts, but the feeling was mutual, he wanted to take my mommy and i wanted my mommy) but i'd get him cloned so she could have him back in her life, i know that just this, would make her crazy happy

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand...umm...well...she has me =D !! so me + all those things i typed would probably make her life even cooler!! =D!!!

seriously guys, these answers are really creative and show i know my mom really well.

2012-05-15 02:21:18 UTC
I would buy my mother a ranch and a whole stable of horses. She had a horse as a child and has always talked about how she wanted to have another one.
,liji yui i
2012-05-13 17:51:30 UTC
After 50 years I would make her dream come true and open a floral/bakery shop in our small town.the sweet home-y smell of flowers and cookies always permeated and accented our house. Just the idea of that store has always put a comforting thought in my wonderful mom's head. She is quite the age to have it as she won't be here much longer..
The Toshokan Kid
2012-05-13 02:26:27 UTC
I'd probably set her up in a nice retirement community that gives her a lot of privacy, yet has full access to all sorts of health care and other care. I'd give my dad a bunch of money on her behalf for all of the support he's given her, despite them being divorced for decades. I'd make sure that this place is convenient for easily walking to shops, entertainment, and other activities. I'd take her on a trip around the world with me, but I'm not sure if she'd accept it. I'd try anyway.
african queen
2012-05-13 00:38:54 UTC
if i had money i would buy my mother a house, so that she can do everything inside, it may not be a big deal to some people but i grew up in a hurt house no plumbing no hot water, so i think my mother will like to take a hot bath inside for a change, and not to worry about going outside to fetch water with a bucket
2012-05-12 20:42:58 UTC
I would buy ger anything she wanted. She deserves it. She put her life on hold not to pursue going to college to be a CNA to have me and now in her 60's she is considering. I know she will excell with flying honors. She may not have had much but what she had she helped me with my twins and for that I love her for more than just a single day to celebrate her day but everyday.
2012-05-12 17:14:55 UTC
I'd surprise her with a sweet natured tech-savvy companion-o-gram to keep her company all year long when I cannot be there and help her Facetime, Yahoo Message and Skype with me. Mom and I live 5 hours apart and those only go so far. Mom has an iphone 4s but needs help using it. She says she needs to hear my voice AND see my face.
2012-05-12 07:52:08 UTC
My mother is in heaven and knows I loved her so much.

I have four children who have money and I am living states away. They are all busy with their lives and I have no place in theirs. If money was no object I'd fly often to see them so my grand babies would know me.

See it isn't about the money your moms don't want the mansion on the hill. They just want to know that they have someone who cares. I'd settle for a peanut butter sandwich and a sloppy wet kiss from a one year old. Instead there is silence . For all your grand wishes for your moms did you at least call her?
2014-10-30 12:02:44 UTC
Finally, I'd give her the renovations for the house she always wanted, but never had. I would buy her a new dining set, replace the hardwood floors, upgrade the kitchen, and get her a nice TempurPedic Ergo (the soft adjustable mattress that can massage you).
2014-06-25 18:10:01 UTC
She's not just raising a baby, she's raising a human being. She has to keep everything about you in check. She cries when you cry, she smiles when you do, and she gets angry and upset when you do not listen to her/confide in her. She fights to keep you alive and she fights to keep herself alive too. Children are emotional/physical/financial/ect drainers/burdens, but mothers love them very much. Your friends might desert you, but your mother won't.
2012-05-14 07:01:31 UTC
A bucatti

a zoo

a lot of ice cream

priceless things

an island in the caribbean
2012-05-13 20:19:07 UTC
I would buy my mom a cruise to india, she loves cruises and she really wants to do a missionary trip over there. And other reaoskn why is so she could get out of the house and stop being everyone's maid and servant
2012-05-13 14:38:20 UTC
A farm in Kentucky.

My mom loathes Las Vegas, because its so hot and there is almost no space for her to garden and make things grow. She has visited Kentucky (Lexington) and Absolutely LOVES the place because it has great soil (She said that lol) and the farms are beautiful. She is all for gardening and going green. She gardens like crazy in the limited space she has and tries to make our part of the world pretty. She is hard working and a great mom. She has twelve kids and is a patient and caring mom to every one of us. If I could give her anything it would be that farm because it is the one thing she wants. She sacrifices everything for us. Everyone of us kids is involved in sports, school, church and charity all because of her. She is the very best mom in the whole entire world. :)
2012-05-13 01:04:41 UTC
Money can't buy this, so I'm glad it's not an issue. We lost my mom in 1999 to leukemia. She was 54 years old. I'd love to be able to figure out how to cure leukemia, bring mom back to us and cure her so she could live longer. She didn't want to leave any of us. Especially, wanted to see her grand kids grow up, graduate, marry, and have their own kids. I wish I could give this to her. Mom, we miss you and we love you. Happy Mother's Day in Heaven, Mom.
2012-05-12 13:42:58 UTC
I would take her on a famly vacation because she like to do fun stuff with us. I would take her to a knee specalist becasue her knees are bad and she would be so happy becasue she'd be able to ski again. I probly wouldnt need that much money becasue I'd just spend a week with her becasue thats probably all she wants.
2012-05-13 11:08:46 UTC
I would get my mom a trip to Spain for a month. She has been dying to go to Spain for as long as I can remember. And she needs a break from work, she's been so stressed lately so i'd make the trip a month. I'd also get her a car. Her current one is slowly dying. I love my mom, I would do anything for her.
2012-05-13 06:39:10 UTC
My Mom has been dead over several years, but if she were still alive, I would buy her a new house. She never had a really nice home and I can think of nothing a Mom would like better than a nice home to enjoy.
2012-05-12 23:35:58 UTC
An operation. She has a thyroid cancer and she's not doing well at all. She's been on the waiting list for 6 months and she's getting worse and worse. I'd get her the best surgeon at the best hospital and pay for the operation to be done immediately. I love my mum, and I just want to see her get better <3
2012-05-12 12:48:32 UTC
A chance to take my mom to Ecuador...because her mom is sick and she is sad all the time,she is stressed out too...I think she deserves a break for a vacation at Ecuador and for her to visit and buy Medicane for her mom...I feel like I failed her at a lot and I am sometimes really rebellious and she cries because of me and I feel bad I want her to relax and take a Big break and I love her soo much❤

Thank you and have a beautiful day

Angela Paradis
2012-05-11 20:55:40 UTC
I would buy my mom an unlimited supply of return tickets. My reason, My mom and I are very close. This summer she is moving halfway across the country. She wants me to move too since I have 2 kids and am a single parent. She missed out on my daughters first year and is worried about missing out on my second childs first year. So plane tickets, so she could come visit when her little heart desires. Love you Mom <3
2012-05-14 08:51:37 UTC
If I will get a lottery then I will buy a diamond necklace. Coz my mom like it very much. I want to fulfill her all kinds of demands.
2012-05-13 21:27:11 UTC
Hard to say because my mom isn't really materialistic but I'd get her whatever her heart desires for all that she did for me growing up till now. I know she would likes helping others so I'd devout a lot of time to that. I know I'd make her proud if she sees that she raised a generous people loving person.
2012-05-13 13:57:09 UTC
My Mother passed away with breast cancer a couple years ago, but if I could buy her anything it would have been a front and center seat ticket to Circus du Soliel "O" in Las Vegas. She loved dance and water and the beauty of synchronized swimming. I was in tears while I watched this production and wished she had been there with me.
2012-05-13 04:37:05 UTC
I still wouldn't do anything different. The gifts my mom loves most are the things we make ourselves. Happy Mother's Day mom!
2012-05-12 22:02:25 UTC
This past year has been extremely hard for my Mom. First her Husband of almost 51 years got inoperable cancer and in the end, took his life. 2 months ago, my Sister took her life. So if I could give her anything, it would be to have them back. You can't put a price on that. Thank you.
2012-05-12 14:05:04 UTC
My mom has always liked to travel, so I would buy her a huge camper and tickets to all of the big things to see around the world. And a huge new house with five puppies of her favorite breed.
2012-05-12 13:19:01 UTC
If i had won a lottery, and money was no issue, i would pay off her bills lol. because, my mother is the best thing in the world to me. only thing that i truly would do anything for. money is the toughest thing for her right now. im sure that would so my apprectiation!:D-AJ
Izzy S
2012-05-12 12:16:01 UTC
I would first give her money to pay all her bills and all loans she have, then I would by her a house so she can move from here. She want a house and mom and dad got a lot of problems so I think it would be best if they separated. I also think it would be best for her to get her own place and to move. She told me before she wish they never got married, and I know why.
2012-05-12 07:28:48 UTC
my birth momma just a card like I did because she never did anything motherly to me my whole life. BUT my stepmomma I would buy her a brand new car or give her a blank check and let her go shopping in the best stores in the world. she love to shop. she has done so much for me there is no way I could ever pay her back.
2012-05-11 23:08:52 UTC
My mom was always working to earn money for me and my bro and sis...for us,she was mom and dad herself...doing housework and her job...

she forgot her dreams..and put all her brilliant talent on just earning a money..

now she is 46,and if I had enough money,first I would :

1-give back all her make her free out of her worries..

2-force her to go to a doctor to surgeon her prolapsed uterus.

3- I would do a plastic surgeon for her skin to make her younger

3-I would buy her a car(she always dreams of that)

4- subscribe her to an European tour ,to travell

5-and finally give her the rest of money to do everything else she wants!

