what holiday tradtions does your family have?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
what holiday tradtions does your family have?
189 answers:
just a mom
2007-11-19 13:56:46 UTC
as long as I can remember my dad always got a box of those chocolate covered cherries i don't know why but he loved them. Now that he passed away last december, we opt to still buy a box of chocolate covered cherries in memory of him and each of us eat one. A friend of mine had a baby and last year was her first christmas and she was also wondering about tradition, so I sat down and told her the story of the chocolate covered cherries and now there will be two boxes of chocolate covered cherries under the tree one for my family and one mailed to her and her little girl in fact on my birthday this year she bought me a box lol
2007-11-19 13:18:47 UTC
Our family traditions have changed a little over the years as the family has grown. We used to all go over to my grandmother on my mom's side, but the cousins have gotten too numerous and my grandmother has gotten too old to worry about them all! At one point, we all drew names so each cousin only had to worry about one gift for that specific person they drew, but that ended up just being an exchange of gift cards or checks, and no one really saw the point of it. That's been tossed out.

Recently, they started to have a Christmas/New Year's party on the last Saturday of December. They rent a clubhouse or church, and we can play games, socialize, have dinner, and whatever else we want. It's really the one time of the year that we all get together. And best of all--we don't have to worry about getting gifts for the other people. Believe me, the experience of spending the time with them is more memorable than the gift itself and that's all we need.
2007-11-19 13:19:37 UTC
My family and I decorate for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving too. We think it's too crazy to shop (and we always shake our heads at the fights that break out when we see them on the news).

On Christmas Eve we go to Midnight Mass and open one present either before or after the service.

My Mum, sister an I bake cookies throughout the season and give them to others as gifts.
2007-11-19 13:10:59 UTC
helping others without them knowing it was us.
2007-11-19 14:08:58 UTC
I was raised in a Christian home and converted to Judiasm later in life. I celebrate Hannukah and no it is not the Jewish version of Christmas. My daughter married a Hispanic Catholic and my brother is still a Methodist.Therefore we have the great pleasure of celebrating both holidays and enjoy many customs and foods from different cultures. This has enriched my life and brought many people together.
2007-11-19 13:35:53 UTC
i usually bake lots and lots of pies, and other holiday treats.

my sister and i see who bakes the best pumpkin pie

my brother decides ^^

we give a lot to charity

and i go to my mom's house to see the entire family
2007-11-19 14:51:44 UTC
Thanksgiving every year, we all look forward to grandmas marshmellow yams.

Christmas eve at midnight we all open presents. Everyone picks a seat to open presents. When I was younger we would tear the gifts open, now it's fun to watch the children.

Sometimes, now that my grandfather is aging he will break out the old family movies and watch them. Last year my fiance proposed to me and it was recorded. After all the presents everyone was watching the proposal on tape.

Since I no longer live with papa and my sisters...we all still listen to KOAST 103.5 during the holiday. During the holidays they play non-stop christmas music. So whenever I'm in my car thats whats on! I know my papa is listening at the same time I listen at work because he is a truck driver. And thats all he has!

OH YEAH...I'm 1 of 5 children (1boy, 4 girls, last from a different mom) anyways papa always pulls his children aside to give us our gifts. It's usually a gift card but my dad always includes something in it like a christmas tree ornament. So something that we all can share in our own homes. The youngest will join the gift card once she is older. But for now it has been daddy's girls!

Man it's bringing tears to my eyes now. These months have been very emotional for me..growing up and not living with daddy anymore.

ANYWAYS its something that I miss.

One day my brother will be back in the christmas picture.

I guess thats another tradition, as soon as my brother gets out of jail we always go to take a family picture. We never know how long he will stay out. :( Poor man. Doesn't know what he is missing.
2007-11-19 13:27:35 UTC
me and my family always get to open one small gift on xmas eve and on xmas morning we back cinomon rolls and open presents
2007-11-19 13:23:54 UTC
every christmas eve my family goes to my grandparents and then to my greatgrandparents and weve done that since i can remember but this year we are starting a new tradition every year were going to switch between my grandparents and great grandparent

also every year the youngest kids (me my brother and my 2 girl cousins) we get special presents that santa brings early there matching pj's so we all match

another tradition is my aunt doesnt have kids except for a step one thats married and 26 so every year she switches between my house and my cousin's house and the whole family exchanges presents and has dinner at my aunts house later on

hope this helps

also how does your tree stay so fresh
2007-11-19 14:57:08 UTC
every year we have a christmas movie marathon and it always ends with "its a wonderful life"......
2007-11-21 04:50:42 UTC
I love your holiday tradition. It sounds so comforting and wonderful. Don't feel sad about Christmas Eve - it is yours for the making. If you like, you can borrow one of our favorite traditions from that day:

The family gathers over platters of sandwiches (hot or cold), party mix, hot punch and each one opens a single gift of their choosing. (We save the big exchange for Christmas morning.) After we visit for awhile, then we meet at a church (we don't necessarily go to our own - we like to visit a different church each year) for a Christmas Eve candelight communion service. (Service times can vary, so please call ahead to find out for sure.) If we're really fortunate, we find a church that has special music that night (a children's choir or handbells, etc). It's a marvelous way to celebrate - we don't feel like it's Christmas without that.

Favorite Christmas treat: It's very simple, but it makes our home smell wonderful and is something very soothing and comforting to have on hand: the hot apple cider I mentioned earlier. You can't go wrong with this combination of ingredients, and there's no real formula - this is a flexible recipe and the amounts can vary depending on your personal taste:

Take 1 gallon of apple juice, 6-8 ounces of cinnamon red hots, and anywhere from a splash up to half a gallon of orange juice, combine in a crockpot and heat until the cinnamon hots are melted. You can keep this simmering in your crockpot all day if you like, and it's so nice to set this out with a cheese-ball and crackers or some ready made shortbread cookies - it doesn't have to be elaborate. It's just a nice place to nibble in between visits and meals.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday too!
2007-11-21 12:12:55 UTC
Normally, on Thanksgiving night we put up the Christmas Tree and decorate it of course. Another tradition we do is open our presents on Christmas Eve night. I'd have to say that ever since my parents got divorced, it was around Christmas about 8 years ago, and so Christmas has never really been a good time of year for us. It just brings back bad memories. Hopefully when I have my family someday, I can continue these traditions and it will be a nice memory like it was for me.
Matthew V
2007-11-20 23:46:51 UTC

- The Thanksgiving traditions don't vary much from most people's, except that I like to eat the turkey giblets.

- My mom has a very unique (and good) type of turkey gravy

- Black Friday shopping

- My dad bakes a few types of pies


- Along with a standard Christmas dinner, we also make some fish like Buccoli (don't know how to spell it), as part of the Italian side of my family's traditions

- Opening gifts on Christmas Eve night instead of Christmas morning (except when I was a kid, I'd also get gifts from "Santa" for Christmas morning, because I got more gifts that way, I pretended to believe in Santa well into my teens).

- We invite the entire family over and they usually show up

- About a week or so before Christmas, I do my "Grand Finale Workout" of weightlifting, and then take off for the entire winter until the very end of March.

- We decorate late but leave stuff up late

- We celebrate both regular Christmas (Dec 25) and Russian Christmas (January 7), but regular Christmas takes priority

- Sometimes we drive downtown to see how they decorated that year for Christmas

New Year's

- A New Year's dinner that consists of sauerkraut, beans, hot dogs, pork, dumplings, and mashed potatoes.

- Staying up on New Year's Eve to watch the ball drop

Actually from how it sounds, you do have Christmas traditions. It's just you don't think much of them because they're your own. People usually don't think much of their own traditions.
2007-11-20 16:29:25 UTC
We put the tree up on the first of December. Sometimes we put lights up. On christmas eve when my parents were still together we would bake cookies and take them around to our friends' houses. Then we would come home and read the nativity story before watching the christmas carols on television. The younger kids would have to go to bed after the kids' performers had been on, then I would stay up with my parents until it was over.

