How do you keep kids entertained on a family road trip?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you keep kids entertained on a family road trip?
355 answers:
2012-11-16 14:53:28 UTC
I play games:

I spy

20 questions

The animal game ( you have to guess what animal someone is thinking)

The color game (same idea as animal game)

See who gets the most double letter/number in cars reg plates

See who spots the most yellow cars

If not get a portable DVD player or

Nintendo DS
2012-11-16 15:08:46 UTC
First, try giving the children several activity options. One child may choose to color in a coloring book while another prefers to listen to a parent read aloud from a favorite chapter book. After a child is finished with one activity, he or she can choose another. Books on tape, sticker collections, and small toys will also keep kids occupied. Keeping a collection of appealing options at hand is a great way to give kids the freedom to choose how they want to spend their time.

Another idea is to provide incentives for good car travel behavior. It's a fun idea to buy some inexpensive toys, coloring books, word games, or perhaps some delicious treats to reward the children for behaving well. These rewards prove helpful if an argument starts to brew between children. A parent can remind them of the treat they will receive if their behavior is appropriate. To add an extra touch of fun to the reward a parent might wrap each one in colorful tissue paper.

An example of an educational and fun activity for a car trip is bringing along a huge road map and helping the children to find their current location. In addition, a map of the United States can be used to point out the different states that the children see on passing license plates. Road signs with city names can be pointed out on the map and discussed as well. Maps are definitely an inexpensive tool for keeping kids occupied on a road trip.

At rest stops it is important that the children leave the car to stretch their legs. If there are maps or other state information available at a rest stop the children can collect some and find out more about the location. The children should use this time doing jumping jacks or running around as long as they take the opportunity to get the wiggles out.
Yankees Fan ☠
2012-11-16 14:48:48 UTC
Give them literature on molecular theory and rocket science.
2012-11-16 16:07:11 UTC
Play cards

Honk and wave at people

Make funny faces at people

Honk and wave to strangers.

Write "X – BURIED TREASURE" in random spots on all of someone’s roadmaps

Bubblegum blowing contest

Travel board games

Magnetic checkers

Mad libs

Invent stories about the people in the cars next to you


Read books

Watch a movie on a laptop

Play I Spy

Someone starts a story and after a couple of sentences,they point to someone else to continue the story.

Rock Paper Scissors

20 Questions

3 truths and 1 lie

See how many different states you can see on license plates

Counting Cows Travel game.

An oldie but a goodie! Count the cows you see on your side of the car. If you pass a cemetery on your side of the car, you lose all your cows, but only if the opposing team calls "your cows are buried!". This game gets interesting when distraction tactics are used to either cause your opponent to miss cows on their side of the road or to miss a cemetery on your side of the road. Add a bonus like a colored horse or a rare bird. The team with the most cows wins.

Count something (blue cars, police, horses, barns, ect.)

Start with one person drawing one line and the next drawing another line until you get a master piece
Eric R
2012-11-16 15:42:59 UTC
License Plate Game (Find all 50 states)

Alphabet game (find words on road signs only that begin with every letter of the alphabet)

These are two of my 12yo favorite games
2012-11-16 15:09:01 UTC
Portable video games, books, mp3 players, and some food and drinks in case they get hungry.
2012-11-16 15:37:02 UTC
well im no parent, but what i do that keeps me entertained is

my laptop, headphones, and chips

Dora The Explorer
2012-11-16 16:11:32 UTC
Kids can get a bit 'agitated' on long road trips and get bored easily.

Here a few things you could do:

1. Play a game which involves everyone like eye spy.

2. Put on some music that everyone would know and maybe play 'whats the next line in the song' game or eye spy. A fun way to keep the kids entertained.

3. Some stories being told on the go that would keep the kids happy.

4. A portable DVD device or tv on the back of the head rest in front to watch movies, listen to music or play games.

5. Food and Drink, it may not be a source of entertainment but it would keep them occupied.

6. Little game gadgets such as Ipods or Ninetendo DS.

7. Colouring books or perhaps a fun book about the destination you are going to so that they get excited about where they are going.

8. Have a nice chat about how they feel and what you'd like to do. FAMILY BANTER.

Hope these suggestions help!
2012-11-16 16:07:50 UTC
i moved many times as a kid with my family we played games from the licence plates we would have to get every letter.also we played hangman and cards and wheel of fortune singing and charades is always a good idea too
2012-11-16 15:23:07 UTC
well you can put dvds in the laptop if you have one and let them watch it also they have magnetic checkers
2012-11-16 17:08:38 UTC
I read. Simple. Any Political Philosophy book keeps me entertained. Or one on molecular and rocket science.

I don't need any parents messing around with what I do...I used to read 700 pages a day when I was younger...

I don't have a phone...I still have a book with me everywhere...

it's the kid's choice, as long as the kids have the common sense not to open the car door and jump out in the middle of Route 66.

And you get to learn a lot more...what's with the IPads and IPhones...

It's hypocritical...they say the media is brainwashing today's youth yet feed them the media...
2016-02-23 04:23:44 UTC
Depends on the age of the kids, of course but there are many options. One option is to travel at night, so they sleep. That can work well with babies and toddlers, but it does obviously require a couple of drivers, or opportunities to sleep in the daytime with other people watching the kids. If going to stay with relatives, that may be the easiest. If you have to travel with toddlers while they're awake, you can pack a little bag with a variety of things to do - we used have a few favourite toys, perhaps a couple of little snacks (eg a box of raisins, if old enough, or a cut up apple in a tub, or a juice-with-a-straw... that kind of thing), and maybe some new drawing pads and crayons, and a few books they can look at. Bringing out one thing at a time when they start to get bored can entertain them for quite some time. Story-CDs are good too, or children's music if you can stand it - and if old enough you can play all sorts of car games - I-Spy, Twenty Questions, looking for different coloured vehicles/kinds of animals/etc etc. With older children, if they have electronic devices let them play as much as they want - that may occupy them for the whole journey. If not, then story CDs for their age-group may be good, or if they're able to read/draw in the car, supply plenty of books/art supplies. There are many games - more advanced versions of the ones above for toddlers, or board games if you're not the driver, or if there are two who can play together: many board games have magnetic or otherwise portable options. As they get to around 9+ (or earlier if relevant) , it's good to supply a decent map, too, so they can follow the journey and learn some map-reading skills along the way.
2014-08-02 17:34:02 UTC
An example of an educational and fun activity for a car trip is bringing along a huge road map and helping the children to find their current location. In addition, a map of the United States can be used to point out the different states that the children see on passing license plates. Road signs with city names can be pointed out on the map and discussed as well. Maps are definitely an inexpensive tool for keeping kids occupied on a road trip.
2012-11-20 13:19:21 UTC
10: Cartoons and Movies

9: Electronic Games

8: License Plate Lingo

7: The Slug Bug Game

6: The Celebrity Game

5: The Quiet Game / Last Word Game

4: Where Are We?

3: Animal Spotting

2: Toy Bribes

1: Sing-alongs
2014-09-03 19:52:09 UTC
Thanksgiving, we know millions of families will be on the road, and with children! So whether it's a short or long drive to your destination, what are some ways to keep your kids busy and entertained!
2012-11-19 10:19:14 UTC
IDGAF about points, Not many people do, But i will answer your question.

Well Kids, love games, no lets sing a song in the car games, Like video games, if you got like a nintendo ds or a psp or some handheld game then that should. If they get board then maybe a film on a portable dvd player with screen. If that dont work then just go to some service stations, let them empty themselves, eat and it will make the time fly abit more
2012-11-19 10:48:31 UTC
We used to do a lot of long driving as kids. There were six of us, so keeping us all entertained could be a challenge. These are some of the things we always loved to do.



DVD'd (if you don't have a DVD player, plug the computer or tablet into the phone charger)

computer/tablet/phone games

simple crafts (no glue or paints)


Licence plate scavenger hunt (first to find all ABC's, or randomly picked words wins. Letters only count for first person to see them.)

Slug Bug -no hitting version- Person to see the most VW's wins (for added fun, find the most of specific colors)

I Spy- (You can also add variations I hear with my little ear, I Smell with my nose, I feel on my skin...)

20 questions

car color bingo- first person to find predetermined amount of a certain car color wins (each car only counts for first person to find it)

Create a story- take turns making up a story, either line by line or in sections.

sing along

SILENT CONTEST- My dad created this one out of desperation once and it became an instant hit! Person who stays quiet the longest wins. Players are automatically disqualified for hurting or trying to make other players sad or angry, otherwise anything goes to make the others giggle, talk, or make some sort of noise.
2012-11-19 10:46:24 UTC
Ways to Entertain Kids on a Road Trip,, Sing- Alon's,Toy Bribes ,Animal Spotting , The Celebrity Game ,The Slug Bug Game ,Electronic Games , Cartoons and Movies , , , , ,
2012-11-19 10:15:30 UTC
There are a variety of ways to keep children entertained on roadtrips, ranging from games like "I-Spy" to the latest technological gadgets.