I LOVE MY MOM..I put all my efforts on education just to make my mom happy..I always dream of doing something like this when I can earn a money...I want her to be the happiest mom..cause she deserves..

no matter someone give this money to me or not..someday I will do this list for my mom

*sorry for my bad English!
2012-05-11 19:36:27 UTC
I would buy her a solid gold statue of herself with the words "Number One Mom" carved on the base. It would stand in the very center of the kitchen so when she's cooking she can look at it fondly to remind herself that she's always this family number 1 :)
2012-05-11 19:36:15 UTC
I would go on a walk with my mom (she loves walks) and ask her what she truly wanted. Then for the whole weekend i would make my dad and brothers not fight or anything, just be good. Then i would surprise her with a trip to Italy to meet to Pope and take her on tours and go to the Coliseum. I would invite all my family on her side because she never gets to see them, and she loves being with family. I think that that, and not fighting at all for a whole weekend with my brothers would be the best present she could EVER get/want. :D I would do that because my mom does so much for my family and i want to show her that i care, that we all care. And that's what i would do for mothers day because its a time for giving back to our moms and showing them how much we love them and care about them. And to thank them for all the hard work they do and the sacrifices they make for our family. :D Then i would give the left over money to her, and i know what she would do with it. She would go out and by clothes for homeless people or something charitable like that. Because that's the kind of kind loving wonderful person she is. And that's why shes the worlds greatest mom ever. I would also hire the worlds best doctor to help cure her disease and get back the parts of her life that she didn't get to spend with me and my family. And help her not feel so bad about it. Because a great person like her doesn't deserve a horrible thing like that to happen to them. :)
2012-05-11 18:13:28 UTC
This may seem shotty, but I think I would buy her a ticket to a 3rd world country where she can learn that these kind of people actually exist, and that her sitting on her rear feeling sorry for herself all the time is a waste of time. There are people out there that have it much worse than us, and they don't even complain. And sadly, we do. I truly believe that it would be a life-changing experience that she would later be very thankful for. And I'd go with her too.
2012-05-15 00:01:18 UTC
even if I had all the money in the world, i would give her the one thing you can't buy with money... one thing that a mother desires thing that is pure and perfect...and you don't need money for that...that is LOVE, my only need to LOVE her back...

2012-05-15 12:39:57 UTC
I'd buy her a beautiful house anywhere. I would buy away all the pain shes gone through her whole life(including me :D) if that was possible
Part Time Cynic
2012-05-14 02:59:58 UTC
A motorized scooter. So she would be no longer dependant on others to take all the junk she has collected over the years to the charity shop herself. We are talking 150-odd banana boxes full btw,
2012-05-13 07:59:33 UTC
I would pay for my mom to start her own business. She has been trying to open for about 10 years and still does not have enough. I wish that she could finish it before im done with school. She wants to own a little boutique which i think would be so cool!!
2012-05-13 05:51:14 UTC
I would give her a good time by finding a really good Thai restaurant--a cuisine she enjoys--and then take her to the mall, where she enjoys shopping...all I have to say is, whatever my mom's done for me, there's no way I can repay her, and that the sacrifices she made to me when I was younger I cannot see any other human exemplify...she is special to me and as long as she knows that, I know that she will enjoy life as long as it lasts for her.
2012-05-13 01:46:59 UTC
if money was no issue because i won the lottery i would give her the lottery winning & tell her "mom, money can't buy happiness but you can sure be happy spending the cash, thanks for buying those snacks for me when you had more important things to get."
Stoney Productions
2012-05-12 23:51:58 UTC
I would Grant my mom the wish she always wanted.

for all the family to have a house in a little gated community.

most of our family is spreaded across the country now.

my oldest brother is serving in the military out of country. got family in oklahoma, arizona, texas and we stay here in california. holidays get lonely without the family. since we are not the richest around.

I was able to look up a tutorial on how to sew and made my mom a Pillow from one of her favorite shirts from high school.
2012-05-12 20:48:00 UTC
I would build her a house no matter the size, anywhere she wanted it to be. I would also buy a private plane so she can travel the world and if i'm living in a different country, she can make frequent flights to visit me^^
2012-05-12 15:14:44 UTC
If money could buy having my mother back, that is what I would do.

She passed away 30 years ago.

A drunk driver took her life.
2012-05-12 05:41:16 UTC
On Mother's day I would take her out for a family dinner/dessert and then give her tickets for 4 to Jerusalemem...It's her dream to go there.
2012-05-12 04:51:09 UTC
Lets see i would buy my mom a huge mansion next to walt disney world and then move from Va to Fl

then go on a world round cruise
2012-05-12 00:07:33 UTC
Lasik Eye Surgery! My mom works SO hard. She supports a family of 3, with no husband. She worked her butt of to get her associates degree, in fact, she worked through losing our home, losing her husband, and many health problems with her 12 yo. She wanted to give up, but she kept going just so she could bring in more money for the family. She just gives, and gives, and gives and never gets back. Her biggest dream is to be able to see clearly. The past 3 years I have tried SO hard to win her "Mothers Day Lasik Giveaway" but I've never won. She deserves it so much.
2012-05-11 18:24:43 UTC
I would by my mother a house. not big, but nice, and that doesnt need any repairs. The past few years have been a struggle, my father unable to work, bankruptcy, divorce, and loss of our hourse, vehicle, and various belongings. Currently she and my siblings live in a tiny little rundown apartment. the close quarters lead to a lot of fights between all of them. If I could relieve just this one stress off her shoulders, give her a home and not just a place to sleep, i believe she would be much happier and healthier.
Helper Buddy
2012-05-15 09:15:49 UTC
I would buy her an entire island having a five star hotel, private jet and a hospital in case she needs it.

I would invest finding cure for Cancer etc. and give all the benefit to my mum. If she gets it God Forbid, she will be cured instantly.
2012-05-14 09:26:41 UTC
I wouldn't buy her anything. Instead, I would buy supplies and craft her something special that she would remember for the rest of her life to remind her that I still love my mom.
Sociable Bibliophile
2012-05-13 22:23:42 UTC
I would not buy her anything. A person can buy something easily. Being a good person, respecting others, and working hard are things that a mom would appreciate even more than material goods.
2012-05-13 17:25:00 UTC
I'd buy my mom the Alfa Romeo 159 (whenever it comes to America). Because she's done so much for my sister and me. She had been talking about wanting it because she bought one the year I was born (1995), and fell on love with it.
2012-05-13 06:55:48 UTC
I would buy her a big vacation, and the place where she works, so she would not have to go there everyday! Where she can relax and be stress free! It would be wonderful!

Nice question Yahoo! I had never thought of that before!
2012-05-13 06:01:42 UTC
hmm well i asked my mom this question a long time ago and she said she was happy enough with me and my family. she wouldn't want to waste money on herself. Although shes always wanted to travel so id probably buy a ticket to Italy. i guess i would give the rest to charity afterwards.
2012-05-13 02:34:26 UTC
I would give her a month long holiday just to relax and to travel the world, alone or with my dad or a friend. She is a great mum and has done so much for me, she deserves it and I know she would love to do something like that.
2012-05-12 13:48:16 UTC
A ticket back to Earth,so I could spend just one more Mother's Day with my Now Angel Mom...I love you Mom..Miss you still,more then you will ever know.
Someone Online
2012-05-11 18:54:53 UTC
A winter house out in colorado, near Veil

It has always been my mother's wish to have a house out west, we are very big on skiing, we have gone every year since I was 2.

She loves going out there and it has been her dream

It sounds very rich and snooty, but it isn't, were a middle class income family, my mom just manages to find the best deals possible, sometimes years in advance, skiing is just a very big part of our lives so we make it happen.

I guess if people find that selfish I can't do much about it :|
2012-05-13 17:19:07 UTC
My Mama's tastes change--she goes through phases--but I could count on making her happy to say to her on a day you want to go we will go anywhere in the world you want. We can do whatever you want to do. When that is over you can call me anytime, and we will go to any thrift store whenever and where-ever you want to go for as long as you want to stay. I will pay for all of your purchases. If you get tired we'll go home so you can rest. we'll start all over again whenever you want because I love you, and I know how much you love to shop thrift shops.
2012-05-14 16:00:32 UTC
i would wanto to but my mother a piano and lessons, she told me that when she was younger she begged her father to teach her how to play piano and that she wanted to buy one, of course they didn't have enough money, so i would want to buy her one, because through everything in life, she's cared for me the most.
2012-05-14 09:31:27 UTC
Since my mom has never been a mom, I would buy my grandma a nice house, pay off all her bills, add to her doll collection and get her a greenhouse for her gardens and flowers.
2012-05-14 07:18:22 UTC
i would buy my mum everything she want and would get her the dream house she want i would make her the cafe she want to run with my aunt and she deserves this because she help bring me into this world and raised me and has been in and out of hospital for the last 4 months and the biggest reason is because i love her even after she pass away and even after i pass away
Andres Jr. Sosa Dinguis
2012-05-13 20:02:53 UTC
Why dedicate only one day of the year to your mom? Mothers day is everyday enough said. My mom has done so much for me, that not even a lousy present will pay everything she done for me.
2012-05-13 19:33:52 UTC
Well I would give her all the money for usage for the car. Also possibly I would give her own Johann Fabrics since she loves to sew and she can just get the fabric she wants and dont have to buy it.
2012-05-13 18:54:43 UTC
My mother is a devout catholic, so if money wasn't an option then I guess I would pay for a trip for her to go to Vatican City to see the Pope.
2012-05-13 12:11:15 UTC
If I won the lottery, I would give my mom all the winnings. She has givin me everything I have ever needed, maybe not materialy but she has always been there for me. So I would give her everything because she has givin me everything she could.
2012-05-13 08:48:32 UTC
i would buy my mother her tummy tuck. she doesnt need to be skinny to be truly beautiful but thats what she wants. a skinnier body. my mother deserves this because she is the best and i feel bad for her because she always works out. she also eats very very little. i just want her to have the body shes always wanted.
2012-05-13 06:39:06 UTC
Hm... I think I would give my Mother the money to spend on whatever she'd like. I'd make her a genuine card without spending money on it, give her hugs and kisses and breakfast and bed, and then the money. It's ideal :)
2012-05-13 03:18:38 UTC
i would ask her and give her what she wanted..anything she wanted..i know things that money can buy is not enough to pay her patience, love, care and even her life for can never buy my mother's happiness..i know that even in my simple smile and i love you would make her feel contented and will make her happy..

i love you mom thank you and happy mother's day!
2012-05-11 18:09:47 UTC
I would have bought my mother a Kindle Fire because she always loves reading. She is Asian and this way she gets to read her Japanese books on it as well, and she can send emails and do a lot of other could stuff. Unfortunately, we all pitched in for the iPad 3, haha.