Christmas morning we aren't allowed to open the presents until everyone is up. First we give each other gifts, then we get to open what 'Santa' has given us. Then mum makes French Toast with berries. Christmas Lunch this year we are going to a community lunch, where less-fortunate members of the community have a nice christmas lunch. There are homeless people there, and people who have no families or little money, and my family is volunteering to help serve them lunch.

Christmas Dinner we have all the trimmings, lots of champagne, and roast vegies. Then for dessert we have christmas cake, pudding, and pavlova. And more champagne.

Because my parents have recently seperated and dad wasn't very into christmas, we are starting new traditions. I want to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas (they start on Christmas day and runs into January, I always thought it was before Christmas, but it's actually after). I also want to bake millions of cookies and decorate the whole house, and make all sorts of little christmas crafts. And i'm dying to put lights up on the house this year.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Madelin N
2007-11-21 11:24:53 UTC
The weekend after Thanksgiving we go to get a tree (a live one). Every year we each get a new oranment. On Christmas Eve we eat our big Christmas dinner and always have Virgina ham. On Christmas Day everyone must wake up before we start to open presents(even if it is my aunt's over who sleeps untill 10:00 am).

Oh and my dad's old tradition of nothing Christmas-ish before the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade still stands.
2007-11-21 08:07:44 UTC
Well, for Thanksgiving every year, we put up our Christmas Tree. Every year on Christmas we can't go downstairs to open our presents until music is on. On Christmas day, we always have a breakfast "feast." Which contain the usuals: biscuits, sausage, eggs, bacon, et cetera. The only Christmas Eve traditions that we have are we always read the "Night before Christmas" story. Oh yea, and we always get new pajamas on Christmas Eve. Happy holidays! And a great New Year!
2007-11-20 14:03:01 UTC
For As long as I've known we've had a Christmas party at my Grandma's house on my dad's side. And we do A kris kringle. With 17 grandchildren it's a fun event. We always get a different name and it's impossible to find who has you. The house is decked out with personal stockings and a nice big tree. Also Right after Christmas maybe a day or two most of us head up to Vermont. Unfortunately due to bad health my grandma hasn't made the 5 hour ride in a while. But we all go up. Just skiing and snowboarding and play lots of scatagories!! We tend to merge a holidays. Into one big super big family. It's been around as long as I've known. And it's really great. It will most likely get passed down to our kids. Cause we'll always get together every year. That's a promise. The Saturday after 4th of July and the one before Christmas. Without a doubt.
2007-11-21 10:02:32 UTC
In my family since we are catholics we have a little glass version of the stable where Mary and Joseph were staying when baby Jesus was born so every Christmas Eve at midnight we would always rock the little glass manger where the baby was sleeping. After that we open the gifts everyone brought for everyone.But thats at Christmas.On christmas day santa claus comes and we get more presents.By the way i am from mexico.

In January we celebrate a holiday called the three kings day it on january fifth we also get presents but this timewe get two big bowls and we fill one with water and the other with hay because they say the three kings come on animals and for presents we give them the food and water in exchange.
2007-11-21 08:05:43 UTC
We have several. Some of them, my husband of over 26 years, and I brought together from our families, and others we have made up over the years.

We too, go out and get our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. That is a tradition he brought into the marriage. Each child gets to open one present Christmas Eve, that is a tradition that I brought in to the marriage. And the one that we made up and we still do with the grandchildren is, every Christmas Eve, we drive around looking at all of the decorations. Some years, like this one, we have a pickup truck that we load with hay, cover up in blankets and put on our heaviest jackets. Then we play Christmas music as loud as we can, sing to the top of our lungs and ride around in the back of the pickup looking at all the lights and decorations. Then we all go back to my house, open one gift each while drinking hot chocolate, and then we go to bed and wait for Santa.
2007-11-20 15:52:23 UTC

Well, I live in Mexico, so maybe we have some different traditions than you...

We have the "Posadas" that are 9 traditional parties from December 16th to December 24th, these are made in commemoration of the journey that Mary and Joseph made before they found the place where Jesus was born. There are a lot of candles, candies, piñatas, food, and punch.

Besides the Christmas Tree, we put figures of the Nativity, they can be made with wood, porcelain, plastic, almost anything can be used to make a Nativity. Check this link:

We join around it and we sing a lullaby for Jesus as a child... we hug each other and exchange some presents, as we make a toast. We eat turkey, romeritos (They are special and delicious herbs) with mole and shrimps, apple salad, and cake.

At December 25th, Santa visits our homes, leaving toys for our children. The family join again for the "Recalentado", which means we eat what we didn't eat the night before, haha!!!

Harold Sink
2007-11-20 07:48:57 UTC
We have typical and untypical traditions. On that we laugh about is to who gets a Christmas card first. This means that we mail out our Christmas cards the day after Thanksgiving to see who gets one first.

More typical traditions are checking out the Christmas lighted houses during the month up until Christmas, putting up a Christmas tree and decorating throughout the inside of our homes. We also have a Christmas play at our church, and invite all we know.

First Baptist Church of Allen is having their Christmas program on the 8th and 9th of December at 7:00 PM, and anyone who wants to come is invited.

We also go carolling, exchange gifts on Christmas and sometimes the day before, and have individul parties through our church groups at someone's house or a reserved location.
2007-11-21 15:00:11 UTC
I am part of a very modern aged family, our heritage in correspondence with Polish heritage; therefore there are some Polish aspects within our traditions and recently created ones. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving due to it never being a passed on tradition from other generations. But when the season of Christmas falls upon us, my family and I usually go tree searching- such an event occurs in the few weeks before the eve, if it is an artificial tree, in this case we maintain previous artificial trees. If we are planning to decorate a real tree, we purchase one week before the eve due to having a "fresh" custom. Decorating the tree is a family event including the decorating of the house, baking of delectable, and playing old Christmas records.

On Christmas Eve, the day is spent without eating meat, even in some conventions of the Polish tradition. In a typical meal fish, mushroom, potatoes, warm, and cold dishes would be eaten, but in the newly formed traditions of my family we have sushi. Odd you think, it follows the ideas of no meat, and it is one of my family's favorite dish. The meal only begins when the first star appears, commencing with appetizers, soup, and then a dig into the fish, concluding the meal with a desert. Tea is served, etc.

Presents are opened after the meal; fire crackling and warm drinks are served. We usually put a bow on my ct but he will end up taking it off. Then we finish the night with a movie/conversation.

Christmas day is started with Church, even though we are not a completely practicing Christian family, and then a Brunch usually at my grandparent’s house. More gifts are exchanged, and the day is simple.

New years is the typical champagne and caviar event, since we live out of the area where the firework display occurs; we drive to the harbor to watch it due to it being released there. After twelve, more champagne and truffles!

Sometimes the events will be spent at parties and galas, but these are the usual holiday traditions.

Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it!
2007-11-21 09:28:23 UTC
The one that remains is the Christmas party, which is now on the Saturday evening before Christmas instead of on Christmas Eve and is now held in a church basement instead of a grange hall (as in the 50's through 70's), park building (70's and 80's), or community center (90's). The gathering has been small enough lately not to require nametags for my cousins 2, 3, or 4 times removed, because under 100 people are usually there out of a family grown from the 13 children of my maternal grandparents.

Santa still hands out the gift-exchange presents, but the number of people other than children participating is fairly small. The dinner is a potluck, and my wife, who is Jewish, has to ask me what a lot of the Pa. Dutch foods (like rivel soup) are.

When I was much younger (in the 50's and 60's), we had a Memorial Day picnic at Pine Tree Park in Emmaus, PA, which later became Emmaus Community Park. They had a pool and a penny arcade. One of my uncles had a 4th of July picnic where he supplied the corn on the cob and chicken from his farm. Another one had a clambake on Labor Day. Both had outhouses, just like my grandparents did, but we managed.