The Alphabet Games: There are a couple variations of this game. The first is to simply point out something that starts with the letter "A", followed by the letter "B" (I see (or I Spy) an Apple Orchard! I see a Boat!" Another variation is that the first person starts with the letter "A", but the next person starts with the last letter of the word that the first person used. For example, child 1 spots "Apple Orchard" and child 2 must then identify something that starts with the letter "D". Yet another variation is to pick a letter, and then pick a type of object. My family typically will do foods. For example, if the selected letter is "B" and you are using foods, each person thinks of foods that start with the letter, "B" such as Banana, Bread, Bagels, Beans, etc. If a person can't think of anything, then they are out for the remainder of the round until there is only one person left.

The Coloring Book (or Blank Paper): I always have a small bag with plain white paper, a coloring book, and crayons and/or washable markers. This is great for keeping pre-k - middle schoolers busy. You can also use the paper to play games like hangman or tic-tac-toe

Books - Bring a couple age-appropriate books per child. Try to get a new book that the child has not read before but would be interested in reading. Adults that are not driving can also read books to very young children who have not yet learned to read.

Make Funny Signs - my teens like to make funny signs (using the paper and markers) and hold them up for other travelers to see. They are usually along the lines of "I have to pee but they won't stop!" or "He passed gas and locked the windows!". the sign that gets the most laughing people in other vehicles wins.

Movies - watch a movie on a hand held device, laptop, or built in screen available in some vehicles.

License Plates - try to find as many plates from as many states as you can. Child who has the most different states wins (or don't make it a competition between kids and see how many the entire family as a whole can spot)

Take A Break - a break is good for both parents and kids. Stop at a rest stop, park, or restaurant with a play area and let the kids run around. It's good for parents and kids alike to stretch their legs and use the restrooms if available - and the kids will need to burn off some pent up energy. It doesn't need to be a long break - just 15-20 minutes or so!

Pillow & Blanket - if you are fortunate enough to have a child that tends to fall asleep on trips. make sure your child has a small pillow and blanket, and they might just sleep most of the trip. Being lost in dreamland is a pretty entertaining way to spend a roadtrip!

Cars - Matchbox or Hotwheels cars have accompanied myself, my siblings, and now our children on car trips.

Re-usable window decals - Get reusable window decals (like the kind used for holiday decorating) and let the kids "decorate" the car windows - just made sure that they are old enough to understand that they can not completely cover the window so the driver can see.

IPod or other music device and headphones: As a teenager, I often had a walkman or discman and headphones with me for long car rides. Today's version is the ipod, which the kids can also play games on (some games do not require wifi connection to run).

Travel Checkers & other travel games - there are a lot of magnetic travel games out there for kids, such as checkers. A travel sized Etch A Sketch and the Magnetic Doodle are also a good way to keep kids entertained.

Family Sing A Longs - These are probably a bit outdated, but crank up a song that everyone likes and let each family member belt out a part of the song if they want.

Video Games - There are a bunch of handheld video game options for young travelers. Just remember to pack spare batteries!

Navigator: Bring along a paper map and have your child mark on the map the route you are taking and the cities that you drive through. This is even better if you are driving through multiple states. If you stop anywhere for food or to see the sights, take pictures and tape to the map when you get home. The map can then be hung up at home to commemorate the trip!

Rock Paper Scissors - classic game and requires nothing but your hands!
2015-11-09 00:34:54 UTC
They should have things hard to find, so they will be searching for a long time. Second, get in the car, and go! If you designed them well enough, then the kiddos will be looking the whole trip for objects. 3. Talk to them. It will be a good way to find out what's happening in their lives, and the kids will like being in the spotlight. 4. Have competitions.
2014-06-05 18:51:12 UTC
This is a way to have fun at home and on the road. First, design the cards. They should have things hard to find, so they will be searching for a long time. Second, get in the car, and go! If you designed them well enough, then the kiddos will be looking the whole trip for objects. 3. Talk to them. It will be a good way to find out what's happening in their lives, and the kids will like being in the spotlight. 4. Have competitions.
2015-12-10 06:46:12 UTC
Bring along a paper map and have your child mark on the map the route you are taking and the cities that you drive through. This is even better if you are driving through multiple states. If you stop anywhere for food or to see the sights, take pictures and tape to the map when you get home. The map can then be hung up at home to commemorate the trip!
2014-07-12 18:30:17 UTC
At rest stops it is important that the children leave the car to stretch their legs. If there are maps or other state information available at a rest stop the children can collect some and find out more about the location. The children should use this time doing jumping jacks or running around as long as they take the opportunity to get the wiggles out.
2014-11-06 14:45:43 UTC
g around with what I do...I used to read 700 pages a day when I was younger...

I don't have a phone...I still have a book with me everywhere...

it's the kid's choice, as long as the kids have the common sense not to open the car door and jump out in the middle of Route 66.

And you get to learn a lot more...what's with the IPads
2012-11-19 10:50:58 UTC
Music, Books, Movies, IPod/IPhone/IPad, Drawing/Coloring, Singing
2012-11-19 10:34:44 UTC
Well, I am pretty bad in car rides myself. "Are we there yet?", "How much longer?" , "When can we stop for food?", "I have to pee!".

What always gets me is the license plate game. That one can go on for hours, especially when traveling through different states because you forget which license plates are now "out of state". The Oregon license plate that was an out of state license plate isn't out of state anymore once you are out of Washington!

Another thing that always keeps me entertained is taking turns finding weird things on the side of the road and making up stories of how they got there.

Ex. baby car seat: Little baby Jimmy ate some old garanimals that were in the side of his car seat and he had some serious stuff happening in his diaper. His mom and dad had to pull over and luckily had enough baby wipes and a new diaper but the poor car seat didn't make it...So they tossed it out on the side of the road and let little Jimmy sit in Mom's lap for the duration of the car ride.
2014-07-04 07:42:40 UTC
An oldie but a goodie! Count the cows you see on your side of the car. If you pass a cemetery on your side of the car, you lose all your cows, but only if the opposing team calls "your cows are buried!". This game gets interesting when distraction tactics are used to either cause your opponent to miss cows on their side of the road or to miss a cemetery on your side of the road. Add a bonus like a colored horse or a rare bird. The team with the most cows wins.
2012-11-19 18:14:53 UTC
2012-11-20 01:00:43 UTC
Video games
2014-09-14 03:32:46 UTC
Mad Checkers is an excellent game specially designed to offer a particular and suitable combination between the principal styles of the games dedicated to this genre.
2014-06-20 16:37:23 UTC
You can also make some playlists for the car ride. Also, if you see something interesting along the way and have time to stop for it, you should - never know when you might run into a cool museum or restaurant or something.
2014-08-30 18:48:21 UTC
To download for free Mad Checkers you can click here:

it's the full version, avaiable for free! very fast to install

Mad Checkers is an excellent game specially designed to offer a particular and suitable combination between the principal styles of the games dedicated to this genre.

It's a very nice game.
2014-07-21 04:11:37 UTC
Food sources (look for the most available food sources around you within the natural environment). Fish from rivers or the sea, berries, roots, edible plants if you know which they are. You might have to resort to eating insects or lizards or snakes or small birds if it would keep you alive.
2014-10-27 10:54:33 UTC
I wrapped several small,inexpensive gifts that my six year old could play with in the car. Every time we stopped, about every 2-3 hours, she got to open a new gift. She looked forward to getting back in the car!
2014-06-10 19:46:45 UTC
Take a pad of paper and a few colored markers. Have the kids tell you want to draw. "Draw a circle" and the other will say "Put a pink dot on top of the circle" and another says "Give the circle pink ears" and it all begins to take shape. Kids love directing a parent and what to do.
2012-11-19 09:56:33 UTC
Play russian roulette, it is a game which can be played with 2 players or more and it is fun for the whole family.
2014-09-14 07:07:03 UTC
Alphabet game (find words on road signs only that begin with every letter of the alphabet)
2014-07-04 09:50:28 UTC
Obviously the scenery might not be the most exciting all the time, but there is something to be said for looking out a window, and engaging your imagination.
2012-11-17 15:33:04 UTC
If you have portable Tv's Let them watch it.

Play on DS Or other portable system.

Eye spy.


The Relate Game(say a word then something that relates to it,you might start with Dog and end with Sarcophagus or a random word!
2012-11-17 15:28:51 UTC
Play all the games people wrote about, bring all the electronics you can think of and of course a bag full of munchies. If they still complain then tell them you will dump them in the next trash can you see. My Mom said that and it didn't work until one day she actually stopped at one and told me to get out. I begged her to not do it and after that day when she mentioned the word trash can I knew to be very quiet, it worked every time.
2012-11-17 03:17:57 UTC
2012-11-19 07:00:33 UTC
for toddlers small cup of ice or a ball of non-toxic tape. It sticks to everything and tactile.
2012-11-18 20:26:35 UTC
On a two day road trip, I wrapped several small,inexpensive gifts that my six year old could play with in the car. Every time we stopped, about every 2-3 hours, she got to open a new gift. She looked forward to getting back in the car!
2012-11-18 20:08:41 UTC
me and a couple of friends made this up and called it the name game: come up with the name of a name of a character from a TV SHOW no movies, games, etc. all you have to do is guess the name of the TV show that person is from

E.X: Jake

Show: Adventure Time

be sure to give out hints
2012-11-18 18:33:14 UTC
Get them Star Wars EU Expanded Universe books!!

