There are two main reasons for this. I said MAIN reasons. There are, however, many others that we could address.
The first reason is that around eighty-five per cent of the citizens of the United States of America celebrate Christmas.
If forty-three per cent of the voters in this country could elect Bill Clinton president, then 85 per cent of the people should be able to have it their way, too.
Secondly, the people who celebrate Christmas are, for the most part, kind and happy people. And when the birthday of Jesus rolls around they celebrate exuberantly. They want every one in the world to have a happy and merry time along with them.
Saying Merry Christmas to you has nothing to do with what you personally believe in. It's what's on the greeting itself that you should concentrate. It's okay if you don't believe in it. Celebrate with the rest of us. Be happy along with us.
I woudn't let anyone hug you though. Ya know?
I don't even let anyone hug me at Mardi Gras.
Hey, now there's a celebration you oughta try if you want real happy folks around you.
Have a Merry Christmas.