The picnics eventually dwindled down to one in June or July, which was last held at the Mennonite Church where my grandparents and a lot of my aunts and uncles were members. I haven't been to one in about 5 years, because I've lived out of state since 1981.
2007-11-20 19:06:26 UTC
We go to our Grandparents house (Father's side of family) on Thanksgiving and eat. On Christmas Eve we open one present and has to be a small one too. On New Years Morning we go out to Denny's or IHOP resturant and have breakfast.

Another tradition for thanksgiving is playing a game where you have a chair and a small flower vase, you put the chair facing away from the vase,(put the vase on the floor) you then stand on the chair on your knees and try to drop all four clothes pin's into the vase.

Harder than you think! and the vase needs to have an inch wide hole at the top.

So that's my traditions for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
2007-11-20 18:17:16 UTC
One thing that my family has done for a few years is set up the xmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. This year is the start of many new Traditions in my family. I love traditions, I love things you can count on.... Happy Holidays!
2007-11-20 15:26:34 UTC
At Thanksgiving we have our whole family get together at our house for a 2 day feast. Before we begin we each and everyone says what we are thankful for.

At Christmas time we always buy a new Waterford ordament for the tree. Our tree is so beautiful. We also have ordaments that are pictures of all the family members and hang them on the tree. These go back four generations and some of our family are in heaven so it's alway nice to have their pictures on the tree.
2007-11-21 11:31:52 UTC
The day after Thanksgiving we decorate our house and tree. We turn on Christmas music and dance around the house! Christmas Eve we go to church, and bake delicious butter cookies in holiday shapes! Then we go to my nana's house and the adults play White Elephant while the cousins play around. On Christmas morning, me and my brother wake up my mom (watch out if you wake up my dad!), and when everyone is up we open Stockings first. Then on to the wrapped gifts! After all that, we eat a HUGE breakfast. Then we get ready to go to my mammaw's house- everyone is there. We eat lunch around 4:00. Then we have desert. Then after that we open more presents and visit. Then we go home and relax with some butter cookies and Christmas music.

Ahhh... the Holidays.
2007-11-20 15:43:56 UTC
Well, the big tradition is the fact everybody heads down to my Grandma's for the holiday. Recently, one tradition has revolved around a puzzle, one of those huge jigsaw masterpeices. Everybody teams up, and we try to finish it by XMas. Normally, we get it done by the 23rd.

Also, we open presents on Christmas Eve, after dinner. At least the adults do. When I was younger, I just opened one present XMas eve night, and the rest in the morning. But recently, I graduated to opening them all at the night before. We all sit in the family room, and go around, opening presents one by one. It's a load of fun, and it really makes the holiday special.
«k a r e n»
2007-11-20 15:15:37 UTC
well, my family first prepares the Christmas tree on the first week of Dec. Then we go Christmas shopping (hee hee it's kinda late-ish) and get things for our friends. Now, after that we send money to my parents' home country because they are in a third world country. Then when it's Christmas eve my family or one of my friend's family hosts a party. Then on Christmas Day we open the presents with some lively Christmas songs :)

That's what my family does I guess...
2007-11-20 14:05:26 UTC
We have this tradition in my country (Philippines) every christmas eve. All my cousins, aunts and uncles would go to our house to celebrate christmas. At 7 o clock we would have Bible study. After that we would start our little party, dancing, singing, playing games, etc. At midnight we would give each other gifts and of course the kids would open the gifts. On christmas day we would go to church (even though it's not Sunday), then the kids would all get money from our aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents and godparents.

We don't do this anymore here in America, I dont know why though. :(
2007-11-21 04:27:57 UTC
Oh i love Christmas! When October comes, we'll already start the Christmas spirit by putting Christmas lights on our house, in the tree in front of our house (we'll cover that tree with lights around it). Then around November, we will help my mother do this Christmas lantern - a portrait of the birth of Jesus. using illustration boards and colorful celophanes and lights inside it, and then we'll put up the christmas tree and decorate it. When i was younger, days before Christmas, me, my brothers and other friends will do caroling around the neighborhood. Then on Christmas eve, we'll celebrate, give dishes to some of our neighbors, eat and open up the gifts. Then on Christmas day, sometimes we'll go to our other relatives or go out with the family.. Advance Merry Christmas!!
2007-11-20 20:49:51 UTC
on every big holiday like thanksgiving and christmas, the whole family gets together and we eat A LOT! then we just talk for hours! its sooooo much fun! i guess its our way to stay connected! not only that but its a tradition that every summer the family (about 21 people) will stay at the beach for 7 or 8 days. so a week. we just han out, go putt puttin, eat out, shop, hang out on the beach, and a lot more! its sooooo much fun!!!

for holidays: on christmas we eat and talk! but afterwards the real fun starts! we have secret santa, sorta, we find out who its from, its mostly for the kids though. then we have gag gifts, its where you get a number and we go in order and pick out a gift from a big pile that evryone brought. example: #1 goes and opens it, then #2 goes, they can either take the one from #1 (#1 will then get another gift from the pile) or #2 can pick from the pile. say ur #12, u can pick one from #'s 1-11 or from the pile. its mostly for adults but me(age 14), my two cousins (18 and 13), and my sis(18). its really fun cuz you never know what youll end up with til the end!
2007-11-20 15:18:01 UTC
Every Thanksgiving day after eating all the good food that were prepared that day, we sing Christmas carols and began putting up the Christmas tree, with everyone favorite ornament they made from a child up, my mom kept all the things we made in school when we were small,what fun we have on that day.I can't wait to see everyone there.
Lacking Daisies
2007-11-19 16:36:43 UTC
Well, for Thanksgiving we go to our relatives house (about an hour away). We all eat lots of really awesome food then we talk and laugh for hours. Then, on Friday or Saturday, my Mom, Dad, sisters and I all go and pick out our Christmas tree. When we get home Dad sets it up while we get out the Christmas decorations (All the while blasting Christmas music). For our Christmas Eve traditions we just open the gifts from us three girls to each other and a few special gifts from Mom and Dad (we almost always get a new calender and pajamas.). On Christmas morning we wake up, open presents, eat breakfast (Monkey Bread! Mmmmm...), then we prepare to head for the relatives again where we open more presents and talk and laugh for hours. It's great!!!
2007-11-20 22:06:23 UTC
My family owns a private bussiness that's open 24/7 so we don't really get to do anything on the actual holidays. One tradition that we have is that we go shopping and then out to dinner the day after thanksgiving. When we get back home we go and decorate our bussiness.
2007-11-20 18:46:46 UTC
Christmas eve is at my mom's. Has been for ever. We have the asst. fish entries and Baccala, which is a cod fish and spagetti dish. Then we all sit around the tree and sing songs and open the presents. We have a big family, usually 25- 30 including grandchildren. Gramps makes the pies and we all clean up afterwards. Its a wonderful tradition..............
2007-11-20 16:32:26 UTC
Um, we always bake cookies on Christmas Eve and go to church. And we also have Chinese food on Christmas

For Thanksgiving? well, we dont really have a tradition for that holiday
2007-11-20 16:25:02 UTC
thanksgiving weekend: we put up the tree together, hang the ornaments and play Christmas music while we do.

christmas countdown: we always have advent calendars with a chocolate behind each door counting down to christmas

also every weekend before christmas and after the tree is up we watch christmas movies like white christmas, etc

christmas eve: we go to church, the when we watch a movie, put out cookies and a note for santa (even though the youngest kid is 14 haha)

we hang our stockings

christmas day: we first open our stockings, then presents, and we film us opening them, we have a big christmas dinner with turkey, etc and watch a nice movie/play christmas music while we open presents


great question!!!!!

great question!
elin j
2007-11-20 14:35:48 UTC
Well, I've only got little traditions like we have two tealight things by the fireplace and they're only to be lit on Christmas day.

Also my mum lets me and my brother open one present under the tree on Christmas eve. I'm older now, but I'm such a big kid so I still do all the stuff..