I think I might buy her a 1 gallon betta tank. Betta fish are very beautiful and she would admire it very much.
2012-05-13 19:53:48 UTC
Rather than buy her something, I would pay of her mortgage. To her, that would be the best gift ever. Not only would she not need to worry about paying the loan back, but she would be able to focus on other things:)
Kellie C
2012-05-13 17:22:11 UTC
I would buy her a plane ticket and a fully furnished home in Paris because she has always wanted to live there. Complete with French lessons hahah.
2012-05-13 15:53:15 UTC
i would buy her doz en's of flowers , a car , big bear , my company , my love <3 , i would even buy her a house , furniture everything i can just to make her happy <3 , why ? because as a child she was there for me taking care of me showing from right to wrong <3 , because of her iam who iam now (: , and i thank her for everything , she bought me stuff took care of me , showed me her love and everything that's exactly why , i might not win but hey that's my opinion <3 and yess im only 18 and i still live with ther (just turned 18) but im just puting my opion out their :D
2012-05-13 11:20:48 UTC
I would give my Mother a day of love from my heart. I still give my Mother love for she is in heaven
Evil cupcakes
2012-05-13 10:51:06 UTC
I don't have a mom....She Abandoned me so I don't think she even deserves a present

by the way I know my answer won't get the 100 points :)
2012-05-13 03:51:46 UTC
A house. There's a lot of reasons to do it, aside from the obvious, there's also tax deduction possibility and potential future uses. (That might of come off sounding bad, but that's not the way I meant it.)
2012-05-12 20:48:16 UTC
The world.
2012-05-11 19:10:18 UTC
If it were possible, I would buy my mother all the happiness in the world. She's such an amazing woman, and I am so grateful for her and her never ending patience (my twin and I caused her a lot of pain because of she went through to have us, and because there's a lot of stigma against us since we're both deaf).

She's such an inspiration to me, because she's always standing up for what she believes in and respecting everyone, even though it's cost her social status in town.

Mom truly deserves everything that she ever wants and needs, and I want to be able to give it all to her.
Tom Dragon
2012-05-14 08:31:25 UTC
I would buy her elots of bibles because she loves to read alot and shes very religious. I would also buy her love from my heart becuase if she wasnt here i couldnt live anymore. She always has a smile on her face every time you see her and she always listen to your form her heart not just from her ears.

She loves me and my brother both very equaly and i would buy her time and love and appreciation 100%
2012-05-14 08:19:10 UTC
if money was not a issue i would buy my mother some outfits and pay some of the bills
2012-05-13 08:07:33 UTC
I would buy her a huge house! Because she has always wanted a new house/bigger house we have been renting this house for 15 years, and just because she really deserves it she has been the best mom I could ever ask for.
2012-05-13 07:50:18 UTC
I would buy her a padded room and top of the line mental help as well as make sure she gets top quality care (nice sheets, food she likes,etc..)

I would also pay to make sure she never gets out in public again.

She's crazy and mean-- maybe evil.
2012-05-12 06:11:07 UTC
A Mansion with 10 bedrooms and a bathroom in every room(All Three


-5 Cars(For all Three

-100000 (For all three



-Movie theater

-Whatever they want

My Mom doesn't live with me and neither does my aunt but my real mom had problems and my aunt was always there but i live with my grandma so all three would get what ever they want
2012-05-14 07:48:35 UTC
i would pay for a full class plane ticket for her to come see me sice i have not seen her in a long time and i would take her out to dinner and get her what ever she needs and not let her do any work. the reason why is because i miss her and we were really close and i would just love to see her since we were really close, also because she rasied me right and she deserves to receve this.
2012-05-13 09:28:36 UTC
For Josh: What was it like to work on such an iconic movie franchise?

For Will: What was it llike to work with the legendary Tommy Lee Jones?
2012-05-13 06:45:37 UTC
If i get the money i would surely buy her a golden jewellery because we sold it to manage the expenses caused due to her surgery and then many more due to breast cancer.She would love to wear them but she had none now and she got seggregrated from others. So i would surely buy her lots and lots of jewellery...
2012-05-12 19:20:33 UTC
A ritzy condo in Vancouver, BC and a private jet because she likes to travel and visit her family in Vancouver, flying isn't always the easiest thing to do and it would make life for her and my grandparents much easier
Mick Mick
2012-05-12 18:33:39 UTC
I Would by my mother love because she's suffering from breast cancer now so i will also pray for her and the i'll donate the money <3
2012-05-12 08:47:19 UTC
My mom hates people so she wouldn't want the world. lol. My mom hates her job so I wouldn't necessarily buy her something, but I would give her money to go back to school because she wants to be a math professor. I would also buy something to bring her dad and cat back to life. She would be so happy. I love you mom!
2012-05-12 02:06:02 UTC
I love my mum, and can never fully repay her for all she has done for me, but if I could, I would pay off all her debts, buy her the house she has always wanted, and take her on a trip around the world.
2012-05-14 07:32:22 UTC
I would pay off here mortgage and pay of her debt, the buy her a car. We are on the poorer side of middle class so she could really use not having to worry about her mortgage and more about feeding here children.

I love my mommy:)
2012-05-14 05:12:54 UTC
I would buy her a good house in a good neighborhood. Her current home is literally falling apart. The neighborhood is riddled with crime. She has been a victim a few times.
2012-05-13 00:23:15 UTC
I would buy her some sort of time machine so she could go back and revisit all of my and my brother's childhood moments. I'll be going off to college soon and I want her to have a piece of me while I'm gone-- even though I'll still be able to call her when I get the chance :).
2012-05-11 20:34:41 UTC
I would buy her a plot of land and build her a house... purely because it's something she'd use every day, and as it's built, I can put what I want into it... it's the ultimate gift that will not only last for hundreds of years, but will also help her throughout the rest of her life.
2012-05-13 14:25:24 UTC
even if i buy all the riches in the world and give it to her my mother woudnt be as happy as in a situation where i give give her my complete love and care so money doesnt buy u anything on mothers day but all mothers would be very happy if their children heartfully wish them happy mothers day
2012-05-13 12:50:12 UTC
I would buy her a new car and a mansion. Plus a one of those BIG chocolate fountains! Oh, and a BIG card with a BIG check in it. But hey, you said if money wasn't a proublum!
2012-05-13 09:18:38 UTC
yes I buy a promise to my mother about care of health life time health care gift I want to give my mother because I love my mom she is very important in my life.
2012-05-12 17:23:09 UTC
I would buy her a house. I would design it to be self-sufficient, with solar panels and a well. She's retired, so having this would remove mortgage and electric bills. No more money worries!
2012-05-14 01:55:10 UTC
I would buy her all her dreams, like a holiday to all the countries in the world. Like a cruise. And i'd buy her a new mansion like whooo man id be living in it too hehe!!
2012-05-14 06:52:25 UTC
My mother would help the less fortunate and spread the gospel. I have to say that I would invite her to feed the poor and spread the good news of Jesus Christ!
2012-05-14 04:47:41 UTC
I'll take her to Canada, cause since I was a kid I've been hearing THEM talking about CANADA and how it was a LIFE LONG dream and so I will and what makes it better is that ill bring the whole family with cause that's what its all about, FAMILY, LOVE, UNITY, and I don't care what it will cost me.
2012-05-13 23:16:55 UTC
A nice house and a nice car. Clothes, a nice vacation to the Bahamas
Danielle B
2012-05-13 15:00:22 UTC
A used car. Maybe like a 2005 Pontiac G6. Since here car right now is rather small and sucky.
2012-05-13 06:06:39 UTC
I would buy her the thing she has always wanted most which is a house in Lulworth Cove, Dorset so that we could be near our family again.
2012-05-13 05:29:04 UTC
I would just give her an hug.

Like I do every day.

As you can see, money is never an issue.
2012-05-12 20:47:00 UTC
A house, a car, and I would give her half of my money.

Because she's my mother.
2012-05-12 09:55:22 UTC
All a mother wants is for you to remember her a card and a single rose in a vase . money no issue? she does not want money she wants YOUR ATTENTION!! A family portrait would be GREAT!

why? I am a mother of 4 grandmother of 14 great grandmother of 21 I [most of us mothers] have what we need we don't want more trinkets to sit around
Zulqarnain Malik
2012-05-12 09:18:14 UTC
I wish I could give her everything in this world.After all she has been through,my big temper father and she still works 15 hours a day for me and my bros and sisters.

I just couldn't give enough.

And people,care for your mom always for she has given you birth and cares for you more then anyone in this world.