And the X-men Marvel Comic Books!!!!!
2012-11-18 16:39:47 UTC
Get a Nintendo 3DS or let them play Smart-Phone games haha
2012-11-18 15:49:56 UTC
Well, we usually bring the iPad and the portable DVD player to keep them entertained for a good portion. Otherwise, we bring cards to play at rest stops. We also bring tons of books for them to read and a drawing pad with some colored pencils. We also remember to bring lots of food and juice packets!
2012-11-18 15:38:31 UTC
Make a Thanksgiving/Fall themes FUN packet for the trip. Include coloring pages, word searches, and more!
2012-11-18 12:00:14 UTC
How do you keep kids entertained on a family road trip?

With the holiday's approaching fast, especially Thanksgiving, we know millions of families will be on the road, and with children! So whether it's a short or long drive to your destination, what are some ways to keep your kids busy and entertained!

Best Answer for our Question of the Day will receive an extra 50 points! Safe travels, everyone!
2012-11-18 09:16:03 UTC
tie one of the kids to the roof-rack, then get the others to count how many cars flash their lights and wave at you!!!
2012-11-18 08:17:14 UTC
i tell them to play the quiet game , the sleeping game , whoever wins gets a lollipop lol
2012-11-18 07:48:14 UTC
2012-11-18 06:32:27 UTC
give them sweets. it helped me when i was with my bro at a family trip
2012-11-17 20:05:35 UTC
Give them a laptop and teach them C.
2012-11-17 18:58:38 UTC


play video games

watch movies

play pretend


talk about thanksgiving and why is it so important

What they want for chrismas

maybe talk about future

Favorites and least

Bring food

Describe the place where you are driving

Or make them sketch what they saw during the road trip so you can put it on the refrigerator
2012-11-17 18:16:38 UTC
Read books sing songs talk about the environment, license plates sing songs that come on the radio, and try to remember the names of the singers.
2012-11-17 09:41:13 UTC
When I was a kid, we never had a DVD player; we just had snacks, games (like Travel Bingo, Mr. Potato Head) (Mr.Potato Head NEVER shut up! Once you turned him on, he just talked, and talked...even if you didn't play with him) and the ever-classic: License plate game. But that only really works if you're going out-of-state, or to a tourist spot.

Kids are entertained by:



99 bottles of beer (or soda, or milk)


thumb wars (just don't let them hurt their opponent!)


Now of course, we have a DVD player. :)
2012-11-17 08:58:56 UTC
me and my brother had a note pad and pen and counted every wave we got when we waved at people. we also played an easy version of the number plate game when you have to look for A then b then c ect.
2012-11-16 23:45:39 UTC
Get a little food A little music

Children of this generation love music BUT beware if they start singing you wouldn't know how loud they will go!

Food :know your child best

know what they love most, example for snacks that are ''portable'' chips, potato chips, and chips

if you have a daughter whos claim shes on a diet but having cheese or such substance may dirty or vehicle so avoid such food substance although they are extrmely delicious

This works best for single child, those without siblings
I Am Blessed
2012-11-19 09:35:34 UTC
Have satellite with those three channels cars seem to get, than we have DVDs, Music, and we keep a ton of things to do stored in car... art kits, coloring books, and games like license plate bingo! And the awesome thing is the TV can have all gaming systems plug into it, so Awesome... we'll be staying home for the holidays, and skipping the Black Friday drama/scam... gotta love how news is pushing so hard to get people to shop when only those sitting in a tent for a week get the real deals
2012-11-19 06:48:32 UTC
They do these really cool travel games like connect 4 , errm guess who , cluedo from the range and other shops for just 4.95 and there great value it keeps them entertained .. i don't suggest monopoly though as it has lots of pieces .

However for the younger generation try 'yellow car' game this is amazing ! Basic they have to spot a yellow car ( or whatever colour ) on the road and shout out ''bleh bleh bleh YELLOW CAR'' so yeah .

Best of luck .<3
Big Spider on Your Pillow
2012-11-18 16:52:38 UTC
Even when I am driving alone I find that reading the letter on licence plate and trying to make the shortest word the longest word using those letters. Also names of people or places. eg PVT 283 might be 'pivot, private, provocative.
2012-11-18 12:02:27 UTC
Take a drawing pad and pencils and explain to them what they have to draw. Say like draw a house with a chimney and 3 windows. A purple door and a bird and see what they draw. Afterwards reveal each of the pictures and see how different they are. Also animal game, I spy. Endings game: start the next word with the last ones letter: example: fish horse elephant tractor..... Cant repeat what has been said!!
2012-11-18 10:30:02 UTC
Fill their sippy-cup up with NyQuil.
2012-11-18 07:06:15 UTC
Well kids need 3 things fun, food and rest: start the drive out feed em... let them entertain themselves when you can sense their getting bored pull out a wild card an i pad with a movie on it your phone wit some game nitendo; some preferable electronic as it is more excieting then find; when they need the toilet take them to garage with a park play for half an hour tucker them out, so that they will either sleep or are not so restless. i have used this when i take my lil brother on bus jounreys to see my Dad up North... WORKS LIKE A DREAM!!
entertainment fan
2012-11-18 04:36:04 UTC
Spot goods vehicles and ask your children if they know about the companies and what they do
2012-11-18 02:01:01 UTC
We used to to count telegraph pole count red cars etc .
2012-11-17 13:56:02 UTC
Give the kids activity books, play some cool music they like, maybe a funny song to keep them laughing. Have a contest for best karaoke singer, put on some karaoke music. Play a movie, play bingo, and winner gets a dollar or something :P

Ask them what they want to do! Xoxo
2012-11-17 12:26:55 UTC
there are red box kiosks everywhere, pick up several if you have the capability of watching DVDS in the car, take some old favorites as well
2012-11-17 11:39:34 UTC
I just recently moved out of the house and I do not have any children of my own. But I can describe what my mother used to do.

My mother worked at the radio station, and occasionally we would get free Branson tickets from the boss. We were a more poor family, so we didn't have things like a stereo in the car, portable DVD player, etc. so we had to make our own games.

Whenever I was REALLY little, my mother told me that there were Big Foot sightings on the road we were on. She would then encourage my sister and I to search for Big Foot and promised a Braum's cone to whoever found it. So, of course, my sister and I told tall tales, each of us claiming to find the mythical beast. Mom would giggle and eventually we would find a Braum's and we would use the change from the armrest to purchase a cone.

Whenever I got a bit older, we would all sing. Mind you, none of us can carry a tune. We would make up parodies of our favourite songs and create new little rhymes until our sides hurt from laughing. (This activity, later in life, helped with my speech and poetry skills.) I remember we made a parody of "Twelve Days Of Christmas" and called it "Twelve Days of Divorce". I still have the lyrics written down in my old diary.

I remember one time, we broke down at a gas station. My mother told us to pretend that we were going camping to ward off our fears of being attacked by bears or crazy people. It was a fun time, all in all.

My mother was a very creative person, and I give her all of my love. She is a fundamental part of the good aspects of my childhood.
2012-11-17 09:07:57 UTC
Give them what they want such as toys, books, etc.
2012-11-17 08:37:45 UTC
a hand held game.find the futherest auto tag they see and find where on th e map it is...count the obama stickers and look at the sad looking person in the car
2012-11-16 23:39:46 UTC
Give them a electronic or take a portable DVD player.Or if you can go to the store a day or two before the day you leave and get toys that will keep them busy or let them pick them out. :)
Alex G
2012-11-16 22:17:06 UTC
1. IPad

2. Snacks
2012-11-16 19:30:39 UTC
encourage their sleeping by keeping the car's heat up high and the same kind of restful soundtrack or calming sounds via the car stereo system

take away all caffeine from their diet
2012-11-16 18:42:50 UTC
singing and snacks
2012-11-16 15:33:30 UTC
If they don't shutup, beat them.
2012-11-19 09:15:28 UTC
give them a game to play such as hangman on a car tv display with control hookups to lessen the distraction while driving to you (look at or this game:

you say a word, someone else has to say a word that has the same starting letter as previous word's

(try to add new novel rules to make it fit as a better game)

I found the game.

it's called guess a sketch
2012-11-19 02:52:11 UTC
Old time radio, Audio books, and yes, the dreaded DVD player/iPods, state license plate bingo, when they ask "Are we there yet?" Tell them "Yes." and when they say "Really?" Say, "No." it tends to stop them from asking :)
2012-11-18 15:00:01 UTC
1. Games

2. Movies

3. Music!!!!!!!!!!! It helps to bring a ton of CDs that everyone likes. Or, if you have an ipod, let everyone pick 2 songs and just rotate it. If all else fails, play the quiet game, and the winner gets a "prize" at the end, or nap time.
2012-11-18 14:26:47 UTC
we used to cound and catacorize roadkill... at the end of the day we would haves omething like

15 deer

3 skunks

7 armadilos

2 turtles

and 75 unknown..
2012-11-18 13:49:59 UTC
Play lots of music and sing along.
2012-11-18 09:30:06 UTC
dvd portable with a headset each with lots of movies they like to watch.... ds or psp
2012-11-18 09:05:49 UTC
I remember back in the '70s, pre-video games, the seven of us taking a trip across country in a station wagon; we were like the Griswolds. My mother was great at keeping us busy.