Erm and on Christmas day me and my mum have martini and lemonade with a slice of lemon in the morning, and that's it.

Oh and I have to watch every Christmas movie that I own|!!
2007-11-19 18:11:39 UTC
Well for Thanksgiving and Christmas [sort of] I love waking up to a turkey and/or ham roasting in the oven. Its the best smell in the world. When I was little I would remember my parents having a plate for me already in the morning. I would sit in front of the television and watch the Macy's Day Parade. Now that I'm older I don't get as many presents and I help my parents around the kitchen. I even attempted to make a cheesecake for the whole family. [turned out great!]
2015-01-10 23:04:50 UTC
I am part of a very modern aged family, our heritage in correspondence with Polish heritage; therefore there are some Polish aspects within our traditions and recently created ones. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving due to it never being a passed on tradition from other generations. But when the season of Christmas falls upon us, my family and I usually go tree searching- such an event occurs in the few weeks before the eve, if it is an artificial tree, in this case we maintain previous artificial trees. If we are planning to decorate a real tree, we purchase one week before the eve due to having a "fresh" custom. Decorating the tree is a family event including the decorating of the house, baking of delectable, and playing old Christmas records.
2007-11-21 11:40:54 UTC
We usually go to a crowded Mass on Christmas Eve standing at the entrence door, then come home and have speghetti in the dining room with the lights dimly lit while playing Christmas music.
2007-11-21 09:48:18 UTC
My family goes two my grandmas house on christmas eve and we spend the night there then we open one present on christmas eve we hang out and watch "A Christmas Story" (the one that says youll shout your eye out kid, a lot) then on christmas morning we'll go to a church service and the ngo back to my grandmas and we'll talk about Christ and the story the nwe open presents the we look for this little pickle ordament in the tree its litterly the size of a nickle and its green so the adults hide it and all the kidsd try to find it who ever finds it gets five bucks. so its a pretty fun christmas i enjoy it
2007-11-21 09:34:31 UTC
We celebrate Dia de Reyes on Jan 5th. Here in Puerto Rico we make a big party where the three kings bring toys for the kids. We, the adults drink and eat lots of morcillas, pasteles, arroz con gandules, lechon asao (black sausage, rice w/green pigeon peas, roast pork, pasteles) etc and have family fun until the 6th of Jan.

We also celebrate Xmas as a big family reunion...not that many gifts on xmas day thou...and no Santa claus (unless u are from USA mainland) cuz it doesn't snow in this caribbean island.
2007-11-20 20:02:18 UTC
When I was a kid every Christmas Eve it was dinner at my Aunts house, then taking the long way home to admire the Christmas lights on everyones houses. I'm 35 now and we still go to her house.but i have my own kids and we've added to that. Before we head for home I hop on the internet and check the NORAD web site to see where Santa is. Then we go see the lights and when we get home i read The Night Before Christmas and we leave cookies for Santa. I love it!
2007-11-20 20:02:01 UTC
When we put up our tree we drink eggnog (the adults add alittle adult x-tra beverage to it) We listen to old Christmas songs and sing off key! -it's fun. Christmas eve we go to our favorite " chicken house "- chicken restaurant-my husbands family went there since he was a baby- have a nice dinner. Then on the way home, we drive around & look at all the Christmas house displays & listen to christmas music, & more off key singing! I love christmas!!! Happy Holidays!!
2007-11-20 18:25:21 UTC
My family always decorates for christmas on the first Saturday of December. and we have the little tree ornaments that represent all the things in the twelve days of christmas song that we always sing as we hang them. On christmas eve we always go to the late service at church and over the day we watch this Santa "cam" thing. It's cute.

oh and when i was little i would always get new pajamas for christmas and wear them all day =)
2016-01-30 17:01:09 UTC
Take 1 gallon of apple juice, 6-8 ounces of cinnamon red hots, and anywhere from a splash up to half a gallon of orange juice, combine in a crockpot and heat until the cinnamon hots are melted. You can keep this simmering in your crockpot all day if you like, and it's so nice to set this out with a cheese-ball and crackers or some ready made shortbread cookies - it doesn't have to be elaborate. It's just a nice place to nibble in between visits and meals.
2007-11-21 08:52:25 UTC
Well, we have Thanksgiving at my grandmother's house and on Friday my sisters and I get up early and make it a 'girls' day out, go shopping,eat and watch a movie.

I always start getting out the Christmas decorations the day after thanksgiving, All through the Season we listen to Christmas Carols and our house is always full of baking smells through the Holiday Season.

On Christmas eve we go to my grandmother's church for the candle light service then we come home and listen to the radio theatre version of The Christmas Carol...then my sister and I get everything ready for morning and go to bed....we get up about 7am and fix muffins and cinnomon rolls, we then open our gifts and for dinner we have salmon fillet and london broil and have formal setting and our grandmother comes over for dinner...I love CHRISTMAS and ALL our TRADITIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2007-11-21 08:09:01 UTC
Black Friday shopping at the crack of dawn, I did this as a kid with my parents, with my brother when we were in hs, and now with my bf. It's my thing.

Also, a tradition of my family is going to midnight mass on christmas eve.

I'm working on other traditions. One christmas eve we visited various graves of our loved ones, but that didn't stick because it's usually cold and we're usually really busy. This year I am hoping to start a Black Friday gathering type thing at my place, as it is my favorite day of the year. We'll see.
2014-09-30 02:23:45 UTC
Every year we each get a new oranment. On Christmas Eve we eat our big Christmas dinner and always have Virgina ham. On Christmas Day everyone must wake up before we start to open presents(even if it is my aunt's over who sleeps untill 10:00 am).

Oh and my dad's old tradition of nothing Christmas-ish before the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade still stands.
2007-11-21 07:46:32 UTC
Every Thanksgiving and Christmas morning- hot stickly buns are made. The smell just makes you want to wake up to this wonderful day. They last most of the morning for picking at with coffee. Great for the kids. We also volunteer at a homeless shelter and serve the meals to so many. It makes you look at the holiday with lots of gratitude.
2007-11-20 14:33:45 UTC
My wife's family has a tradition that I think is great.

If you do Christmas "stockings" which are usually loaded with candy and small items. At the bottom of the stocking after all the small stuff, they got their girls to write a small list of things they wanted to do or improve on for the next year. Then put the note back into the bottom of the stocking keeping them going for years.

It was very cool for me to see a letter my wife had written years ago saying she wanted a kitten or she she was going to work harder on writing in cursive.

It made me smile and remember how great Christmas is when your young.
2007-11-19 18:19:25 UTC
Every year we go to my Aunts house. All of my moms side is there. On Christmas morning we open presents and everything. Then after that we go to my Grandmas house for Christmas, and all of my dads side is there. A snack we always have on Christmas and Thanksgiving is No Bake Cookies!!! I love them their the BEST!!!

Oh we also do this on Thanksgiving except all on the same day!!!
2015-01-21 08:12:35 UTC
Christmas morning we aren't allowed to open the presents until everyone is up. First we give each other gifts, then we get to open what 'Santa' has given us. Then mum makes French Toast with berries. Christmas Lunch this year we are going to a community lunch, where less-fortunate members of the community have a nice christmas lunch. There are homeless people there, and people who have no families or little money, and my family is volunteering to help serve them lunch.
2007-11-21 11:49:26 UTC
We have my uncle's family over for Christmas eve and throughout new years. we usually go to church a 1/2 hr early (so we can get a parking spot!) and go to church. after that we will usually have a nice dinner in our dinning room (which we only do for Easter, thanksgiving and other occasions.) then we say our prayers, eat and then start a fire then "bake cookies for santa" ;) and "go to bed". on christmas day we usually wake up a little early like 8;30 then open our presents and have a family breakfest. then later on in the day we have all our friends over to have fun!
Crissy M
2007-11-20 22:09:49 UTC
My family will eat our traditional thanksgiving dinner, then sit by the fire and watch the movie "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"(a family favorite). We will eat our pies and pumpkin empanadas, play some pool, air hockey, ping pong, and foosball, then go for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Some will take naps and then later since my family has a spanish background will have tamales, rice, and coffee! Its a wonderful Thanksgiving!
2007-11-20 18:59:05 UTC
When my mom sets up the tree. We set out all the ornaments we have, me and my brothers take turns putting the ornaments up and now that my brothers have kids. It mostly for them to do now. And whenever we are all in the same city, we spend Christmas Eve watching christmas movies and bonding. I want to go home for the holidays.
Academy& Clockworthy
2007-11-20 16:23:17 UTC
Put up the old white christmas tree and sling the electric blue lights on it and deal with my father's christmas music from the 70's.