2012-05-12 06:59:40 UTC
i wouldn't need to buy her anything. As presents are presents. She already knows how much i love her and how much i am thankful for everything she does for me. You shouldnt have to buy her gifts to prove your love to her, so earn your mothers love, by being there not by covering her in gifts. I would buy my mum something that money cant buy; LOVE ♥
2012-05-11 18:24:02 UTC
I would buy my mother a house on the beach in Hawaii. She has always wanted to go to Hawaii and she would love to live there. Even thoug i wouldnt like the humid climate, i would still get her any house that she wanted because i love her and she deserves it. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
2012-05-14 02:19:51 UTC
seems we live in a very small hut, so i Will bought her a huge house for her to stay with the rest of the siblings. she must love it. and plus, she loves gold jewelery. i definitely gonna get her the most wonderful jewelery she ever had.. but i know, my mum would never ask much and more.
2012-05-12 20:28:12 UTC
I'll just give her a lot of health, a house with everything that she needs so her manager wont be screaming and yelling at her. And a lot of happiness.
Your worst nightmare xx
2012-05-12 11:20:41 UTC
Nothing could compare to the gift she gave me. I would love to buy her a house in kensington gardens because we have a dream that when i grow up i will be a famous journalist and we will be living together in kensington garden and i will buy her a studio in new york because that is also our dream. i have nt lived with my mum thats why living together in kensington garden and having a studio is our dream i love her to death and she loves me and im very happy to have a mother like mine :)
2012-05-12 11:15:16 UTC
I would buy here a flight to Croatia ( in Europe, near Germany) because she was born there and has tons of family there and her mother is old and about to pass away soon so it would be really nice to go there and say hi because we haven't benn there as a family in like forever and she wants to se us. Like i said, we have tons of family there and it would be really special to see eachother.
2012-05-12 08:27:57 UTC
I would get her certified as a Wildlife Rehabilitator for Deer. She loves animals so much. She would be overjoyed every day. And then I would buy my dad the Ferrari he wants lol
Jean A
2012-05-12 05:23:03 UTC
I would buy her one more day on earth to give us all a hug and a kiss. We miss her so much and although we know she is happy we want her to feel our joy at meeting her one more time and telling her all the things we didnt when he was alive.
2012-05-12 01:41:19 UTC
First of all thankful to mom for bringing me to this world and no words can describe the pain she beard carrying me 9 months and during bring me out to this world among beautiful people.

I would like to take my mom to HAJJ Pilgrimage its her real wish , which she never uttered because of causing her children any kind of pressure.

The cute thing is she wants to travel in plane (of course she will do when she go for pilgrimage ) , but she fears it may not crash, but has a desire of sitting in plane at least once. :)

So hopefully Insha Allah before i die i want to fulfill her this wish at any cost.. may Allah help me aamen
2014-07-07 06:15:25 UTC
She cries when you cry, she smiles when you do, and she gets angry and upset when you do not listen to her/confide in her. She fights to keep you alive and she fights to keep herself alive too. Children are emotional/physical/financial/ect drainers/burdens, but mothers love them very much. Your friends might desert you, but your mother won't.
2012-05-14 03:46:04 UTC
If money were not an issue and if such a thing were sold in the marketplace, then i would have bought her Peace of mind...
2012-05-13 23:20:08 UTC
An Audi, and Aston martin, and a vacation home in Egypt and Jamaica.
2012-05-13 16:42:22 UTC
A house. Because my mom's house is in need of some serious repair, and she doesn't have the money for every repair job needed.
Briana O.
2012-05-13 15:58:35 UTC
I would get her an alaskin cruise...she loves that place and she deserves it...whyshe deserves it is because I've mad mistakes and broken her down so many times that it would be the least I could do...and I believe that those mistakes I made have gotten us closer and she's my mom and I love her
2012-05-13 12:57:13 UTC
I would buy my mom a whole piano studio, just for her. She taught elementary music this year, and it took that for her to realize that her dream was to teach private piano lessons. It would be part thank you, part apology for all the years she was teaching me piano. I started taking in 1st grade, and by 4th grade I wanted to quit more than anything in the whole world. Most of my practice sessions would end up with me screaming at her (and it should have been her screaming at me), and me telling her I hated her for making me stay in piano. It would be just the little things that set me off, like her telling me I need to count the beats out or circle a note. Now I'm in 8th grade and piano is one of my passions. I dream of going on to bigger things, bigger cities, bigger places because of it. And it's all because of the one person who made me stick it out. I love you, Mom.
2012-05-12 20:48:45 UTC
I would buy her a holiday to Vietnam, her motherland. So she can visit her ill mother and just be restful and happy.
2012-05-12 17:44:06 UTC
I would firstly pay off all her bills. Then I would buy her her dream house. She's always wanted to live in a big beautiful house. Maybe she will one day...
2012-05-12 16:37:34 UTC
I would by my Mom a Horse. But not just any horse, it would be one she could go to horse shows with.

She's always loved them but the best are too expensive. I'd also get one for my sister :)
2012-05-12 01:31:17 UTC
A new house, a new car, and all the stuff she wants to fill it with.

She'd probably make my dad wait til Father's day to move in, though. lol
2012-05-14 06:56:02 UTC
I always wanted to buy her the massaging chair that can massage her entire body. She's getting older now and and always complaining of body aches. Poor mum.
To be or not to be.
2012-05-14 05:50:20 UTC
i will n=buy myself a oxford seat if i can, cuz that is the only thing that will make her happy. i would also buy her a limousine. and if i can all the immortal, age stopping ointments and creams in the world cuz i never want her to leave me.
2012-05-13 12:55:17 UTC
I would buy her anything she ever wanted because growing up as the oldest of 8 children she dint get much of what she wanted.Also i would love to ssee the smile on her face, it would make me so happy.
2012-05-11 20:02:30 UTC
I would buy my mom her own house. I would buy her a home of her own on my street, that way she would have the security of owning a home and she'd still be really close. I would buy her that because I know that it's something she wants most and I know that if she could, she would buy me whatever I wanted most.
2012-05-11 18:22:21 UTC
I would buy my mum a new printer and computer, as well as a cruise to the Bahamas with my father.

I would get her a new computer and printer because she is always stressing about the printer not working when she needs it for work, and her computer is old and outdated. I would get her cruise set up and buy her a new bathing suit, so she and my dad could go and she could be rid of the stress from work for awhile, *** well as get out of the house, as I know I as well as my sister, nephews and grandmother stress her out even more. :)

Happy Mother's Day weekend ^-^
2012-05-13 20:38:58 UTC
I would buy her the car of her dreams. Then i would use the rest of the money to pay off my parents debts.
2012-05-13 14:26:23 UTC
I'd buy her a new house because her current one needs more fixing than it's worth, and she deserves a decent house because she is an awesome mom and a great person all-around.
2012-05-13 11:59:17 UTC
I would buy my mother the world. She deserves it for all the things she does for me and my younger sister.
2012-05-13 09:59:44 UTC
What would I buy my mother ? well I have given this much thought and I figured well she has me , what on earth could she possibly need?
2012-05-12 14:34:35 UTC
My mom is a huge Bon Jovi fan. I would pay the guys to perform a private concert for her. She'd love it!!
2012-05-11 22:50:51 UTC
Some time and some deserved attention. I would pay my father so he doesn't work. And send both of them to Easter Island for the rest of their lives.

These few lines should explain everything.
Nick Mitchell
2012-05-12 21:59:51 UTC
Three mansions, one in Seattle, one in Oklahoma City, one in San Francisco and a private jet.

Why? Because she could visit her whole family... whenever she wanted.
2012-05-14 23:47:44 UTC
A pacific island beside mine with a huge mansion and lots of exotic animals and keepers for them.
2014-07-06 12:35:44 UTC
she's having a bit of a gum problem, ( no not bubble gum -.- ) and the operation is worth $3,000 so definitely that would help her a lot. plus any additional dental work she would like to get =)
2012-05-13 16:15:25 UTC
If I could buy my mom something for Mother's Day, i would give her something she's always wanted: to go to Mexico(along with dad) and study there to become a teacher. It's something she's always wanted to be, even though she cleans houses. She's always tired, so it makes me want to try harder at school. So then when I get older, I could give her and my dad enough money to go to Mexico and study. She would then be able to fulfill her dream.
2012-05-13 15:22:28 UTC
Nothing is more important than love, especially if money is not an issue. Let her know that you care very much about her.
2012-05-13 15:04:45 UTC
whatever it would take to make her worries go away. she has struggled since childhood and even now in her mid 50s. everyday pretty much has been hard but she really doesn't know it any other way. so for my mom id take the weight off her shoulders and let her know what it feels like even to have enough and to not worry.
2012-05-13 08:06:24 UTC
A holiday. In Spain. Barcelona. By the beach.

She loves it. She deserves it.
2012-05-12 23:10:05 UTC
I would buy my mom a island, with a huge house on it. And i would buy her a brand new car. She needs somewhere to get away from all of her problems. And she needs a car that's actually not a death trap.
2012-05-12 16:39:40 UTC
I would give my mother her health back. My mum always used to tell me, 'when youre healthy youre wealthy'. money isnt a big issue if youve got broken ribs, breast cancer and osteoporosis.
2012-05-12 12:49:58 UTC
I would get her a big house and a divorce from my father. Because my mother deserves to be happy and free.
2012-05-11 23:49:26 UTC
I wouldn't have to buy her anything. My mother has always been old fashioned and has never been materialistic. I will give her a hug and kiss and thank her for always being there for me and taking care of me even when she didn't have time to take care of herself.
2012-05-11 18:07:06 UTC
Whether I've money or not, that's not important - my gift for her would always be my love and wishes for her to stay healthy and give her the things that she enjoys most. I know my mother's happiness is to be with her family and loved ones and this is not achievable, given the fact that we are all in different parts of world.

I would make arrangements in such a manner, to gather all her siblings, children, grandchildren and loved ones close to her in a place, special to her or at home and prepare a nice dinner to her taste with the surrounding decorated with flowers. I know in my heart that a gathering of this nature and sharing of love on a dinner table will give her the happiness that she longs for.
2012-05-14 02:32:09 UTC
I'll buy my mom the NASA space station because the life she gave me is out of this world.
Common Man
2012-05-13 08:30:11 UTC
I do not think a mother expects something from children. Its pure love. She does not do business with children. There is only PURE LOVE and i would give it by spending whole day with her.
Ron S
2012-05-12 19:06:10 UTC
I would buy her 1 more year of pain free life so I could tell her what I didn't before she died.
2012-05-12 16:18:49 UTC
a nice new Mercedes. She means the world to me and i would want to give her something very nice. Plus her car isn't the best and i know she deserves a new nicer one.
2012-05-12 12:34:38 UTC
I would pay for my mother to go to rehab, then if she stayed sober I would buy her a house. I miss my sober mother so much.
2012-05-12 05:04:52 UTC
Honestly, I can't think of anything I can buy for her. Because I already gave it to her: my love. It's like the best gift in the whole world. Money cannot buy happiness only true love can.
2012-05-11 20:12:52 UTC
A sterling and platinum tiara with the largest Morganites, Sapphires, and Diamonds Harry Winston can find along with an oil portrait 55"x40" in scale, to capture her timeless beauty for all time to the special one who gave me life!