We would spend hours:

a) Playing the alphabet game (finding the letters of the alphabet in order on billboards, license plates, etc.; first to Z wins!)

b) Telling 'round' stories (each person would take 1 minute to tell part of a story then the next person in line would continue it for a minute, and so on; creativity was encouraged)

c) Playing 20 questions

If all else failed, she would feed us cold medicine and we'd wake up in Oklahoma.
2012-11-18 08:59:12 UTC

well when i was i kid i remember me and my family went on loadsss of road trips it was my dad and mum, and my 2 older brothers the way they would keep us entertained was by:

1) Buy a portable DVD player and there 5 favourite movies

2) All of you should play I spy

3) Stock up the car with lots of board games and puzzles

4) Once in a while sing a song together

5) Bring plenty of snacks and juice box's

6) Become a number plate spotter

make up words from the last 3 letters on number plates. For example S123 RBT could be Robot or Rabbit.

7) Audio books

8) Bring portable game cosoles eg. nintendo 3ds (dont forget to bring a charger that can be plugged into the car)

9) Goody bags for good behavior (everytime they do something good get something out of the goody bag and give it to them or a 'Lucky dip'

I hope this helped and have a safe journey!!
2012-11-18 04:15:05 UTC
it depends on how old the kids are. we alsways made a list of things to spot and see who found the most,such as ....a red barn ..a car with a camper behind it...a scool with a flag flying..a farm with pigs,a church,whatever you can think of! also we played the license game see who can come up with the most states
2012-11-17 21:38:30 UTC
Make an alphabetical list of the states and give it to them. As they see a car with a license plate with one of the states, they check it off, and they see how many they can find. Then show them a map of the U.S., so that they can identify the states.
2012-11-17 20:07:57 UTC
Sing 1000000000 bottles:)
2012-11-17 19:36:32 UTC
Tell them stories and let them look outside.
2012-11-17 16:09:49 UTC
2012-11-17 11:58:35 UTC
do all these i spy

2.the thinking game(think of a color )

3.have them color

4.Play ont heir DS (if they have one )

5.Listing to music

6.Talk to them

7.Do jokes
2012-11-17 08:57:40 UTC
Remember to pack a lot of crisps and junk food.

They'll spend most of their time munching away.=p

Make them go to sleep by repeatedly speaking or just ignore them so they go to sleep out of boredom.
2012-11-17 08:50:27 UTC
Bring them alot of candies , and vedio games :D
2012-11-17 06:06:35 UTC
DVD player and headphones. :)
2012-11-17 00:38:45 UTC
There are magnetic games and activities you can get from Toys R Us, and Walmart for them to play in the car. Depending on the kids ages they have travel board games too like connect four, or guess who. You can play hangman on pieces of paper too. If your car has a TV you can bring TV show series or movies to watch. You can play DVD games too. Play kid friendly songs and sing in the car. There are games like I spy and you can search for things outside of your car window. Any thing that keeps the kiddies social and interactive will keep them from complaining. Then you have some time set aside for "quite time" where they can nap or just be quite for some time after playing games etc.
2012-11-16 21:53:25 UTC
Games like abc game find the letters in order on the signs as you drive by. try it with numbers too. take turns with favorite songs sign out loud with them make it fun.
K-Dawg Spartans Fan
2012-11-16 18:11:58 UTC
An orgy.

Kidding. Just kidding.
2012-11-18 22:40:10 UTC
Listen to music.

Sing a song... It's healthy and fun.

I wouldn't recommend any reading and watching related things on the road, because of health considerations.
2012-11-18 21:15:57 UTC
Bring any fun games that you need more than 2 people to play

Like Ludo, Chess, Checkers, Connect Four, Dominoes, Dance Central, I don't want to say videos games because i think it makes people lazy.
Sally A
2012-11-18 15:26:11 UTC
give them a laptop and an internet and they will enjoy the trip LOL
2012-11-18 15:03:20 UTC
Hit them
Kyle F.
2012-11-18 14:30:35 UTC
Very interesting question. I'd say have them read a book or watch a movie if anyone in the family has an electronic tablet such as an iPad. You can get a 3G or 4G hotspot so they'll have internet!
2012-11-17 21:46:41 UTC
I will give them Anesthetics so they won't bother me
2012-11-17 20:50:29 UTC
How old are the kids? If they are in early public school, take along some video games; books; colouring books and crayons; older, they wouldn't go anyway!
2012-11-17 19:10:50 UTC
Buy PSPs for each one of them with games that they like.
2012-11-17 18:23:23 UTC
Ignore them for a while and if they start to get on your nerves threaten to pull the car over.
Evelyn Gill
2012-11-17 12:20:47 UTC
Have them memorize the City and State's they pass through and count the cars.
2012-11-17 06:22:02 UTC
You can get them an Etch A Sketch that should keep them busy for a while
2012-11-17 00:24:14 UTC
Get a ton of coffee/monster and take your trip through the night. That's what my parents told me they did when we were little and because it was night we just slept the whole trip. Otherwise you're stuck with alphabet game, scavenger hunts, game boys, in car tv's, etc
2012-11-16 22:40:10 UTC
I am 18 now, but my parents put a small tv in the car and we played tapes( I know I feel old already). I played the abc game where you looked for a certain letter on billboards, license plates etc. My parents also gave me and my sister a quarter for every hour of good behavior. A quarter is a lot of money for a little kid lol. Be sure you bring a cooler and eat lunch at a rest stop. Lunchables are good. Eating outside was good and running around after I ate was fun and got the extra energy out of my system. That way I would be nice and tired afterwards and would fall asleep in the car. I also fared well playing my gameboy (again feeling old). I wouldn't reccomended playing 6 Hours of video games everyday, but hey you are crammed in the car for sometimes ten hours a day. Let loose a little bit.
2012-11-16 18:43:46 UTC
I'm not a parent, but what keeps my family entertained are games. We take travel board games with us, books, and some toys. We make up games like finding street names with a letter and the last letter of the word is the the word to look for with that letter. We also make a list how many things you can find while on the road then we have a competition to see who found all the things first.
2012-11-16 18:22:43 UTC

Car bingo

I spy

20 questions

Portable game systems
2012-11-16 18:03:50 UTC
games games and more games!!!!
2012-11-16 17:49:05 UTC
We have a tv in our car!
2012-11-16 17:40:48 UTC
if you have an mp3 let them listen to music

you could give them coloring books

you could sing

play road games

turn on the radio to some music everyone will enjoy

give them books on things they find interesting, ex. animals, trains, cars, jets, volcanoes, etc.

if their good then you should consider buying them treats every so often.

If all else fails, excluding beating them, you could always just get a portable dvd player and take some movies.
2012-11-16 17:15:35 UTC
I always kept track of how many license plates of the states I could get. I would tally them up and I have seen all 50 states license plates.
2012-11-19 08:38:49 UTC
give em all an ipad each! works everytime :)
2012-11-19 08:32:48 UTC
Anything with magnetic pieces (kids are astounded by them and it's less mess for the parent)

The ABC game where you try and find the letters of the alphabet in order (gets the entire family involved and bonding)

Laptop and movies (keeps kids entertained and will give time to the parent to discuss other matters

Rest stops (gets the kids fresh air, and with the help of a healthy snack and juice, hopefully a decent nap lol)
2012-11-19 07:10:10 UTC
my parents used to bring me some toys, books, unfortunately there isnt much to do in a car and we had to travel 12 hours, and when all else failed gravol is non-addictive and puts a kid to sleep (was an accidental discovery, I used to get really car sick)
2012-11-18 23:11:05 UTC
ok ive got a few idears

1 if you like music ask each of them some of there favourite songs and create a disk and then the

best singer gets a reward of some kind ( maybe some sweets or something)

2 if you like electrical things and you dont get car sick let them bring something with them

tell them they can go on that for a while (if they do get carsick get them to sit in the front it helps)

if none of these helps why not ask them what they like to do and try and create it.

also a good game to play is the scielence game avery one has to be completely scielent and the adults have to ask them questiians if you talk your out of the game and the last one in the game gets a prize and or a reward
2012-11-18 17:09:16 UTC
First of all it always depends on what you have and where are you heading or what type of roads and views you'll see on the way. If you are using a huge car or truck like trailers or camper truck, keeping the kids entertained is not a big problem. They can watch movies, play cards or board games. If you are using cars, gadgets like iPod, iPad, mobile phones, PSP and other sort of stuff will do but if you want something different, educational or family bonding, you must be creative but make sure that it won't disturb or distract the driver. You can let them play "road games" or make your own road games.

If you are going to place historical or will pass a place historical or a very popular place, make them aware and tell them what they are going to see and what they must look for or search for. Like here in the Philippines, when people travel Bicol, it's going to be a long drive and all you can see for several hours is Mayon Volcano. There is a saying here that if you can see the tip of the volcano and it's not covered by clouds you are welcome in that place. A ship travel to Mindoro is quite boring cause island view is not really great but waiting to see the trench line in the ocean keeps me occupied. In Baguio, great scenery of natures can keep the children entertained. So it all depends in a place where you are going

To keep it short, it always depend on what you have and you must be creative all the time but again, make sure the one driving is not distracted and lastly, MAKE IT FUN and MEMORABLE!!! :)
2012-11-18 15:54:00 UTC
get treats and small toys and wrap them in packing tape throughout and keep wrapping until its a large ball. every few layers put a sucker or piece of gum or whatever they like.. They get to unwrap it (it takes forever) and get treats and small toys in the process so that's their incentive. Put something really awesome in the middle so they don't stop!