My birthday's New Years Eve, so we do give things to others.
2007-11-21 14:50:22 UTC
My husband and the kids dig all the Christmas stuff out the day after and we all work to put it up as a family. We start baking our deserts such as pumpkin bread and if we are making homemade gifts we do it on Saturday. I love this time a year because we really come together as a family. I hope everyone has Happy Holidays.
2007-11-21 10:46:45 UTC
Our tradition is having an ugly ornament exchange. Every one draws names at Thanksgiving and then on Christmas while our food is settling we open our ugly ornaments. It's lots of fun and you can just buy the onraments at a dollar store. It's your choice of what you want to do with your ornament. I keep all mine in a box. Our family enjoys doing this and its always brings a good laugh to the table.
2007-11-21 12:28:07 UTC
At Thanksgiving, everybody in the family says something they were thankful for this year, (I'm thankful for my boyfriend whom I met his year.) The day after Thanksgiving and the feast, we put up the Christmas tree and decorate it while listening to holiday music.
2007-11-19 17:23:34 UTC
My son and I are celebrating our first Christmas by ourselves this year (cant wait!). So it is the start of new traditions.

I plan to do the following every year and add on something new every year as well.

On Christmas eve we will be going to a nice cafe for breakfast (bacon and eggs), then when it gets dark we will be walking around the streets looking at Christmas lights, then coming home to a roast pork . Then we will watch some hired dvds and have some chocolates and nibbles.

My son will get to open 1 present, then before he goes to bed, we will be putting out milk and cookies for Santa and some carrots for the reindeer's. When he is a sleep I will put out his stocking.

Christmas day will involve a yummy Christmas breakfast of gourmet cheeses, fresh fruits and coffee, opening presents, a walk to the water to feed the fish and more eating.

Next year I will incorporate Christmas carols on Christmas eve.
2014-08-02 18:26:53 UTC
Recently, they started to have a Christmas/New Year's party on the last Saturday of December. They rent a clubhouse or church, and we can play games, socialize, have dinner, and whatever else we want. It's really the one time of the year that we all get together. And best of all--we don't have to worry about getting gifts for the other people. Believe me, the experience of spending the time with them is more memorable than the gift itself and that's all we need.
2007-11-21 11:04:32 UTC
I have 3 brothers and 6 sisters and when we were all younger my dad would pick 1 present for us to all open on Christmas eve. It was always matching fleece p.j's that we put on and went to bed so we would match in all the photos taken the next day. Kinda lame but I loved it..
nate r
2007-11-21 10:45:50 UTC
i am polish, and ever since my father was a boy my grand father would hide a plastic pickle in the christmas tree, whoever found it got a special treat, to this day my father still hides a pickle in the christmas tree, and most of the time the suprise is some kida joke, but me and my brothers look for it every year. i cant wait.
2007-11-21 08:25:25 UTC
well, i have a half brother, and his mom gets him on christmas. so baseicly, we wake up on christmas eve morning, and open our presents [just like christmas but a day early!] and then we go to my dads sides grandma,then open up that sides presents. then on my moms side we go to my aunts house and open up presents. i have 9 aunts [all 2nd aunts, but they're my only aunts!] on that side and 2 uncles [one is a second. other is my moms brother].

as for thanksgiving, we ALWAYS go to my aunts house, aunt pam. we're all pro chefs in my family so we hae TONS of deeeeeeelicious food! ever since i was five this is my traditional plate that i pig out on! mashed potatoes mixed with corn, 2 pieces of turkey, a chicken leg, and something new each year! YUM! We also start adding christmas songs to our ipods the day of and/or thanksgiving.
2007-11-20 01:50:24 UTC
we don't really celebrate christmas as much as what we used to because my sisters and i are grown up and we live away from the rest of our family, but we still do the christmas tree thing and every year I buy my mum a christmas teatowl that started when i was about 6 or so and im now 21 and still do it so that kinda a tridition for me now lol
Mopar Muscle Gal
2007-11-21 15:05:39 UTC
Started in the mid 50's we started eating Tv dinners on Christmas Eve

It was a frivolous expense and a treat to get something that wasnt home cooked ( Moms stayed at home, didnt work, and meals were made from scratch)

so a meal premade was a novelty

back then It cost .98 for one meal

we still continue the tradition today
2015-01-22 19:17:30 UTC
Because my parents have recently seperated and dad wasn't very into christmas, we are starting new traditions. I want to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas (they start on Christmas day and runs into January, I always thought it was before Christmas, but it's actually after). I also want to bake millions of cookies and decorate the whole house, and make all sorts of little christmas crafts. And i'm dying to put lights up on the house this year.
2007-11-20 20:43:58 UTC
Well when i was young my mom,grandmother,and uncle would watch the movie "The Gathering"(w/Ed Asner) every Christmas Eve and then open one present .. So I actly jst bght the movie on ebay and I am going to start that same tradition with my family........
2007-11-20 16:51:53 UTC
We only give three gifts each to the kids to represent what the wise men brought baby Jesus. We've been doing this for 10+ years. Also I bake tortierre with my mom. It's a French Canadian meat pie. I bake Russian teacakes. That was passed down from my husband's side of the family.
2007-11-19 20:14:46 UTC
Well my parent's are divorced so things work a little differently. On Christmas Eve, I celebrate at my Dad's house. My sister and her husband come over, and lately my Grandma has been coming down from Illinois at this time. We have food and open presents. Then I go to my Mom's house and wake up Christmas morning there. After my sister and her husband open their presents at their house, they come over and we open presents. My Mom always makes this yummy breakfast casserole to eat after opening presents. Now my sister and her husband have to go see all of his family, which he has a lot of. Then we all meet up again for dinner that night at my stepgrandmother's house, once again eating and opening gifts. So ya that's my holidays.
2007-11-20 15:53:15 UTC
My aunt watches the same two movies for thanksgiving and Christmas....plains trains and automobiles for thanksgiving and a Christmas story for Christmas
2014-06-17 20:18:43 UTC
Since I no longer live with papa and my sisters...we all still listen to KOAST 103.5 during the holiday. During the holidays they play non-stop christmas music. So whenever I'm in my car thats whats on! I know my papa is listening at the same time I listen at work because he is a truck driver. And thats all he has!
Nancy M
2007-11-21 11:05:18 UTC
When I was a small child my dad would get my sister and me out of bed one minute after midnight to open our presents because my sister and I would get up bright and early on Christmas day and our dad would still be in bed when we got up. After my sister and I were married and I would be at mom and dad's for Christmas and my dad would have to get my two son's out of bed still at midnight for their Christmas. My parents are no longer living and I still miss them and our Christmas's together.