I love you, Mom.
2012-05-11 16:59:49 UTC
Money is never an issue, but truthfully I would still like to give a surprise homemade breakfast in bed. Pick fresh flowers from the backyard, and give her a homemade card, and gifts. Because these gifts come from my heart, which is something money can never buy.
2012-05-12 16:52:36 UTC
I would give my mother all pictures and videos of moments my family has shared.

I would give her this because we have had a lot of them, and she never wants to forget them.

This way, there is now way she can. :)
2012-05-12 15:45:03 UTC
I wouldn't buy my mom something, I would make her something... I would make a paper rose, a video, and a card.....I think that what count is not how much something cost but if u put ur heart into it
2012-05-13 12:50:18 UTC
A cure to cancer. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 and has had to have many treatments. All this is very stressful, and All I want is her to be happy and healthy again.
2012-05-13 12:41:18 UTC
I would give my mother the money so that way, she wouldn't have to work her stressful job anymore.
Mrs. Charpentier
2012-05-13 12:13:06 UTC
A Mustang GT 500, because she is obsessed.. I mean OBSESSED with Mustangs, so I might as well get her the best of the best!
2012-05-13 10:54:33 UTC
I would set up a homeless shelter and Christian mission, even though I'm an atheist ;)

I love my mom, whatever, makes her happy :)
2012-05-13 06:44:41 UTC
A bouquet of flowers and ''love'' message.

I don't think anything else is necessary.

My mother doesn't think money's everything.
2012-05-12 14:49:49 UTC
I would buy her the world. She deserves it <3
2012-05-11 21:12:28 UTC
A nice, custom house, designed by her. And it would be located somewhere that she wants it.

Why? Because she deserves it. For everything she's done for me and is still doing for me. Raising me up single handily and all the while in poverty. We never truly had a roof over our heads, and I know she would love to have a house to call her own one day.
2012-05-13 19:27:30 UTC
I would pay for my own college learning and major in music theory, along with production, composition, performance... With my new knowledge of musical geniusness, i would make myself a big time musician who is very popular. Once i've done this, i will make music about her that everyone will hear and love, and she will realize "hey, that's me!". then, she will be very happy that i made music for her.

can i has one hundred points now?
Alli (who's a happy person)
2012-05-13 15:20:55 UTC
I would cure my chronic pain and give my life to her for two years. She quit her job (which she loved) so she could help me with my chronic pain. I hear her murmuring to my father, I know she's worried. I hear her cry about it sometimes. After I got cured, I would take care of her every need for her for the next two years. Make her meals, talk to her peers for her and so on.
2012-05-13 14:15:47 UTC
I would give her everything she deserves and desires. Every single thing. But mostly a mansion with a jacuzzi and hot tub. She's always wanted one of those. Plus,she deserves it. She's so nice and sweet

And most of all! I love her.
wild wild woman!!!!!!
2012-05-13 10:14:40 UTC
I would probably take her on a cruise with just her and i to where ever she wanted to go. It would be for the longest vacation plan they offered
2012-05-13 06:34:47 UTC
I would buy iv treatment and have a child , ever since she was diagnosed With cancer she has wanted a grandchild
2012-05-12 09:00:14 UTC
Plane tickets to any countries she wanted plus spending money. My mum has always wanted to travel but couldn't afford it when she was younger and then gave up a career to raise me and my brothers.
2012-05-15 11:02:44 UTC
I would get her a big mansion and also abig car somewhat like ferrari . I love her a lot. She's adorable........ U deserve it Mom
2012-05-14 05:46:00 UTC
I would have her mind transfered to a 25 year olds body as she is dieing as we speak .
2012-05-12 16:38:23 UTC
I would buy her a really long and interesting holiday to other countries ans spa because she really deserves a break.
2012-05-12 02:12:02 UTC
I would buy my mum a new house which would supply her with all her disability needs because she is the most special person in the world to me... If she wasn't here then nether would i :)
2012-05-12 01:31:02 UTC
I would buy her a place so far from me she would forget how to find me,,, but other than that she really does not even deserve a card telling her how crappy of a mom she was and all of her "Friends" we had to see in her bedroom. Thanks for setting the fine example lady,,, Bite Off,,, If only you knew to read this and who its from and to. I am better off without you around..Take your worldly drama and go away.
The Chosen One
2012-05-13 12:27:12 UTC
I would buy her what she really wants and always wanted, which is a house by her father's who passed away a month ago.
2012-05-13 11:05:07 UTC
money shouldnt matter, expecially on mothers day,it should be the thought that counts, so i would MAKE her a giant card (not buy one) and 'bake; a big cake all by myslef... it would be really cute :) and she'd be really greatfull and thankfull...
2012-05-13 06:09:34 UTC
id buy her , a monument on the moon if money wasnt an issue , Why? cus then she will feel special
2012-05-11 19:28:13 UTC
I would ask her and get her anything she wanted. Say she wanted a cruise, I'd give her that. If she wanted another dog, I'd give her that. The reason is because my mum has done so much for me. She's been there and stood by my side. No matter what. And I love her for that. :)
2014-07-03 18:49:20 UTC
.whyshe deserves it is because I've mad mistakes and broken her down so many times that it would be the least I could do...and I believe that those mistakes I made have gotten us closer and she's my mom and I love her :)
Lily L
2012-05-13 17:09:30 UTC
a mansion, a limo, a cruise for 14 days in june(thats when my mom's bday is), and anything else my mom would want.

but really, as long as she has me and my bro, she said she's happy
2012-05-13 15:48:26 UTC
Pay for her retirement and any other wants and needs she desires. She already gave me so much throughout my life, it's time to give back.
2012-05-12 17:52:42 UTC
I could buy anything she wants but you don't need to buy anything the love you give her is better than anything anyone could ever have
2012-05-12 15:11:24 UTC
A shopping spree and some new furniture, a laptop, a better phone.
2012-05-12 11:08:32 UTC
I would give her a 2 week vacation to Hawaii for all the hard work she has done! And while she's gone, me and my 3 siblings would clean the house top to bottom till its spotless! :)
2012-05-12 09:59:04 UTC
Anything she wanted because she's done everthing for me there's a whole day devoted to my mom she deserves it without her i wouldn't cease to exist and i wouldn't be where i am today
2012-05-11 23:15:23 UTC
I'd buy her as many trips as possible to Europe. She loves Europe and it makes me feel bad that she can't afford to go.
2012-05-11 19:37:51 UTC
Take her France for 15 days.
2012-05-15 13:24:25 UTC
An audi TT because she's always wanted it!
2012-05-13 09:37:53 UTC
I would stay my whole day with her if I could. I am sure she would enjoy it, and I can't because of all the things I have to do daily...
2012-05-13 02:38:11 UTC
I would buy her as much happy youth as I could and as much as she wants. She gave me as much as she could at times at the expense of her own happiness.
2012-05-12 19:47:16 UTC
A new car because she recently got in a car wreck and it was so bad they couldn't repair hers and because she is my mom and I love her more than she could ever know.
I Love♥Birdy
2012-05-12 09:48:44 UTC
give her all the lottery money so that she can enjoy her retirement, and that i could afford to take her places and go to alot of vacations. my mom deserves alot of vacations because she worked so hard to take care of me.
2012-05-12 09:24:04 UTC
Still pick flowers and make breakfast. Thought that counts over expensive items :)
2012-05-11 23:05:22 UTC
I would buy her a trip around the world. She loves to travel and there's many places she wants to go.
2012-05-13 20:54:25 UTC
A cooking lesson.

She needs to learn some new dishes.
2012-05-14 08:13:47 UTC
I would kiss and hug her , because my mum is the best thing I've ever had LOVE YOU MOMMY !! oh and I would buy her that car she wants
2012-05-14 06:53:40 UTC
i would buy her a new house, with a brand new car parked in the garage. did i mention state of the art kitchen?
2012-05-13 06:35:06 UTC
I would make my mom a homemade card, because it's something i would make myself if i just went to the store and got one it wouldn't be as special.
2012-05-13 02:13:45 UTC
My Mom doesn't want anything. And she usually balks if you buy her something. She worries about money. But if money was no object, I would buy her a new car that she likes. Anything she wanted. It's hers.
2012-05-12 18:35:20 UTC
I would give her all my love because that's what they want most :) Mothers love just to spend time with their children so that's what she would want most :)
2012-05-12 16:50:57 UTC
Nothing, my mother beat me as a child.
2012-05-12 15:37:41 UTC
A big house because i lived in her hers for so many years.
2012-05-11 21:20:12 UTC
I would buy my Mom a new tableware set. She loves to decorate not only the kitchen table, but the kitchen table as well.
2012-05-11 18:26:42 UTC
A better reliable car. She's been working hard at a factory for 23 years and doesn't have much to show for it. Right now she's driving a truck that has a salvage title.
Hovik Beduryan
2012-05-13 23:03:54 UTC
I would get the money give it to her and beg her to use it on herself because she would prob donate to charity. Well love you mom I hope you liked your present:)
2012-05-13 19:17:15 UTC
i will buy her a diamond nickles and i will buy her the 2012 geep and i will buy her a nice home, because my mom worth even more than that and for appreciation to her
Little Flow
2012-05-13 02:44:26 UTC
Today is the mother's day, it is not a time only for my mom, but for every single mom in the world, or perhaps moms in the other galaxies or universes. My mom is a big fan of humanism, the message that im about to spread is probably the best gift for her. Research shows that 96 percent of us will shop on Mother's Day, the highest gift-giving day of the year behind Christmas.

