- The Thanksgiving traditions don't vary much from most people's, except that I like to eat the turkey giblets.
- My mom has a very unique (and good) type of turkey gravy
- Black Friday shopping
- My dad bakes a few types of pies
- Along with a standard Christmas dinner, we also make some fish like Buccoli (don't know how to spell it), as part of the Italian side of my family's traditions
- Opening gifts on Christmas Eve night instead of Christmas morning (except when I was a kid, I'd also get gifts from "Santa" for Christmas morning, because I got more gifts that way, I pretended to believe in Santa well into my teens).
- We invite the entire family over and they usually show up
- About a week or so before Christmas, I do my "Grand Finale Workout" of weightlifting, and then take off for the entire winter until the very end of March.
- We decorate late but leave stuff up late
- We celebrate both regular Christmas (Dec 25) and Russian Christmas (January 7), but regular Christmas takes priority
- Sometimes we drive downtown to see how they decorated that year for Christmas
New Year's
- A New Year's dinner that consists of sauerkraut, beans, hot dogs, pork, dumplings, and mashed potatoes.
- Staying up on New Year's Eve to watch the ball drop
Actually from how it sounds, you do have Christmas traditions. It's just you don't think much of them because they're your own. People usually don't think much of their own traditions.