When my three children were still living with me I would let them open one present on Christmas Eve. I would always make my sugar cookies for my three children.
2007-11-20 15:13:56 UTC
go christmas shopping the day after thanksgiving. and then put up the christmas tree the next week. or sometimes before we feast for thanksgiving.
Sweet n Sour
2007-11-20 08:58:52 UTC
we feel it's important to keep some of the older traditions but also to make new ones. things that work well for our family. we still open one gift on christmas eve like we did when we were kids. we read the christmas story from the bible on Christmas eve. we make fudge every year like my mom did. we draw names for gifts.
2014-06-09 19:54:26 UTC
On Christmas eve we will be going to a nice cafe for breakfast (bacon and eggs), then when it gets dark we will be walking around the streets looking at Christmas lights, then coming home to a roast pork . Then we will watch some hired dvds and have some chocolates and nibbles.
2016-02-16 20:40:58 UTC
The family gathers over platters of sandwiches (hot or cold), party mix, hot punch and each one opens a single gift of their choosing. (We save the big exchange for Christmas morning.) After we visit for awhile, then we meet at a church (we don't necessarily go to our own - we like to visit a different church each year) for a Christmas Eve candelight communion service. (Service times can vary, so please call ahead to find out for sure.) If we're really fortunate, we find a church that has special music that night (a children's choir or handbells, etc). It's a marvelous way to celebrate - we don't feel like it's Christmas without that.
2014-07-13 17:32:49 UTC
OH YEAH...I'm 1 of 5 children (1boy, 4 girls, last from a different mom) anyways papa always pulls his children aside to give us our gifts. It's usually a gift card but my dad always includes something in it like a christmas tree ornament. So something that we all can share in our own homes. The youngest will join the gift card once she is older. But for now it has been daddy's girls!
2007-11-20 15:11:56 UTC
We listen to Elvis Presley singing Christmas songs while we open gifts every year. The King never gets old.
2007-11-20 14:23:41 UTC
every christmas eve my family goes to my aunt house and big have the big dinner and we are all happy . After the dinner we have a party only family and we just have a great time.
2007-11-21 07:34:28 UTC
Our family always go to the drive thru Christmas light displays, we also always adopt angels from our local police deptartment.

Happy Holidays Y'all!
[♥] Tiffany
2007-11-20 18:48:21 UTC
my parents are passed on so my siblings come over and we put up a christmas tree and bake cookies and stay at my house for a little bit
2007-11-20 18:33:28 UTC
My aunt sang parody Christmas songs about our lives one year. So that's our main tradition lately. It's a lot of fun.

We eat our Christmas dinner and it's always our first gift. They're wrapped up like a scroll in a basket. We pull one out randomly, so there's no set order to it. She sings it and we get to keep the paper. We, of course, have written one for her every year.

2007-11-20 14:02:54 UTC
The fall starts with all hollows eve which is also know as Samhain and currently more how as Halloween which is the time of the year we honor those who have past

the next harvest festal/Thanksgiving were we celebrate were we start the change to the yule/winter solstice/Christmas

canning is a big part of the season as well as winter beer and mead
2007-11-21 00:09:39 UTC
Aww, what a sweet question. :) My dad died three years ago so now, my mom, daughter, and I eat Chinese for Thanksgiving and Christmas, then catch a movie. It's just not the same without him so we've made our own little tradition. Just us gals. "Ladies Day" we like to call it.
Jackie ♥
2007-11-20 16:26:41 UTC
I am not sure that we have any other traditions for Thanksgiving other than eating turkey and stuff.... But, for Christmas, our family exchanges names and buy eachother presents.=)
2007-11-19 15:17:37 UTC
after thxgivin, we decorate the WHOLE house in christmas! we have a 2 story houes up in big bear CA, that we spend thx & x-mas in every year! is a tradition. my aunt makes punpken pie for thx & a white cherry pie 4 xmas! we all sing christmas songs & still have stockings! my whole famile gos. All 15 of us. & even my great grandma! & shes 98! we ha a blast all the time. & we have a Jacky horner pie every xmas eve!
Cynthia D
2007-11-21 15:18:06 UTC
We always decorated Christmas cookies on Thanksgiving Day and froze them. Then when we had unexpected company during the holidays, we had something festive to serve, It was fun to sit around the table and work together. For Christmas, we always had Baked Alaska for dessert on Christmas Eve and then took the little kids to look at decorations while "Santa" and his helpers put together together whatever toys needed assembly. Then we hung up stockings and the little kids went to bed after leaving Santa milk and cookes. (After I found out who Santa was we left beer and chips!)
2007-11-21 07:20:39 UTC
I wish we had more rock-solid traditions. When my children were home we opened one gift on Christmas Eve from eachother before bedtime. After our Church service.
ezekiel nicomedes
2007-11-21 07:13:39 UTC
Hello! im an filippino and we have a lot of holidays not to much holidays but our holidays are fair than regular day. our holiday is new year on 1st of January, holy week it is in the month of march or april last year our holy week is on april but now it will transfer to march yearly the holy week on us changes the month.

On april 9 we have a bataan day on bataan day it reminds of the filippino how bad is the japanese and on that day the filippinos suffer from walking it is called death march they march and march until they die. And on 12th of june we celebrate independence day

And on 25th of december we celebrate christmas
2007-11-20 15:28:21 UTC
we all go to Ohio where my moms side live and have a big party over on of the 5 houses every year. also we get ready for Christmas and go shopping
2007-11-20 14:17:20 UTC
Every year since the kids were little, we would have had a birthday cake for Jesus. One year I didn't have that on my list of things to do and my youngest wanted to know why we weren't having one. I explained I did that when they were young to explain the meaning of Christmas. She set me straight and said we still need a birthday cake, after all it's still Christmas. So we still have a birthday cake for Jesus and we still sing Happy Birthday and the youngest guest gets to blow out the candle.
karly d
2007-11-21 14:45:16 UTC
Every Christmas eve we go to my dad's family and christmas day at my mom's. We always get together at least a month before christmas and make my grandmothers famous donuts! They are amazing. My grandmother was tought by her mother and so on and so forth. It's lots of fun... lots of sweets and lots of wine! lol
hellocool peoples
2007-11-20 17:10:57 UTC
My dad and I take an empty jar and we cut pu pieces of paper and whenever we're board we write on a piece of paper an activitie like eat pizza while watching rudolph the red nose reindeer and then we put in the jar and in Dec we randomly draw a piece of paper out and go do the activitie
haley o
2007-11-21 06:24:49 UTC
ok one of them is on christmas eve santa clause comes whic i am only 11 anyway and i believe in him and we bake him cookies and set out a glass of milk and i make him a note that night and then that day christmas day we open up all of our presents it is such a great tradtition to me and we also play christmas music on christmas eve and we have a neighbor hat is like rich and he bought a whole lot of christmas lights and when my friends stay over in novemebre and december we take chairs out in our yard and watch them and so does me and my family and we gotright up to them he told me i could anytime
2007-11-20 14:02:40 UTC
We always put up our tree on my fathers birthday-December 4th. Not a major tradition but it's ours and we like it. Merry Christmas everyone.
2007-11-20 23:14:15 UTC
will sometimes it changes but in our Thanksgiving dinner our family would go over to our cousins. We'd bring food there and they'll cook somefood there It's really cool cause everyone has a great time and everyones happy.
2007-11-21 14:03:09 UTC
I love to go Christmas caroling! Every year I go to the lighting of the state Capitol Christmas tree & YES our state calls it a Christmas tree! On Christmas eve I go to Church services where the we have the re-enactment of Christ's Birth!

I love decorating outside & inside as everything isi so festive!

Before my Mother died we spent an entire week-end early in December making cookies & candy to give to seniors who would be alone on Christmas!

Here is one of our favorite recipes that we always brought to the seniors!

Mincemeat Bars and Squares Recipes>>>>>>>>>>>>


1 1/2 cup flour

1 3/4 cup rolled oats

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup butter -- room temperature

1 cup packed light brown sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup prepared mincemeat


Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Lightly grease a 13x9" baking pan. Combine the flour, oats, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, cream butter and brown sugar. Beat in the vanilla. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients. Spread half of the dough evenly in the bottom of prepared pan. Spread mincemeat over the top, and spread remaining dough over the mincemeat. Press down lightly. Bake for 20-25 min., until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool slightly, then cut into bars and transfer to wire rack to cool.