Nintendo DS, crayons and game books, video games from the dollar isle of walmart, like basketball, hockey, etc. having conversations =)
2012-11-18 15:27:18 UTC
Sing road songs with your kids. Reminisce on funny memories.
2012-11-18 14:41:24 UTC
The first step is to help them realize that they have you in a captive situation where they can feel free to speak of anything they desire.

The number one killer of effectiveness in parenting is children who feel that they are not listened to.

Parents today seem to think their job is done by being dictators of what their children ought to do or ought not to do. And the insanity of that is that the parent knows full well, if they would only reflect, that they themselves rebell against feeling as if another is rendering them faceless.

Be wise parents and cease squandering such valuable time. Recognize the opportunities that are available to you and utilize them with the wisdom that respect begets respect.
2012-11-18 12:19:01 UTC
Give them something entertaining, but not addicting, such as a book, or a handheld game. Whether it's educational or not, it's okay for them. You could also play a game with them, as long as it does not disrupt the driver. Make sure your whole family has fun all the way to your destination.
2012-11-18 07:38:04 UTC
give them crosswords and letter search things or quizzes
2012-11-18 06:58:31 UTC
Sing funny road trip songs and tell plenty of jokes
2012-11-18 05:54:42 UTC
keep them busy with ur stupid questions or give them a camera and tell them to lick pictures randomly they will be occpuied but before u do something ask them what they want to do :) all the best
2012-11-18 01:55:15 UTC
Good old fashioned singing in the car! We used to sing "Daddy's Taking Us to the Zoo Tommorrow" and "How much is that doggy in the window" back in the 70's with my parents. Now my kids sing hymns and folk songs like "All Around My Hat I Will Wear the Green Willow". They also like to play CDs with songs from Disney and sing along.
2012-11-18 01:37:50 UTC
a car dvd player that works for my daughter
Jose Lopez
2012-11-18 01:21:04 UTC
Music that they would like then the will maybe fall asleep
2012-11-17 12:24:08 UTC
We made sure our son had books and a gameboy and fresh batteries (it WAS the 90's then), and once or twice, we had a power inverter and a small TV with a builtin videotape player. (90's again)

We also made up a set of fun bags for him to take along. They might have some candy or treats like brownies, or a game, or a disposable camera, or a toy, or other fun stuff for him to play with. Each bag was just a brown paper lunch bag, stapled shut so he couldn't tell what was in it. He got to pick one in the morning and in the afternoon, if it was an all day trip. The excitement and mystery of what he might get next made it more fun.

We have just one son. If you have more than that, you could make up bags tailored for each kid - older toys for older kids, etc.

When I was a kid, I remember traveling with a cooler full of food that Mom made up ahead of time. One thing we always remember was getting a snack of hard-boiled eggs. My sister reached out with hers and cracked it on my brother's head. We all laughed so hard and had fun doing the same with our own eggs.
2012-11-17 09:06:12 UTC
In todays days its so easy to install TV in the car or let your child play video games .But if you want that real family time.You must use these facilities as less frequently as possible.

Also if possible let your kid call their friend or cousin along with him in that trip.

And if you like,let your kid carry his faviorite toy with him..

1st. Choose your transport considering their comforts.Do not let them suffocate in congested vehicals.A child will be happy if there is openess and cleanliness a messy area will get him frustrated.

2nd.Carry lots of foodstuffs which your child loves.Or Surprise him.You were denying that yummy raspberry cream cheese cake long ago,, now all of a sudden in the middle of the trip bring it out in front of him and go"Heyy,,dont you love this pastry!!! I bought it for you."

3rd: If your child is very small,, he will love creativity.Give him a drawing book and colors ,,and ask him to draw whatever he sees on the trip,,itmay be a green farm with lambs and sheep.Or a lake.Or snow desert.He will pass his time in imagination and will not be bothered by the boring travel.

4th:Fun Activities: If you can install a TV in your car,,very good.Or else,, play fun games with your kids.Like Board games.This is a good game"Clue",

You can also give them a description of a scene or scenery and ask them to draw it.

5.Children love thrills:While on a trip,in the middle of a countryside check in a hotel or one of your friends farm house at night.Youre kids will surely get the creeps.

6.Remember,, dont get into fights,arguments or discourage your kid.

And youre trip will be great

Remember children love colors,fairytales and open spaces
2012-11-17 00:56:39 UTC
You play games with them!
2012-11-16 21:24:55 UTC
Either you can drive at night! If you have a television in your car that could help. My family and I play My Father Own's A Grocery Store, which if where you say that and be like...starts with C. They have to keep guessing the correct food you chose. Whoever gets it, gets to be that "special" person. Lastly, a game we play is the Alphabet game. It is a good learning tool for the kids because what you have to do is look outside and start with A. Look for something that starts with A and try to get down the alphabet as fast as you can!

Those things I listed will in fact keep your anxious kids busy NO DOUBT!
2012-11-16 15:44:57 UTC
Portable DVD Player
2012-11-19 09:46:19 UTC
Fortunately my daughter (13) is basically self-entertaining - she reads, writes, draws, listens to music, or joins in our conversations.

My son (2) can get bored pretty easily, but he is already fairly imaginative, and can play with toys, listen to music, etc. (he's usually happy as long as he has access to food/drink).

I'm against all of the tv's and dvd players in cars - people have complained for years about kids watching too much tv, and now you want to sit them in front of one while they are riding in a car too?

Obviously the scenery might not be the most exciting all the time, but there is something to be said for looking out a window, and engaging your imagination.

Of course, most important is to get out of the vehicle from time to time and let them (and you) stretch legs and get fresh air.
2012-11-19 08:52:22 UTC
My favorite one is the alphabet game, where you look for the letters of the alphabet in different street signs, etc. It is also a great way for the kids to be looking around, outside the car. But it really depends on what age. Younger kids will enjoy this game, but teens or pre-teens would enjoy just reading or listening to music. Sometimes watching a movie it depends on how far you want to go. And little kids it might help to have some calm music, or toys. But aways have food, because everyone will enjoy that.
2012-11-18 20:11:16 UTC
Leave your kids at home with somebody trustworthy.

(Or maybe not, depending on the children's age)

They'll have fun, you'll have fun, everybody will be thankful.
2012-11-18 15:40:56 UTC
Give them drowsy medicine. Puts 'em to sleep faster than gasoline explodes.
2012-11-18 14:37:17 UTC
Count Cows, that is what we used to do.
2012-11-18 14:37:08 UTC
let them use your phone. portable dvd player. portable game system. tv. games. reading books. tell jokes. tell stories. talk. give them food. write. draw. anything fun
2012-11-18 06:46:28 UTC
ipad,or a nexus 7 and a psp
2012-11-18 06:35:33 UTC
I've traveled a ton on the road. Here are some things me and my sister would do:

I spy

Coloring books (if you don't trust them with crayons or markers, forget it).


Card games

If they have an ipod, then that's an option

Video games (nintendo, gameboy <----- I still have mine XD)

Truth or Dare

Planning (Me and my sister used to plan what we would do when we got to out destination)

Eating junk food (The gas station :))

Books (If you're actually interested if Johnny kisses Mary)

Homework (if you didn't finish)

Monologues (Yeah, me and my sister were aspiring actresses. So we printed out funny monologues for fun ^.^)

Point out the scenery outside (If your kids say "ooh" and "ahh" you are doing something right

Tell them stories you've experienced throughout life (funny, sad, and hostile stories should be interesting enough)

I hope this helps in anyway :D
Kmin LionHeart
2012-11-17 23:17:52 UTC
Give them a 2-person card game to play (eg: Monopoly Deal, Uno! etc) at the back seat. Card games are always exciting and involves logic, which also gives them something to learn while sitting at the back of the car waiting to arrive at their destination!

If you have more than 2 kids, tell them to play together, or if there is not enough space, tell them to take turns and watch the two siblings play.
2012-11-17 17:20:35 UTC
sing some of their favorite songs with them
Rebecca of Faraway Farm
2012-11-17 13:37:57 UTC
promise them ice cream at the destination
2012-11-17 12:48:47 UTC
sing 99 bottles of beer on wall
2012-11-17 12:46:26 UTC
Hard question, I find the description far too generic to answer, but I'll try.

I happen to be one of the 2 in the back seats, so, here's what we've done so far:

-Get a table game of a small size (but you need to be sure that the drive doesn't include any shaky roads)

-Play cards (this is really good, definitely recommend it).

-Get CDs/cassettes with music that the whole family listens to/can listen to.

-If your kids are old enough, and you have MP3s/cell phones/music players and headphones, yu can try them out too (although this is kind of, I dunno, call it "individual entertainment"

-Whoever doesn't get easily dizzy can try getting a book/magazine to read (done this quite a few times, not really a means of socializing in the car, but whatever)

-An alternative to the book/magazine is a portable device that can play a movie.