Florists will realize their highest sales, restaurants will experience their busiest day and long distance telephone calls will peak. Not surprisingly, the National Retail Foundation estimates Mother's Day purchases in the United States this year will generate $18 billion in sales, a far cry from the holiday's humble beginnings.

Mother's Day in North America (and elsewhere around the world) now bears little resemblance to a spiritual practice rooted in antiquity that placed its adoration on mythical deities. The ancient Egyptians held an annual festival to honor Isis, Mother of the Pharaohs; the ancient Romans celebrated Cybele, the Magna Mater (Great Mother); and the Greeks honored Rhea, Mother of the Gods.

Later, when Europeans chose the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor motherhood, it was marked by early Christians as a day to honor the church in which they were baptized. By the 1600s, a clerical decree in England broadened the celebration to include human mothers and named it Mothering Day. Established as a day of compassion, it gave the working classes time off to travel back to their hometowns to visit family. Mothers were treated as the guest of honor and received cakes and flowers along with visits from distant children.

The Mothering Day tradition lapsed among the early North American settlers, but reappeared in new form in 1870 when Julia Ward Howe made a Mother's Day Proclamation in the aftermath of the Civil War. Her objective, however, was quite different. It involved calling on mothers to protest their sons killing the sons of other mothers in armed conflicts. Her purpose was to establish an International Mother's Day celebrating both peace and motherhood.

Howe's new holiday grew, but eventually died out when she stopped funding the cause. Soon after, a West Virginia group, led by Anna Reeves Jarvis, began celebrating an adaptation of Howe's holiday by organizing "Mother's Day Work Clubs" to improve community sanitation and health. They also established a "Mother's Friendship Day" to reunite families and neighbors that had been divided between the Union and Confederate sides of the Civil War.

After her passing, it was her daughter, Anna M. Jarvis, who lobbied for the creation of a national Mother's Day. She was successful in her bid, but the outcome wasn't as she had envisioned.

In 1914 Woodrow Wilson signed into national observance the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day, but within a decade Jarvis was denouncing the greeting card and floral industry commercialization of the holiday she had helped to found.

So in recognition of its long and rich heritage, I will celebrate my mother and the other mothers in my life this Mother's Day in a way that honors the true origins of this holiday. Instead of a greeting card, I'll offer a personal handwritten note and handmade gift (practices I frequently favor anyway). Instead of an expensive meal out, we'll prepare a family dinner communally at home. Instead of long distance phone calls, we'll have the luxury of spending time with each other in person.

This Mother's Day, I will honor those whose mothers have passed; those mothers whose children have passed; those mothers and children who are separated by politics, law, religion, health or other conditions beyond their control; those women who are raising the children of other mothers; and those who made the ultimate sacrifice to bring another into the world.

This Mother's Day, I will celebrate my mother and the other mothers in my life meaningfully by honoring their personal and universal significance as mothers.
2012-05-12 12:21:15 UTC
I would buy my mother a two-way ticket to heaven so that she can see my two brothers (her two sons) again. But it would have to be a two way ticket so she can come back home to my Father and I.
2012-05-12 09:08:10 UTC
My mother is not in this world any more
2012-05-12 08:58:25 UTC
3 things

(1) I would send her trucks of jasmine flowers!

(2) buy her a shop full of jasmine perfumes ( cuz she loves jasmines)

(3) give her a flying car that is invented in Japan just recently! ( it's her need)
2012-05-12 00:52:12 UTC
well, would let her go and visit her country since she came by boat and has never gone on a plane before, i would also take her to the westfields and buy her everything that she looks at and that she never got a chance to have and also make her feel young again and the most thing that she would want form me is that i myself, will give her my heart and never take it back :)
2012-05-12 00:38:56 UTC
I will take her with me and spend the whole day with her. I think that is more than enough for my mom! because all my gifts never made her happy till now!
2012-05-11 19:42:24 UTC
I would buy my mother a white gold locket necklace with a maroon ruby on it, with a picture of me inside
2012-05-11 17:06:54 UTC
I would buy my mother a house so that she can live comfortably for the rest of her life, and not even worrying about paying off the mortgage.
2012-05-14 07:42:08 UTC
I would buy her a week to a spa, a cruise to where ever she and my dad would want to go. i would try to help her with things that she would need.
2012-05-13 19:53:02 UTC
A trip to mexico i always listen to reminisce
2012-05-12 18:45:16 UTC
A vaction. On a cruise
2012-05-12 04:50:44 UTC
I would give her the world she deserves it and I hope she has amazing one with me and my brother <3
2012-05-12 01:49:59 UTC
i would buy her a bungalow facing the sea at pondicherry. She loves the sea and loves the serenity of the Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry.
2012-05-12 01:34:03 UTC
I would fund a new cancer research facility, devoted to the cancer my mum has to hopefully cure her. I love my mum so much and she has been brave and has stood by me no matter what and it's about time I give her something back.
2012-05-11 21:59:52 UTC
i would bring her back to life (she died in 2008) and send her to paris because she was always there for me and she could put up with me and my stupid mistakes and that says alot because not many people can put up with me.

she was like my best friend she would help me with bullies and boys and everything else. i look up to my mum as much as everyone else but she never looked down on me not even after i did something stupid. i would do anything for her she deserves it she deserves life and she deserves love. I love my mum and i would anything to see her smile again.
2012-05-11 18:29:16 UTC
I would get my mom all the money in the world cause money is not an issue
GI Jane
2012-05-11 17:15:41 UTC
A private jet.. That way she could visit me or me visit her anytime we want instead of just once or twice a year.

It's hard living in a different state than your family, but at the same time it makes those fewer visits all the more special.. But I'd still hop that jet every chance I could if we had one!!
2012-05-14 00:57:49 UTC
I would buy her a Yacht, and if I had enough money, also a villa in her favorite place :)
Android Guru
2012-05-13 11:00:01 UTC
I would buy her everything she ever wanted because she spent so money and time for me and my education.
2012-05-13 06:27:21 UTC
I would give my mother the world. She deserves it for all she has done for me.
2012-05-12 16:56:19 UTC
A brand new hard drive for the server for her website.
Love me, Love You!
2012-05-11 17:10:23 UTC
wow, excellent question.If money wasnt an issue, I would buy my mother a brand new 6 bedroom house in Atlanta fully furnished with 100,000 cash on the table that she may used anyway she like, plus bottles of champagne and a driver to take us shopping
2012-05-13 18:45:47 UTC
A beautiful home, something shes always wanted.
2012-05-13 08:04:41 UTC
I would buy her a retirement plan and a house
2012-05-12 05:19:25 UTC
Something more than a card, but not something as huge as a house. That's to show my love.

And then I'd pay off her mortgage for everything. That's to help.
2012-05-11 19:49:34 UTC
The peace she so longed for in her life that she never had in real life. A safe, secure, nonviolent home with happy family and friends who loved her unconditionally without the fear of living in this world..
Team Rocket Grunt
2012-05-11 18:05:38 UTC
I would buy her everything she ever wants.

Why? She deserves it. After all the stuff she's gone through for me and after all the love and support she's provided me, she deserves everything she could possibly want.

I'm actually going to do that. Once I'm older (I'm 13) and I become a doctor (that's what I've been studying for), I'm going to dote over my mother. I'll hire her personal help, have a house built for her, and buy her everything she's ever wanted.
2012-05-11 22:00:22 UTC
Happy Mother's Day!

I would not buy anything. Because I know that what my mother want couldn't find in any shop. He want me, Yes me as good as she want. I try to be and make her satisfy.

