Happy Birthday YahooAnswers!!!!
Hmm. Well I haven't exactly had a "out of this world" birthday party, but I must say that my 14th was pretty cool for me.
The day before the party Mom and Dad took me out...shopping. Ok, yes I'm a guy and shopping is really not my thing, in fact my dad really calls it hunting when you know what you're looking for, which at the time we did. (don't laugh) Overalls. Ok you can laugh now. But ya, bib-overalls. I had really been wanting a pair because it was like spring and we had been doing a whole lot of garden work and I just thought it would be nice to have an old fashion pair of overalls.
However, if you know my mom, you'd know it wasn't a grab in go. Oh no. I tried on stuff. I tested stuff, and if I said yes to everything she suggested I get we would be bankrupt. But I enjoyed every minute of it, while at the same time knew I wanted t get out of the store.
Surly you know that feeling, where you are enjoying something just because of the people you're enjoying it with. Well that's how I felt.
So we went to a thrift store. Found the overalls, bought them, and left. All in all, it took about 3 hours...ok maybe 2.
After 'hunting' we went to Walmart. Oh joy. Yah, but this time we went there to get party food. yep. And since I was there... well I'll just let your imagination take it from there.
Once finished shopping for food we had become hungry. I don't know if there are food samplers in your walmarts, but ours don't, so we went to a really nice restaurant called PF-Chang, or something like that! It was a wonderful meal, and afterwards we had cheese cake. Wonderful cheese cake. Fabulous cheese cake. But once again, I'm sure I would have enjoyed the occasion if we would have gone to MacyD's!
Being full from our meal we went to our state park with the brand new soccer ball that we had bought at walmart.
Now let me tell you right up front that it's not an accustom to see my parents playing soccer, but they were doing it! And I was surprised to see that Dad had a few tricks up his sleeve.
We played and ran, and laughed (it was funny seeing Mom chase after our balls) and an unfortunate rain spoiled the fun after about half and hour.
This how ever didn't stop us from cooling of with a box of icecream sandwiches we had gotten from walmart, reminding us that we had to go back there again to get the rest of the cold food like icecream, pie, and frozen food.
When we finally got home, my family had decorated, wrapped gifts, cooked some food, prepared things for the food we had just bought, slightly cleaned the house, and invited the US President...ok not really :P . We partied for a long night, and ate and got full. I don't really remember what was given to me, but that doesn't really matter. What matters was that I was with my family, had a good day with my parents, and got a pair of bib-overalls. Preferably the two formers.
Thanks to who ever read this, and thanks to Mom and Dad for making my party so great, even though a lot of the time we were shopping, it was spending more time with you guys that really counted.