-Discuss.About everything and nothing.Start a conversation, end it, and start another one.

-Gameboys/PSPs/whatever (although, as said above, this isn't recommended for everyone, some may feel a little dizzy, or feel nausea, plus it's not for the whole family).

-Although this is a little crazy, if possible, bring over a small musical instrument to play in the car.I have a little (nearly baby-sized) classical guitar and brought it on a couple of trips, really fun).

That's all from me.
Camryn Garza
2012-11-17 12:24:52 UTC
Maybe bring some game systems like DSI or if you don't have that maybe a computer and bring movies:) Or sing on the trip :)

2012-11-17 08:49:13 UTC

Your adorable and a cute hamster

Can I adopt you and be my boyfriend
2012-11-17 07:11:20 UTC
Strap them to the roof.
2012-11-16 19:27:33 UTC
Sing song together, Play guessing games [riddles], jokes
2012-11-16 19:03:23 UTC
i think you should have portioned the time on who choses to see things... so everyone gets a portion...and gets to do what they want to do....that is so your kids can enjoy things she wants to should also let your kids roam around a little themselves....its so they dont feel they have to kill someone while they are in the car next to a sibling or a parents do this so they have some time alone also works a lot....hope my answer is good
2012-11-16 17:39:09 UTC
Movies and video games were always a hit with my brothers and I. We used an adaptor plugged into the cigarette lighter socket to plug in a mini TV and gaming system or our desktop computer to play DVDs. Trips flew by. The best set up is if you have a van with 3 rows of seats. Three could sit in the very back, the middle row can fold down for feet or your technology set up to rest on. Once you reach your hotel or destination you'll have movies and activities still when it's too late for young kids to do anything.
2012-11-16 16:22:17 UTC
Bring a DVD player and some movies. Maybe some books on tape? You can also make some playlists for the car ride. Also, if you see something interesting along the way and have time to stop for it, you should - never know when you might run into a cool museum or restaurant or something.
2012-11-19 07:10:07 UTC
Bring them a book. some puzzles, a colouring book or one of those see what you can see things.

If they do bring them an I pod and headphones, maybe some pillows so they are comfy and can go to sleep, or a clothing design book or something :)
2012-11-19 06:37:25 UTC
tell them to invite friends over the night before and tell them they should have a movie marathon or something then when they stay up all night and the friends get picked up in the morning or leave, wake the kids up and let them start packing up the car, cook breakfast serve them, and grab some movies for the car or video games and hit the road, after a nights lack of sleep and boring movies and video games theyve already seen or played, the car drifts them off to sleep, hopefully long enough to get the 9 hours away we need to get, except for to maybe stop and wake them up for food. :D
2012-11-18 22:38:36 UTC
If you have a car that has built in monitor that you can plug Xbox's and DVD players in. I know this because we went to Tennessee this summer.
Idanre Magus
2012-11-18 19:44:46 UTC
Be a lousy driver.



That's how the bus drivers do it in my country!



There is no greater feeling in the World, than when Dad TRANSFORMERS into Jason Stratham channeling Robert Redford- and you walk away from that car, anyway...!
Noah Redell
2012-11-18 15:44:44 UTC
2012-11-18 15:24:25 UTC
Music. Nintendo
2012-11-18 13:25:11 UTC
Kids movies Never goes wrong
2012-11-18 13:06:26 UTC
Ipod touch and junk food
2012-11-18 11:36:03 UTC
Well, the 'who can stay quiet for the longest game' is always good for keeping kids quiet.

But if that fails why not try:

Music - your car has a radio! use it.

You could just let them use their technology, like iPods, psp, nintendo ds etc.

I spy with my little eye . . .

Pens and paper, so they can draw.

Take books to read on the journey (unless you get motion sickness)

This one's for the parents: Occupy them and keep them from saying 'are we there yet?' <-- Game Objective.

Let them sleep.

Try who can spot the most yellow cars, but every time you see one you have to hit the other people and say 'yellow car' before they can hit you. Or if that's to violent try every time you see a yellow car you get 1 point, every time you see a mini cooper you get 1 point, every time you see a camper van (VW) you get 2 points, if you see a yellow mini cooper you get 3 points and if you see the same make of car as your own you get 10 points.

Or if you have a portable dvd player, just make them watch Spirited Away, it's two hours long and after watching it it will make you think for ages about what the heck it was that you've just watched. If you don't have a portable dvd player, just show it to them before you leave, It's weird enough to keep you thinking for hours.
2012-11-18 07:14:18 UTC
A DVD Player or gaming devices would keep them busy for while. After they get bored of that, stop at a rest stop and get them some ice cream or candy or whatever.

PS. bring bunch of different movies for the DVD player.
2012-11-18 05:18:59 UTC
The Road Song!
2012-11-17 20:18:38 UTC
The greatest baby sitter of them all. The xbox 360 :L
2012-11-17 18:40:27 UTC
What we have is video screens on the chairs you can put movies in them or music, movies always last for about an hour! They were surprisingly inexpensive and very easy to put on the chair since they are made for that. I don't like the thought of reading in a car since it makes me sick :(

We also have a very small magnetic chess board. loads of fun too! and it's magnetic so the little figures can't go everywhere.

Playing cards is always fun.

Or tell them to try to make words with the letter of cars number plates. the better the sentance the more candy points!

Good Luck :D
2012-11-17 16:54:46 UTC
As a kid we always tried to find the name of every state on the licenses plates ofthe car around us
2012-11-17 16:36:00 UTC
tie them up and threaten them
2012-11-17 12:13:27 UTC
Buy them a DS.
Northwoods Fishing
2012-11-17 12:04:04 UTC
Travel at night!!! lol My neighbors do this every year and it works like a charm! I have done it myself when my boys were younger and its great. No emergency bathroom stops or food stops.
2012-11-17 09:53:49 UTC
play car games, listen to music, let them play nintendo ds if they have one.
2012-11-17 06:06:48 UTC
My children are adults now. On long trips they bring their girlfriends and put blinders on their parents and tape over the interior mirror to prevent us from seeing them ''entertaining'' each other in the back seat.

When our children were much younger we used to forego extended car trips. Instead, we took the train. Much more fun for the kids and a whole lot less distracting for the driver (me). And we would arrive at our destination a whole lot more safely & refreshed than if we'd driven the 8 hours to my parents house in the snow.
2012-11-16 16:05:10 UTC
Portable DVD player.

Not that many things are invented for entertainment inside a car.
2012-11-19 07:57:03 UTC
Mad libs! Its a really fun thats perfect for all ages. I'm 17 and I play it with my parents and brother on road trips since I was like 7. Its like a book where there are stories made with empty spaces that each person answers with their own noun, adjective, verb, ect. You read the story after you've filled them in and they don't make sense, its really entertaining. The book explains what the grammar terms are if you don't know. They're super cheap, like 3$ at the store, like walmart, barnes and noble, and some gas stations. Also, mp3 players never fail lol.

Hope you have fun on your trip!
Jessica H
2012-11-18 21:25:48 UTC
sing songs, play games, listen to music. etc..
2012-11-18 17:19:02 UTC
My Parents buy me crossword puzzles. Lots of kids have cell phones these days.
2012-11-18 14:00:22 UTC
kids now-a-days will need ipods.. ipads... portable tvs..

stuff like that!
2012-11-18 13:50:35 UTC
I used to make up my own bingo cards and each space I'd put something down for them to spot and they would try to fill in the care. Items like a tire on the road, a red firetruck, once I put toilet on the road and there was this huge transport hauling portable toilets Another time I put an Oregon licence plate and over 900 miles later nobody had scored that one, so I figured nobody lived in Oregon. That was the big laugh from that trip. We also counted VW Bugs too but that one is really dated. When our kids were really little we used the 99 bottles of beer on the wall but that gets annoying after the 20th beer so to speak. We always had lots of fun though
2012-11-18 10:01:31 UTC
Throw them your phone and let them play some some kid some Kanye West music!!!!
2012-11-18 09:56:15 UTC
Depends upon how old the kids are. If they are younger you can play license plate games or billboard games. (First person to make a word or sentence wins with the letters on plates or billboards wins, first person to find an Illinois, California and Nebraska plate wins (actually the states would depend upon where you on your trip).

Take Dr Seuss books to read to everyone.

Make games to play like put hidden objects in a jar with a lot of oatmeal, birdseed etc etc and find the objects (just make sure the kids cannot open the jars/containers)

Take portable CD players for the kids.

Take a portable DVD player for the kids.

Tell a story by everyone adding a sentence to the previous persons sentence.

Play a guessing game (such as "What am I?" I wear a helmet (football player may ring out from the kids), I wear a uniform (baseball player may ring out), I carry a stick? (Ah...Hockey player!) That type of thing.

Create a perfect vacation place in your imaginations. I say, "It is an island" and another kid says "it has purple palm trees" and another say "green rabbits live there" and it gets more and more funny and by the time you are done, orange dolphins are flying fighter jets over an island with red sand that is at war with the nearby island with blue rocks etc etc.

If the kids are older you can talk about things they think are important. This could be a time to ask them "What if" questions. "What if you found a wallet with 1000 dollars and no one is around and there is not ID in the wallet. What would you do?" and let them answer and explain it. There is never a wrong answer but you can all voice your opinions. We do that a lot in my family.