An old fashioned healthy recipe that is still well loved today!
2007-11-20 14:57:00 UTC
Turkey and stuffing on thanksgiving

Christmas tree set up the day after thanksgivikg.
Liz S
2007-11-21 14:45:54 UTC
We have Thanksgiving a week early.

I don't have a clue how this started but I think it was becuase there were 2 sides of family. and you had to see the other side of the family on thanksgiving.
Annonymous J
2007-11-20 14:35:59 UTC
We used to have a holiday tradition of eating an "UNTurkey" but the company folded late last year. We don't like Tofurkey. Now what!?!
2014-09-03 19:55:22 UTC
First Baptist Church of Allen is having their Christmas program on the 8th and 9th of December at 7:00 PM, and anyone who wants to come is invited.
2014-10-08 19:50:29 UTC
Well, I've only got little traditions like we have two tealight things by the fireplace and they're only to be lit on Christmas day.
2007-11-20 18:20:43 UTC
Well my dad and me go christmas shopping and we listen to the radio for X-mas songs and drink hot choclate while on the road
2007-11-20 14:11:16 UTC
for thanksgiving...

our familyy all eat together and then go look in the sales papers so that all the kids can pick out what they want for christmass. then , the day after thanksgivingg, me and my mom get up at like 4:00 am and go shopping for christmass. thats when all the major sales go on ! ((((:
2014-05-27 20:15:17 UTC
another tradition is my aunt doesnt have kids except for a step one thats married and 26 so every year she switches between my house and my cousin's house and the whole family exchanges presents and has dinner at my aunts house later on
2007-11-21 03:48:28 UTC
one we do is always have a coconut under the tree eather painted or normal it was started on my dad side but sense we all are grown and out of the house we still do the coconut under the tree .
insert nickname here
2007-11-19 18:44:47 UTC
well im Italian and an italian Christmas Eve tradition is to have 7 different kinds of fishes.. witch i LOVE cuz i like fish!

my mom usally does:::






-clams &&


its always really good and its deffinatley my favorite!

also on christmas day we have a big grab bag with my moms side of the family and its really fun cuase there are like 50 of us!

and on christmas even we bake cookies to leave out for santa and we give him chesse =-D we also through out carrots for the raindeer=-D

my sisters are still really little so we do it for them <33

as for caroling.. i caroled at my brothers bedroom door once and he through a pillow at me.. does that count? =-p
2007-11-19 17:55:51 UTC
Christmas eve we pile into the SUV or van whoever has the biggest vehicle take more than one if necessary. we all go ride around about 20 or 30 sq mile area around where we live looking at the lights people decorate their yards with. it helps ware the little ones down for bed.
2014-05-30 10:21:43 UTC
I guess thats another tradition, as soon as my brother gets out of jail we always go to take a family picture. We never know how long he will stay out. :( Poor man. Doesn't know what he is missing.
2007-11-21 03:47:51 UTC
For Xmas the best meal is so-called "bigos" - it's sauerkraut with mushrooms, served as a hot. It has Polish origin.
2007-11-20 17:38:39 UTC
For every holiday, we have raviolis. Even Thanksgiving (with turkey on the side)
₪ ̻ V ¡ ¢ ז☺я ɣ ̻ ₪
2007-11-19 22:32:13 UTC
we can't quite seem to keep up with our traditions anymore w/ all the health issues we have =-( . buy we still have fun =-). did anyone else notice how many people said "my family and me" instead of "my family and I" , the proper way?

our favorite recipes... wow. we have so many and i can't think of any right now! huh. i can't believe it! AHA! my family's secret pumpkin pie recipe for thanksgiving and a happy birthday, Jesus cake.

my mom bakes a plain, vanilla cake and we inject it with red and green jello mix. then my lil bro and I ice it/decorate it and write "happy birthday, Jesus!" on it in icing and eat it for breakfast on Christmas morning.

mmmm...just what we need--more sugar!!!
2014-06-19 13:04:37 UTC
Therefore we have the great pleasure of celebrating both holidays and enjoy many customs and foods from different cultures. This has enriched my life and brought many people together.
2007-11-20 17:51:19 UTC
well on Christmas we open one present on Christmas Eve and the next day we open stockings, then Santa gifts (I still believe in him), have breakfast, open a few presents, watch tv, and go back to opening presents.
2007-11-19 20:52:58 UTC
well when we set up our tree, we eat swiss colony meats and cheese. if you have never had anything from swiss colony, look them up, it is SO good, meats cheeses, cookies...yum. Anyway on xmas eve we all watch national lampoons christmas vaction. its the only day we watch it the whole year.
2007-11-21 13:55:07 UTC
Fighting, arguing, bickering, grumbling, aggravating each other, pestering and being annoying.( normally, all of the above is towards me.) I'm soooo LUCKY!


I'm spending the day with friends!!! I got invited yesterday, hubby has to work at the Fire Station.
Briana B
2007-11-21 13:35:30 UTC
2007-11-20 06:25:48 UTC
We all gather around the iron Festivus Pole, we begin with the airing of greivances and then proceed to the feats of strength.
2014-05-27 19:37:02 UTC
my aunt makes punpken pie for thx & a white cherry pie 4 xmas! we all sing christmas songs & still have stockings! my whole famile gos. All 15 of us. & even my great grandma! & shes 98! we ha a blast all the time. & we have a Jacky horner pie every xmas eve!
2014-07-13 03:13:26 UTC
She set me straight and said we still need a birthday cake, after all it's still Christmas. So we still have a birthday cake for Jesus and we still sing Happy Birthday and the youngest guest gets to blow out the candle.
2015-03-04 21:51:34 UTC
New years is the typical champagne and caviar event, since we live out of the area where the firework display occurs; we drive to the harbor to watch it due to it being released there. After twelve, more champagne and truffles!
2014-05-27 03:53:54 UTC
Sometimes, now that my grandfather is aging he will break out the old family movies and watch them. Last year my fiance proposed to me and it was recorded. After all the presents everyone was watching the proposal on tape.
2007-11-21 14:59:04 UTC
me and my mom always volunteer wrapping gifts whenever possible during the holiday season, it's one of our pasttimes i suppose you could say :) on christmas eve my mom makes amazing lasagna (the only time of year she does it!) then me and my family go to a beautiful church service around 7 and then come home and unwrap gifts. the following day my dad's side of the family (all 6 of his brothers and sisters PLUS their kids and theirs) all gets together and my mother's gets together a week later. :) :)
Michelle O
2007-11-21 09:19:03 UTC
after tthanksgiving dinner we play skip bo. I have to sit next to grandma because she is a big cheater and no one else can catch her. She may be 83 but she is still sly as a fox.
2007-11-20 21:02:21 UTC
food + everyone comes in to visit us during the whole xmas week

+ family




= fun
Mary D
2007-11-20 18:20:45 UTC
on thanksgiving my bro and his wife host and she places 2 pieces of dry corn on each plate.

then we each put the corn in a bowl and state 2 reasons that we are thankful. nobody can duplicate the thanksgiving. it is a great reminder of why we celebrate. oh, then we pray then we EAT.....
kiaira r
2007-11-20 14:15:32 UTC
open 1 present before christmas
George G
2007-11-19 22:49:57 UTC
we make a big batch of peanut fudge and take it to the missions that feed the homeless and needy . of course we save save some for ourselves. heres the recide:

ijar (28 oz) of chunky peanut butter

1 jar (3oz) honey

1/2 cup powdered milk

mix it all together and chill for 24 hours on a cookie sheet makes as many servings as you want to cut it into.