I will give him a flower and congratulate her.
2012-05-14 06:17:00 UTC
A jetpack, so she could fly around doing everything she wanted to.
2012-05-13 15:27:31 UTC
50 Shades of Gray and a car!
2012-05-13 15:08:36 UTC
A greenhouse. She loves flowers and I would love to give her a greenhouse. I just don't have the money. Sigh.
2012-05-13 10:34:22 UTC
A nice vacation wherever she wanted to go and for as long as she wanted.
2012-05-12 10:36:24 UTC
I would buy my mother a brand new kitchen, yard and laundry room. She is always complaining about how she wants new ones. she would be so happy if I just got her one of these.
2012-05-13 21:42:48 UTC
If I had infinite money? The entire universe I guess...
2012-05-13 20:33:59 UTC
How and where to buy Pandora jewelry online?
2012-05-13 15:17:08 UTC
I would buy my mom anything she asked for. She has been through a lot and has done so much for me. I would buy her anything she would want because she deserves it.
Kim Nguyen
2012-05-13 13:35:18 UTC
I make a special mother card coupon, she will use it when she want me to work and do chores
2012-05-13 07:20:32 UTC
I would buy her a house,she never had her own place to call it home.That was and still is my only wish for her...
Eric R
2012-05-13 06:28:10 UTC
A new heart and the will to quit smoking
2012-05-12 04:54:26 UTC
a portrait where she would sit and the artist would work swiftly as well as interactively -- taking what she'd say and commend and making the best portrait, pleasing to our entire family
2012-05-12 02:46:22 UTC
Buy a garden for her and plant various trees and flowers . She love green tree,flower and fresh ear.
☺ Fish ☺
2012-05-12 01:53:48 UTC
A monkey
2012-05-14 01:49:43 UTC
A flower!Then say happy festival to her!
2012-05-13 12:09:17 UTC
I didn't bye anything for my mom but i'm surprise her and carried her to park to listen music
2012-05-12 16:32:33 UTC
He dream greenhouse. She has been wanting one for months and found the perfect one, but she can't afford it :(
2012-05-11 20:41:52 UTC
New car. I just can't stand her waking up at 4AM to catch the bus to work. She needs a car.
2012-05-11 18:05:22 UTC
My mother deserves anything. So I would buy her a nice relaxing princess cruise for 15 days and buy her a house so she could have everything and not have to work.
2012-05-11 17:19:30 UTC
A house. Because she's living with her aunt and can't afford one of her own. I'd get her one with 2-3 bedrooms so that If my aunt wanted to move in with her, she could and if not - she has a guest room and a room to do whatever she wants with like an office or something.
2012-05-14 00:35:46 UTC
I would give her another life, and happiness forever! But sadly I can't find that at the drug store. -.-
2012-05-12 16:00:06 UTC
i'll make a huge trip with her, to all of the most beautiful places of the world.
2012-05-12 11:55:48 UTC
I would buy her everything she wanted and everything she never had. But of course that is not that case
Peek prays for the U.S.A
2012-05-13 23:19:13 UTC
I'd bring her back from heaven..didn't realize how hard it would be without her <3
2012-05-13 15:31:07 UTC
Buy her a designer bag like LV or a mansion :)
2012-05-13 10:10:47 UTC
I would buy my a house and hire people to help her.
2012-05-12 21:15:48 UTC
i would buy her an antique rocking chair with a soft brown teddy bear, cause it would remind her of the one she lost in the fire we had when she was a kid
2012-05-12 06:21:49 UTC
A new car... She gave me her car when I needed one, and now I'd really like to return the favor... Hers is getting old and is horrible on gas...
2012-05-13 11:50:59 UTC
No gift, just me and her. No amount of money would ever be enough for our love :)
2012-05-13 10:21:40 UTC
An old beetle in baby blue. she has ALWAYS wanted one because my stepdad calls her Bebe and she want the licsence plate to be BB-BLUE :) I want her to have one so bad!
2012-05-13 07:57:19 UTC
I would buy her a new house and some flowers and jewelry.
Allison Norton
2012-05-12 13:09:16 UTC
Lasik Eye Surgery! She has terrible eyes and deserves it! She lets everyone in our family have all these great opportunities so she should have one too!
2012-05-13 21:09:56 UTC
a beach view bungalow and a bmw...Coz she likes to travel and loves long walks on the beaches..
2012-05-13 09:36:24 UTC
I would take her to her dream vacation too Alaska, and let he do whatever she'd like.
2012-05-13 09:19:30 UTC
I'll buy a big house for her
2012-05-12 12:41:18 UTC
Well, she always wanted a new car, so I'd probably buy her a new car, with heated seats, voice activated, stuff like that. :)
2012-05-12 09:21:51 UTC
i would have treated her like a queen! because she has done so much for me but even with this money we can't repay our mother's favor for what ahe has done for us..... which is to give us birth! we can't repay the favor of this pain!
2012-05-12 05:43:15 UTC
Everthing <3 because that is what she deserves! xx
2012-05-12 02:45:56 UTC
I'd give her all my love a new car and a bigger house xx
2012-05-12 20:50:33 UTC
I'd pay off her mortgage and buy her a trip to France. :)
2012-05-12 22:20:52 UTC
um i wudnt gv her but i will put in myself a special tendency to care and love her no matter what.. i wud like to mold myself in this way that just as she took care of me i wud also do the same.. and to put enuf humility in me to spoil her in the best way ever widout getting irritated.. i guess that wud be the best gift ever to her
2012-05-12 21:58:57 UTC
I would buy her a big hug! It's not what item you get that matters, but it's what you receive from heart that matters.
2012-05-14 09:35:38 UTC
I would buy her the world because she deserves everything.
Awesome Sam
2012-05-13 05:00:59 UTC
A billion dollars, so she can truly enjoy life without any worries :)
2012-05-12 23:15:45 UTC
I would just ask her what she wanted and take care of her and love her because without her, I wouldn't have been born!
Best Answer
2012-05-12 22:02:45 UTC
A vacation. It doesn't matter who the woman is. A good vacation is what they all need and deserve.
Allie idk
2012-05-11 19:13:38 UTC
I wouldn't buy my mother anything. I would just give her the money to buy what she want's. I don't wan't to give her something she never wanted! She deserves it all anyways :)
2012-05-11 17:04:53 UTC
A time-share so she could vacation every year and have a place to stay wherever she wants to go. She needs to rest now. Can't wait till she retires so we can spend more time together.
2012-05-13 18:27:21 UTC
A **** ton of stocks and bonds
2012-05-13 01:03:00 UTC
I would pay a trip from heaven to earth. If I could?
2012-05-13 00:38:44 UTC
i would give her a IVF because she always wanted more kids but now she's quite old to conceive in a natural way
2012-05-12 22:29:11 UTC
I would get her something thoughtful even if it was cheap. Expensive gift does not equal love.
2012-05-12 01:49:50 UTC
i will buy her lots of nice clothes as she lives in village with awful clothes and not big variety of choice...
2012-05-11 21:35:33 UTC
A one way trip to the moon.
2012-05-13 18:28:18 UTC
I would give her all of the health care that she needs.
2012-05-13 17:11:53 UTC
A better daughter, cauz I kinda suck
pez dorado
2012-05-12 16:24:39 UTC
I give her a grand kiss
Matthew Smit
2012-05-12 15:12:41 UTC
The new car exactly the way she wanted it.
2012-05-12 05:36:00 UTC
I would give her a coupon to an italien restaurant. She loves italien restaurants.
2012-05-11 19:20:47 UTC
I would buy my mom a cure for heart disease and lung cancer. This way she would be here longer and able to take care of herself and not so embarrassed.
2012-05-12 15:16:57 UTC
Any and everything she could possibly want. No one deserves it more than she does.
2012-05-14 11:18:16 UTC
Money so she can do whatever she wants with it.
2012-05-13 20:37:35 UTC
Maid, because she hates housework
2012-05-13 18:47:04 UTC
i think i'd get her the stuff to make hula hoops the reason is she likes them
Sir Joey the 8th
2012-05-13 16:04:03 UTC
a home 1000 miles away from me
Jacob Hopp
2012-05-12 12:49:11 UTC
A Hug
2012-05-11 20:42:37 UTC
More time.

Because it's the only thing she needed that she didn't have enough of.
2012-05-13 13:12:48 UTC
I'd buy a small island and declare her queen of it.
2012-05-13 09:29:01 UTC
i would by my mom everything relaxtion thing that exist from all the stress i probably gave her lol.
2012-05-12 13:32:16 UTC
I would let her travel at any locations for x amount of time.
John Locke
2012-05-12 13:24:00 UTC
A new house and a doll!
2012-05-11 20:59:11 UTC
She needs no money i would throw it away. the best thing i can get my mom is to be with her and to show her how much i love her. money doesn't by happiness, love does.
2012-05-11 19:36:33 UTC
Plain and simple - I would go to my mom give her a hug and tell her "thanks for being a awesome mom to me and caring about me, i love you mom" and I would give her the money and say "This is for you"
2012-05-11 19:25:39 UTC
I would give her a trip to Puerto Rico because she loves to see her family there!
2012-05-11 17:58:59 UTC
Lamborghini's, the world's biggest TV, best laptop, cruise to Hawaii, cruise to the Bahamas, anything she wants!!!!! Best Mom ever!!! Lambo, because, well, yeah. TV, because why wouldn't she want a huge TV?! Laptop, because her current one is just a notebook computer. Hawaii, because she wants to go there. Bahamas, because she really wants to go there. Anything, because she is the best Mom in the world!
2012-05-12 20:11:31 UTC
An iron.
2012-05-12 19:04:53 UTC
Hire someone to do her work so she has more time to relax.
2012-05-12 10:10:57 UTC
I would just tell her she could get anything she wants. Anything at all.

Why, because she's my Mom. There needn't be any other reason
2014-06-23 18:29:49 UTC
if me my brother or my dad even get near her. she doesnt even recognize us. she also can no longer speak, walk, eat or anything anymore...its been so long i cant even remember what she sounds like...
2012-05-13 01:08:27 UTC
Health. that is something money cannot buy
2012-05-14 06:55:37 UTC
I would pay off her mortgage and debt
2012-05-13 16:41:11 UTC
i picture of me just to let her know i'm happy without her
2012-05-13 07:55:01 UTC
A brand new car!!! She has been wanting one.
2012-05-12 23:48:11 UTC
I would buy my mum a cure to cancer and a cure to depression.
Two Peas
2012-05-11 17:37:20 UTC
A house.