If the kids are very young, give them sensory objects to hold and chew (if they are teething) and make frequent stops if you can.

Have snacks ready and easy to get to.

Since its Thanksgiving, have each kid, if they are old enough, tell you what they think the first thanksgiving would have been like for the pilgrims or the native population. If they are slightly older, start a discussion about would you leave your home to go to a new world if we discovered a previously unknown land?

Take trivia books and ask question. You can get trivia geared for any age starting at about 4.

If they are younger, schedule in a nap time for everyone. If you need a short break, play the silent game (first one to talk loses) though that really only works once.

Let them take a favorite toy or possession (as long as it does not make noise) with them in the car. Have blankets and pillows for a long trip so the kids can nestle in and get comfortable (everything is easier then).

Play the car game if your kids like cars. "Who can find a red Ford truck" or a more basic version "Who can find a silver mini van? "Who sees a light blue 2 door car?"

If they see something they are not used to, lets say driving through Amish country and see a man plowing his field, ask them what they think the mans name is. Does he have kids do you think? What are their names? What are the horses names? What grew in that field? It gives the kids a chance to use their imagination.

Take a pad of paper and a few colored markers. Have the kids tell you want to draw. "Draw a circle" and the other will say "Put a pink dot on top of the circle" and another says "Give the circle pink ears" and it all begins to take shape. Kids love directing a parent and what to do.

I come from a large family and we have done all of these activities at different times. Sometimes they are really successful and sometimes they are not. It all just depends on everyone's moods. If it does not go over, move onto something else.
2012-11-18 08:36:16 UTC
I always bring my CD player and, my radio (to see what radio stations I can pick up.) If I find one I like, I write it down, and add it to my list of stations I listen to on the internet.
2012-11-18 06:12:10 UTC
There's a hole in my bucket, dear lyser, dear lyser, there's a hole in my bucket dear lyser a hole....

Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry

Yellow car (spot the mini)

Guess the animal....

Whilst entertaining also very annoying... :)

Sweet or sour was a favourite on the school coach. Wave at random stranger and see if they wave back. Goes down better if you're not ALL mental pre-teens ;)
2012-11-18 01:08:01 UTC
We drove round trip from CA to N Dakota with 3 and 5 yr old girls. I made them each a bag to bring full of things we purchased from the dollar store. Crayons, coloring books. Deck of cards. Puzzles. Puzzle books. Lots of snacks. Of course they rode in there pjs the entire trip and for lunches we would stop at a fast food place with a play area so they could let loose for a half hour or so. I also let them download some kids apps on my iPhone and take turns with that. They had there pillow pets and a little blanky as well. It was fun and letting them put the travel bags together themselves helped. The car was a mess by the time we made it but letting the kids play kept us all sane! We also sang along to the radio and played I spy, keeping toddlers entertained on the road for 2 days; you better be prepared to work!
George G
2012-11-17 19:19:21 UTC
Duck tape
Ria K
2012-11-17 16:49:44 UTC
DVDs and video games help but my toddlers are happy with doodle for 4-5 hrs without any stress on their eyes and its economical as well.Kids songs also keep them happy if they like to sing along. Snacks too...
2012-11-17 16:27:01 UTC
Duct tape.
Mel = )
2012-11-17 13:44:23 UTC
Depends how old the child is, they can watch a movie on a portable device, read a book, play a handheld video game, eat, sleep, talk to one another, etc.
Old nudist
2012-11-17 07:11:15 UTC
I don't have any kids, but when I was a kid my folks would have a game where we counted license plates & wrote down how many plates we saw & from what states they were from. IOW: NY 10, FL 5, PA 20 etc. We'd also look for brands of cars & keep track
2012-11-17 05:17:24 UTC
I keep kids entertained by

letting them watch a show on an ipad

giving them coloring books

talking with them

and they usally keep themselves quiet when they look out the window
2012-11-17 03:42:48 UTC
lots of snacks, music, portable video games :D
2012-11-17 02:17:19 UTC
It is not an easy operation it looks like a multiple stages process in "the beginning" Music & songs is our approach not for them only but for me and their mother too - " the middle " of the road they are more affected by their toys and puzzles and when they lose their power completely they go automatically "the End" stage with their soft pillows on the back sofa to continue my drive more comfortably .
2012-11-16 20:04:16 UTC
Even in these days of GPS, we all still hear "are we there yet". I found that giving each child a map and explaning how to track our progress with the highway mile markers was very effective. State maps are usually free from visitor centers. They kept themselves entertained by tracking our progress for long durations.
2012-11-16 17:10:25 UTC
Have a DVD player in your car.

Give them a MP3 player and some headphone.

Sing 99 bottles...
2012-11-19 09:49:39 UTC
play mini digs- the aim of the game is to spot a mini on the road(not parked) and shout mini dig and the colour of the mini and lightly punch the person to the left of you
2012-11-19 09:17:19 UTC
There are several ways to keep children entertained! 1. Put on the radio. Turn it to a pop station. You won'y necessarily like it, but they will. 2. Play Travel Bingo. This is a way to have fun at home and on the road. First, design the cards. They should have things hard to find, so they will be searching for a long time. Second, get in the car, and go! If you designed them well enough, then the kiddos will be looking the whole trip for objects. 3. Talk to them. It will be a good way to find out what's happening in their lives, and the kids will like being in the spotlight. 4. Have competitions. It doesn't matter what it is, kids are naturally competitive and will do their best to win! To play longer, offer a prize. It can be something as simple as having the bed closest to the bathroom at the hotel. 5. Tell them to take a nap. They will most likely be exhausted, especially if you've been traveling for a while, so let them catch some z's. 6. Let them be kids. Just relax and focus on driving. The kids will eventually get tired of fighting and read, or play a game on their iPod.

I hope these were helpful! Thank you for reading!!!!!!
2012-11-19 05:53:05 UTC
There a variety of things; I've written a lot but read any one you one there are titles:

Cartoons and Movies

Television screens are everywhere these days -- on our cell phones, in elevators, on airplanes, in public restrooms, on our portable movie players, and of course, inside our cars, trucks and minivans, too.

If you're going on a particularly long trip, it's almost a no-brainer to bring along a supply of kid-tested and approved television shows and movies. You'd be surprised how quickly the drive time will pass for even the most finicky of rear-seat passenger once the on-screen entertainment begins. One caveat: To ensure vehicular peace, make sure that the screen (or screens) is placed so that all kids can see it from their vantage point. And don't forget the audio headphones for the kids if you're really searching for complete silence up front

Electronic Games

These range from simple "pocket pets" style digital games that fit on a keychain to full-size gaming systems installed in your vehicle. In between, you have handheld electronic games, dedicated gaming devices and games that can be played on cell phones. While video games may not be the most creative thing children can be doing, they're at least interactive. Perhaps more importantly, any mayhem is confined to the small screen rather than the back seat of your car [source: CNET].

However, you don't necessarily have to lug around portable electronics, movie cases and an assortment of new batteries when you hit the road. For some ideas on free in-car entertainment, go to the next page.

License Plate Lingo

No. Not bingo -- lingo. And while this one is pretty simple, it can still be plenty of fun -- depending on the player's imagination, that is.

In this game, kids take turns explaining the meaning of the letters on selected cars' license plates. For instance, "OEF" might stand for "Onion-Eating Fanatic" or "Original Elephant Farm." Make it a contest where the winner is the person who comes up with the funniest, most ridiculous or most complicated expanded acronyms after a given number of rounds [source: Van Kirk].You'll probably be surprised by what your kids can come up with during this one!

The Slug Bug Game

Remember the "Slug Bug Game?" someone spies a Volkswagen Beetle (old version or new), declares "Slug Bug Green" (or whatever color it happens to be), and earns the "right" to punch the other person in the arm. Also known as "Punch Buggy," it's a game that requires keen observation, speed and a good sense of humor while being slugged in the arm.

Now, some kids may think it's also a competition to see who can punch the hardest. And that's definitely not the case. However, if your rambunctious kids insist on playing the game that way, feel free to make an in-car rule that Bug sightings are to be celebrated with no more than a very firm prod.

The Quiet Game / Last Word Game

Who says a game has to be noisy or raucous in order to be fun? The quiet game challenges competitors to be the quietest, the longest. This game follows in the childhood (and yes, childish) tradition of the back-and-forth argument ("Did not. Did too. Did not," and so on). The exception is that each time someone says "did not" or "did too," it has to be stated softer and take a little longer to utter than the person who went previously. The idea is to say it so softly that the other person completely misses it, at which time you've won. Loud outbursts automatically lose the game for whoever makes them [source: BBC].
2012-11-19 00:07:05 UTC
2012-11-18 17:31:13 UTC
Going to sleep an waking up at the destination. A whole entire dream and kills time!
sego lily
2012-11-18 15:48:30 UTC
There are so many little activities to keep them occupied

One is magnetic board games==checkers etc:

another is reading the State on car tags

another is one where they touch the others when there is a car with only one headlight working

2012-11-18 15:32:13 UTC
handheld video games. word searches and puzzles. snacks. favorite toy. music.
2012-11-18 13:20:17 UTC
if i where a kid i would want my 3ds
2012-11-18 03:35:49 UTC
hmm sing to them and make sure movies are right there before you and another thing try to be morespecific with every thing you say to them for there future is in your hands
2012-11-17 23:33:56 UTC
-play the volkswalgen game: whenever you see a volswagen tap them (DONT PUNCH THEM!)