happy holidays!!!
2016-05-24 07:41:17 UTC
Putting up a christmas tree
2007-11-20 17:29:55 UTC
We all get together have dinner, open presents and I make Banana Bread every year that my family and friends enjoy.
2007-11-20 13:30:38 UTC
we have this pickle shaped ornament. every year, theres an extra present, and the pickle is hidden in the tree. the kids look for it, and whoever finds the pickle first gets the extra present. this is an old german tradition that our family upholds.
I want my *old* MTV
2007-11-19 18:07:41 UTC
For Thanksgiving we always listen to Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" on the way to our relatives' house for Thanksgiving dinner. I remember listening to it and just being completely baffled by the lyrics but now I understand them better after listen to them so many times!
Wolf Hound
2007-11-21 10:15:20 UTC
Watch movie reruns of the wizard of oz and its a wonderful life,with home cooked pop corn.
2007-11-20 19:25:34 UTC
my WHOLE family comes to my house on christmas morning and stays all day
2007-11-20 16:30:20 UTC
I'm married to an identical twin & my wife ,sister & briother in law swap for a year. I know this sounds perverted but its not as bad as it may seem because my brother-in-law is my identical twin.Actually we do not really know who's is who's.when kids come along we will have to stop this.What do you think??
2007-11-21 12:04:00 UTC
Me and my cuz always get togeather on New Years and light a box of sparklers, while their in the box, and make that box "find" it's way to a lot of fireworks.
Dr. E. Bunny A.K.A. Andy.
2007-11-21 08:44:41 UTC
We always argued and blamed each other for ruining the holidays and spend the rest of the day (usually around 10AM at this point) alone.

Now, I still spend the holidays alone, depressed and reliving allot of painful memories. Last Christmas I tried to kill myself.

I really really hate Christmas.
2007-11-20 21:00:32 UTC
on thanks giving make hand turkeys and you can search that on google try making braclets and make the beads the colors of the holiday like christmas red and green and for thanksgiving brown and dark colors like that
2007-11-20 18:39:01 UTC
We bake treats as a family
smile and don't stop
2007-11-20 18:33:35 UTC
kind of sad, but my mother died in a car accident on Christmas so every year we go to her grave and put a wreath and candles on it and sing her favorite Christmas song.
2007-11-20 13:39:11 UTC
Gettin drunk and then fighting over issues of the past year. Gotta luv holiday traditions.
2014-06-28 00:50:32 UTC
every christmas eve my family goes to my grandparents and then to my greatgrandparents and weve done that since i can remember but this year we are starting a new tradition every year were going to switch between my grandparents and great grandparent
2015-09-19 09:46:32 UTC
Christmas Dinner we have all the trimmings, lots of champagne, and roast vegies. Then for dessert we have christmas cake, pudding, and pavlova. And more champagne.
Gruntled Employee
2007-11-20 15:12:46 UTC
we like to help light up the neighbours christmas tree on christmas eve. they need help so we lend them some kerosene and matches. we don't actually lend it, it's our gift to them.
2007-11-20 18:47:39 UTC
Hello,,playing AGGRAVATION and arguing mostly. Eat and complain about the cleanup ritual, complain about what people are watching on TV. Complain about the everyday strife in America due to mismanaged political parties. Complain about what might happen , what did happen, and anything else we want to say too. Oh yeah, then go to church.
beatles love
2007-11-21 12:07:56 UTC
on new years we used to burn all of our christmas trees at our great aunts. that was fun
2007-11-21 15:18:55 UTC
Every year after my thanksgiving, my whole family (cousins,aunts,.etc) goes to the mall to see "santa," and then we all go shopping! This is so much fun because I get to see my family and we get to bond!
2007-11-21 13:07:04 UTC
In my family my sister and i always get new pajamas on christmas eve. we always look forward to that. =-)
Nicole w
2007-11-20 13:43:11 UTC
we get the tree the sat after turkey day and leave it up till my birthday jan 7th.
2007-11-20 04:11:25 UTC
well we don't really have a thanksgiving dinner. its something new every year but i can't wait till Vietnamese/Chinese new years (: that's like my 2nd favorite part of the year !
2007-11-19 18:17:42 UTC
listening to christmas music on christmas eve. it gets everyone in the mood :)
2007-11-20 00:09:18 UTC
My family tradition is stay at home.
2014-10-28 20:04:14 UTC
christmas day: we first open our stockings, then presents, and we film us opening them, we have a big christmas dinner with turkey, etc and watch a nice movie/play christmas music while we open presents
2007-11-21 11:39:12 UTC
we always play some kind of board game, mainly monopoly, haha my family gets sooo competitive with that game its funny!
2007-11-20 18:50:29 UTC
Well im polish and we celebrate names day.

everyday when you look at the calendar they show a name and thats he day you celebrate it.

its unique

2007-11-20 11:32:52 UTC
spendin the holiday home eatin nd gainin weight
MImi C
2007-11-20 04:52:10 UTC
helping others is the best tradition.
2007-11-21 09:28:21 UTC
i end up getting sick at christmas every year. hahah.

Marina K
2007-11-19 13:42:37 UTC
well we get together with my aunt and uncle and cousins we rotate who hosts, between us them and my grandparents and on Chirstmas eve the kids are allowed to pick out one gift to open
2007-11-20 18:28:52 UTC
we hide a pickle somewhere in the house and whoever finds it gets to open a present early. i love that one :)
2007-11-21 07:32:47 UTC
we like to go out and report our neighbors to the government as arab terrorists.

then when each year they get back from gitmo (usually a week or two after new years) we all have a good laugh at what a good practical joke that was.
2007-11-20 12:30:28 UTC
sadly my family doesn't do anything...the holidays tend to be depressing for me since i really wish we did more for them
2007-11-20 16:06:18 UTC
our family every easter we get cofedi eggs AND GO TO THE

BEACH and swim and do what ever
2007-11-20 16:05:21 UTC
my son always bakes cookies with my mom
2007-11-19 17:53:00 UTC
my family has this tradition where we all get in the car and drive around just to look at all the houses that have crismas lights on ( =
2007-11-20 07:30:38 UTC
well im mexican we celibrate christmas ...and we have a big party with our family
2007-11-20 16:19:18 UTC
no one gets together no one cooks just my daughter and grandson that's all i have which i'm glad i have them
2007-11-20 09:26:24 UTC
all the traditional things we do not believe in liberal stuff
2007-11-19 19:40:34 UTC
eating turkey with family members.
2007-11-19 16:27:30 UTC
Argue and Fight...ever year my family never fails to bring up drama from like decades ago, but after a while you except for what it is.

However the food is good though, I do get a great piece pie while the drama unfolds and the guys are talking about some sport.
2007-11-21 09:01:10 UTC
im not a christian so i dont celabrate xmas.....thanks for the 2 family get drunk on new yaers eve...does that count.haha
2007-11-19 13:45:06 UTC
The girls in my family watch the Anne of Green Gables series and cry like dorks. lol! speaking of which, I better dust off that VHS tape!
2007-11-21 11:55:09 UTC
Usually we all end up Fighting ..
2007-11-21 15:06:21 UTC
chilli on christmas eve. mmmmmmmmmmm..........chilli
Dream, Believe, Achieve <3
2007-11-20 13:42:36 UTC
Abby G
2007-11-20 16:10:27 UTC
2007-11-20 18:00:29 UTC
we all have sex with the turkey
2007-11-19 22:41:40 UTC
2007-11-19 14:53:52 UTC
In Summer we go camping.. whole family!! (That means like 10 or 15 different families :P :P

Yes its really fun!!

Other part of summer.. MY family likes to go somewhere in ASIA-India/malaysia are my favourites XD

Thats pretty much it :)

Nice question;)
2007-11-20 13:40:31 UTC
we don't have any you should know of
2007-11-19 19:58:56 UTC
We eat.
2007-11-19 13:20:24 UTC
I end up getting sick around christmas time almost every year..
2007-11-19 19:21:42 UTC
i don know
2007-11-19 16:10:56 UTC
Well we gather around the Christmas tree and begin singing songs. Then we bring the family cat and shave it.
2007-11-19 13:21:23 UTC
on christmas eve me and my famly all go to the biggest retraunt in town and eat. then we goto one of our estates and open presents!!!!!♥we always have so much fun!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.