Seriously. She deserves it! She's made MANY sacrifices for myself and my brother while we were kids,and even as adults. Seeing her live the good life would make me happy!
2012-05-13 09:48:51 UTC
I'd get her a horse! She loves 'em!
2012-05-12 19:03:39 UTC
A cell phone so she can call me once every 20 years. ...
2012-05-12 09:40:10 UTC
can someone put up a giant billboard that says, I LOVE YOU MOM

lets make this happen :)
2012-05-12 01:21:01 UTC
Money can't buy love. Nothing. =)
☮Creasy the Pandapig☮
2012-05-11 18:35:45 UTC
I would buy my mom lotion to make her not old again and would look when just she married when she was so beautiful.
2012-05-13 19:24:16 UTC
multiple vacations because she loves to travel.
2012-05-13 18:03:59 UTC
Nothing. All she asks for is all of my love.
2012-05-13 01:30:50 UTC
nothing, I hate my mother
2012-05-12 22:30:08 UTC
A hole six feet in the ground.
2012-05-11 22:20:37 UTC
I want to take her to Jerusalem because it has been her dream ever since she knew the Lord.. :)
2012-05-11 20:49:49 UTC
Nothing! Every mother's best gift is there children
2012-05-13 14:56:27 UTC
A trip to Paris! :) If time was no object as well...
2012-05-12 21:41:41 UTC
2012-05-12 18:36:21 UTC
make her live like a millionare
2012-05-12 11:35:25 UTC
id get her a well deserved vacation from everyone because she is so stressed and deserves a break from everything
2012-05-14 05:18:40 UTC
A green house, she LOVES to garden! :-)
2012-05-13 14:42:29 UTC
A time machine so that she could get the abortion.
2012-05-12 19:48:01 UTC
Jerry Mouse
2012-05-12 12:21:39 UTC
I'd buy her a muzzle, for reasons that are apparent.
2012-05-13 06:39:31 UTC
A new son.
2012-05-15 02:35:12 UTC
I don't know.
2012-05-12 13:02:14 UTC
the ability to have her recognize me when I see her she has Alzheimer's
2012-05-12 00:46:12 UTC
I would buy her a trip to Disney land!! my mom loves cartoons! she would totally love it there!
2012-05-13 19:20:32 UTC
everything in the world! she deserves it
2012-05-12 07:19:20 UTC
I want to fulfill all her wish
2012-05-11 17:44:11 UTC
A new car as my parents are in need of a new one and can't afford much.
2012-05-11 16:46:07 UTC
What I would get my mother for Mother's Day if I won the lottery and money was not an issue would be something she would absolutely would would love of course! I would take my mom to Sicily. I would take her there because she is part Sicilian and always dreamed of seeing the world all through out her life - especially Sicily. That would make my moms dreams come true! My mom so would deserve that because she is the best mom ever. All through out my childhood she did whatever she could to make sure I was always happy and had everything I needed. I would also buy her a cottage on a private island in the thousand islands. When she was a kid she had a trailer there. That's were all her best childhood memories were. The trailer there was sold when she was around 20 and she hasn't been there since, but she really wants to go there, because on the water or on a boat is where she is happiest. I would also just give my mom really beautiful flowers and tell her I love her because she is the best mom ever.
2012-05-13 19:21:59 UTC
a pretty clothes
2012-05-13 03:39:50 UTC
just jewelry because my mom love it.
2012-05-11 17:20:57 UTC
A beautiful new house and most beautiful flowers I can find (she loves flowers).
2012-05-13 07:32:55 UTC
Train a place FAR FAR AWAY.
The Kung Fu Hamster
2012-05-13 01:58:31 UTC
i would buy her everything,because i love her so much
2012-05-12 11:09:38 UTC
I would get her that stapler she asked me for last Spring.
2012-05-11 21:40:43 UTC
I would gift her a bung low and visa if UK becoz she have a desire to go UK..
2012-05-11 18:22:03 UTC
i would buy her a dachshund because she's always wanted one

and i'd pay for all the supplies/food/vet etc

why so many thumbs down?
2012-05-14 06:44:27 UTC
I would give her my time.
2012-05-14 06:54:41 UTC
i would buy her own island
2012-05-12 18:14:20 UTC

for a better life...
Polish Princess PoweR
2012-05-12 15:28:23 UTC
i would get my mom a new car and house. :)
2012-05-13 15:16:17 UTC
2012-05-12 00:54:38 UTC
I would buy her a house.
2012-05-12 11:21:39 UTC
Nothing; love cannot be bought.
Rebecca of Faraway Farm
2012-05-12 05:41:33 UTC
a new recliner
2012-05-11 20:09:34 UTC
I would pay off her mortgage.
2012-05-14 01:48:11 UTC
a coffin.
2012-05-11 16:43:14 UTC
Something that would make her smile, feel pretty and cry!

I would take her out with my brothers and sisters to watch some comedy show!

Your moms are girls and I would get some princess day of hair, skin care and hair treat for her!

Write how amazing was to see her smile today and how pretty she gets everyday and that doesn't have women more beautiful than her to me!!! this it self would make her cry!! hahahaha

Write a letter to her with very personal things principally remembering her hard moments and compliment how brave she was and how much she has been a example to us and thank her for it but write specifically so she can connect deep!

What makes mothers day it's not how good the gift is but how you spent your day with her so if money it's not a problem the best thing it's to take mom out of the kitchen and give her a fun, relaxing and emotional day!
2012-05-11 23:14:58 UTC
her dream house.... she would b so happy and everything! :)
2012-05-11 18:57:10 UTC
Anything and everything she wanted.
2012-05-12 05:11:56 UTC
a new wheelchair
2012-05-11 19:06:10 UTC
I would buy her the whole world!!! why?!?!? Because she deserves the WHOLE WORLD!!!!!
2012-05-11 16:56:52 UTC
if i won the lottery and i could use it for my mother i guess i would ask her what she wanted and where she would like to go... but i think my mom would be happier if it was made by me. she and i have always believed that "what comes from the heart is more valuable than all the money in the world" and shes right it really is the thought that counts not the amount that it cost. but if i could i would probably use it to help buy her her house and pay all the expenses for she deserves it. we've both been thought a lot and she deserves the break to get away and visit family. but honestly she just deserves it for being who she is : strong, independent, kind, gentle, and a loving mother. mom i love you ... have a happy mothers day.
2012-05-11 21:48:35 UTC
you wont even read all the answers liar hamster

stupid hamster bastard
2012-05-11 21:01:44 UTC
i would buy my mom the world becase that's how much she means to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012-05-11 16:17:31 UTC
If I won the lottery and money was no issue I would by a trip for me and my mom to see the Anne of Green Gables house. My mom read that book when she was a kid and so have I. It means alot to my mom and I to see that place. That would be the best Mother's day gift ever.
2012-05-12 09:30:56 UTC
2012-05-11 18:47:59 UTC
a life because she doesn't have one
2012-05-11 16:32:54 UTC
My mom wants a BMW car and 3 trees that come in a pot. Apple, banana and orange. I will have many homemade gifts such as breakfast in bed but thats all she wants. If it was my choice she would be going spending the time of her life in Greece. Seeing all the sights and islands will take her breath away.
2012-05-11 15:48:24 UTC
Well, if it were me, i'd give my mother an entire presentation sort of thing. By this i mean create an amzing slide show of her, her childhood, and her life. Then the slides will transition into her life as a mother, each slide showing family pictures after she had her first child. So it would be like my dad, her and my older sister. Then my dad, my mom, my older sister and brother. Then my dad, mom, big sister, big brother, me. Then my mom and dad, my big brother and sister me and my little sister. Then the last being my parents, my older siblings, me and my two little sisters (a.k.a, the current family picture) I would also invite her entire family, and we could do a tribute to my mother. Each member of the family will talk about her and how much she's done for them. I'd book a nice venue, then a nice restaurant afterwards. Then finally, give her a plaque that says "World's Greatest Mother" and her name. I'd also use the excess money to buy her anything she wanted for a Mother's Day Off, kind of thing. She can go out all day, and not have to worry about cooking or cleaning.

p.s- I also would book her fave singer, and have them sing a mother's day song!

Happy Birthday Mom
2012-05-11 16:32:53 UTC
I would give her a coupon or whatever it's called to a really expensive and fancy spa!

She works so hard around the house, and she deserves it :)

Aside of that, I'd take her shopping to really cool places, and give her a fancy dinner and everything ^^
2012-05-11 16:23:37 UTC
i would buy my mother a new brain with all of her memories in it and put it into her head so she could remember me again. she is mentally ill and screams if me my brother or my dad even get near her. she doesnt even recognize us. she also can no longer speak, walk, eat or anything anymore...its been so long i cant even remember what she sounds like...
2012-05-11 16:20:10 UTC
If money was no issue, it would be one of two things:

1) A German Shepherd dog. It would be a male, police-trained, and preferably imported from Germany. Why? Simply put, my mom grew up with these dogs and she absolutely loves them! Also, they are extremely protective of their people and their property and that would be another plus.

2) A Kubota farm tractor. We live on a small farm and a tractor is something we've been wanting to get for a long time. My mom is a true farm gal and a bright orange Kubota would complete her dream.
2012-05-11 15:58:06 UTC
Well, I would buy my mother a new car! She needs a new car and has been saying it over and over. Her car gives her a lot of problems and she is deserving of one if I could only afford it for her. She is a great mother and is always ALWAYS there for her children. I love her and my words are not enough to describe it.
2012-05-13 17:40:22 UTC
2012-05-11 16:53:08 UTC
Your mother suffered during birth. She could not sleep for fear of your health and would constantly listen to your heartbeats when you were a very fragile newborn. You being healthy now is her gift.

Apart from this "hypocrisy" as people would call this answer, I have no idea what she likes as our interests are many, therefore I would not buy anything.

2012-05-11 16:36:49 UTC
Brand new car.
2012-05-11 16:31:59 UTC
Rent A chinese singer for a day

Witch, please!
2012-05-11 15:40:26 UTC
well I would ask her what she wanted. i don't know. i don't think i could really give her anything especially worthwhile with money. she is not the kind of person to whom money matters. i'd give her back her youth if i could but of course that's not an option. i woudl also give her self confidence. i'd give her a beautiful life she's never had.
2012-05-11 15:34:57 UTC
I wouldn't keep the money no one will have it not even me ! I would give her my love ! And that is the best present in the world ! Love and family is always better then a really expensive present !!
All My Intensity
2012-05-11 15:34:10 UTC
2012-05-11 16:49:47 UTC
I would get her a trip to space because she's out of this world!
2012-05-11 16:34:40 UTC
I would not buy her anything, I would let her know that I love her, because love is the best gift that you can give your mother and the best gift that money cannot buy.
2012-05-11 16:30:43 UTC
I Would give her an educacion, a car, and a nice house
2012-05-11 15:30:03 UTC
I would buy my mother everything she never had.She is such a wonderful mother and deserves everything. when she was in her younger years she never got what she wanted as a child because her parents were poor,back when I was younger my mother still never got what she wanted because my father only made enough for us to skim by.Things have gotton alot better but my mother never asks for anything,and I know she has wants.I would just buy her everything she never had,even if it would cost me my entire fortune.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.