-sweet and sour: wave to people in cars who ever waves back is sweet, who doesnt is sour

-see who can answer the most question on yahoo answers

-i spy


-set up a mini dvd player with their fave movies

-take the scenic route to wherever you are going and bore them to sleep
2012-11-17 19:38:47 UTC
if you have younger kids games like 20 questions and eye spy would be fun

if you have older kids portable dvd player or electronics would be better
2012-11-17 15:19:43 UTC
Bring a DVD player with their favorite movies and tv shows.

Also, brings books and travel games that you can play in the car.

Bring a electronic device with games/apps to play this can keep children happy for a while.

Bring pillows and blankets who doesn't love a nap! Take some snacks along with you like chips and juice boxes ect. Bring some music to keep them from talking too much! But also, this is a good time to family bond!
2012-11-17 14:07:34 UTC
You can get them a seat pet(search it). Or put a small tv in your car. Or do activities such as, road songs, play "I Spy", or just have an interesting conversation with them :)
2012-11-17 13:42:47 UTC
I remember going on road trips when I was younger. My parents purchased a travel game kit filled with magnetic games (road trip bingo, checkers, chinese checkers, etc). We'd bring lots of books too and our Gameboys. Anyone that has laptops or tablets can charge them if they're stopping at a hotel, some cars have the charger ports in them...that's a lot nicer than when I was younger. Listening to music can be a big distraction as well. I always liked to bring a stool to put on my lap so that I could draw/color and do activity books as well. We also brought battleship and uno and regular playing cards.
2012-11-17 08:57:26 UTC
OK you should set up a fun game you could all play so none of you will feel left out and it should be a long to so you get distracted and then time will fly by.Another idea is maybe just go to asleep and then time will go fast by the time you wake you wake up you will be there. Or maybe you could talk to your brother/Sister. Or if you don't have a brother or sister you could ask your parents if you could bring a one of your friends.
2012-11-17 04:35:47 UTC
I Spy is a great way to keep kid from asking "are we nearly there yet!"

that and lots of sweets and pop!
2012-11-17 04:10:15 UTC
could try a cigar and rolls royce
2012-11-16 20:20:30 UTC
by haveing them play the liscene plate game see who can count the plates on the most different states
2012-11-16 17:23:56 UTC
Everyone's a fan of movies, cartoons, ect. The thing my family did when we were kids was playing the guess what movie/cartoon this is. We would all take turns doing some dialogue from a movie/cartoon we've seen. Whoever got the question right would ask a question after wards. It's fun and seriously kills time.
2012-11-16 16:22:32 UTC
Give em iphones and ipads and instagram accounts and they'll entertain themselves. And their life will be ruined.
2012-11-19 09:29:39 UTC
That is a challenge, as I've even noticed packets for games sold by Avon Products, (most made of materials, plastics) etc., with a slew of different activities that are safe for kids from 3-11age. Making up your own are another matter, if your family travels much. There are always the name the color of red cars or blue cars or white cars within a specific *time-limit, who ever wins gets a prize *(usually the free lollipop, I stuck in my pocket, *from the bank or even *teller station, as I drove out/off! Always brought plenty of gum, snacks, small books and toys too, a pillow & blanket just in case. A bottle too, for the boy child to use, (instead of stopping all the time at those rest stations! (of course we'd stop for that, *but anywhere!) Best part was when the driving made them fall asleep, which seems even now to make the younger ones, and babies under * 3-1/2, relax & *get some decent *shut eye.
2012-11-18 23:30:45 UTC
Backseat DVD players. Do it!
2012-11-18 22:47:55 UTC
Flying a kite, playing games, ready to children like to eat food, and children playing with some interesting games.
2012-11-18 19:12:42 UTC
When I was a young kid, I travelled back and forth from my mom's place to my dad's, and then back again once every month at least, it was a 7 hour trip. The things that best kept me occupied were video games, my Game Boy Advance, and then my Nintendo DS, I would assume the more modernized systems like the PS Vita and 3DS would work too, as well as all those app games on your phone or tablet. Books can be good if they're older and are big readers, not saying video games won't entertain older kids as well (I still play many hours of games a day). Of course, with multiple children it's hard to share one game, and it's expensive to get them each their own system (although worth it for the kids) games like I spy and things like that can entertain those at a really young age, just remember to keep your eyes on the road.
2012-11-18 14:27:52 UTC
2012-11-18 13:12:02 UTC
Grab bags

A small brown bag (get quite a few of them each child) and inside put one small gift, space these bags out over the car trip, kids love to think they are Getting somthing new

Eg of wha to put in

Hot wheels




Another idea is to take something crafty like pipe cleaners as you can use them again

Older girls might like something like crosstich and you can never go wrong with aqua doodle
2012-11-18 06:29:22 UTC
leave them with relatives who aren't traveling
2012-11-18 06:15:51 UTC
I would teach them to entertain themselves and be proactive.
2012-11-17 23:06:11 UTC
If you have an outragious laugh, just burst out laughing randomly or you could just fart. LOL! >.<
2012-11-17 22:12:44 UTC
Listen to their wishes and got them that if posrible. Durinp trip talk them about their life, friends and so on.
mechanically challenged
2012-11-17 21:22:14 UTC
Talking to them for the first hour

playing games like "I see with my eyes"

Then electrical games, like game boy

and last videos, than they'll hopefully fall asleep till you get to your first destination.
2012-11-17 18:09:34 UTC
Here are my ideas:

-get travel bingo (you can find them for very cheap at many dollar stores) get one for each passenger so every one can play

-bring coloring books,paper and crayons with clipboard for the kiddos to color!

-Play guess who

-Sing children's classics like;99 bottles of beer on the wall,the wheels on the bus,the itsy bitsy spider,im a little tea pot or even start clapping and patting and sing we will rock you

-pack a snack box for all the children in the car including;a fruit snack,there favorite candy,a small bag of chips,a granola bar and two juice pouches

-play eye spy

-when you get a headache play the quiet game and if the children are older offer a prize like an ice cream at McDonald's

-charge up the portable dvd player and bring some family favorites!

-listening to singalongs

-tell stories

-Use a talking stick;take something like a stick and the family has to pass around the stick you can only talk if you have the stick and when you do have the Stick tell a joke or two or share a silly story

-play telephone (if you have a car-full)

-play mad libs

-get silly puddy,flarp,gack or floam and let the kids play around with them (but don't let them get it on the car)

I hope this helps!Please rember to stay safe.Do not drive distracted. And do not drink and drive. The holidays are a wonderful time, enjoy them! My best wishes to you and your kids!happy holidays!!!!!!!!!!(:
Nick Car
2012-11-17 17:51:03 UTC
give them some headphones and tell them to sit and enjoy!
2012-11-17 14:43:51 UTC
Have them watch movies in the car TV or bring something that can play movies.
2012-11-17 14:27:02 UTC
When my kids were young, the best and longest lasting entertainment was to take a note pad and keep track of all the states that they spot on license plates. And of course the amount of each.

But........if you let them keep track of long haul rigs then the numbers and the states really get staggering. But, thats what makes it fun for kids to find.
2012-11-17 09:14:05 UTC
When I was on family trips my dad would tell me and my brothers lots of stories about the place we were going. They were always exciting, and he always used lots of voices, we loved it! None of the stories were true, I realise that now. But it kept us amused for hours.
2012-11-17 08:28:47 UTC
What I have is an IPhone/IPod touch and I just download a few new games and movies before we leave. Keeps me entertained for hours, but make sure you have a car charger so it dosen't die. Also if you have a laptop download a game called minecraft (link in the source) and play that, when you buy it you have to download it then log on at least once before you can log on without WiFi to play offline. If you have a really fast laptop you can also download the technic installer and download the offline version of Tekkit called technic (link in the source). To get that download the technic installer (once you have bought downloaded and played minecraft at least once) and then once you've downloaded the technic installer, open it click the drop-down menu in the top left and select 'Technic', then you need to click it and click play (might be 'start'). Once its finished downloading the content close it and reopen it, do the same as before, and select technic. This time it shouldn't re download the content. Now Minecraft and Technic are ready to play. There are also loads more games on that technic launcer all you have to do is the same as I said for technic only with a different one from the drop-down menu. If you have a DS then just get some new games for it such as Nintendogs (+cats for 3DS), Zelda, Street Fighter, Mario, mario cart etc. Make sure that each game works OFFLINE before taking them unless its on your phone where you might have 3G for games such as: Zombie Takeover and Simpsons tapped out. 'Tapped Out' is quite a good game for kids because most people love the simpsons and now you can build your own Springfield! You can even add other people and see there springfield. There are different items depending on which (american) holiday it is. Also you can get some magnetic board games to play in the car, the game is magnetic so the peices don't move around. There are also some good books for spotting cars, birds, wildlife, flowers and other stuff. There is even a special AA one for car journeys. I-spy is a game some people like, and others don't but it is a good game to play as it passes time quickly (I recommed doing items in the car though!) there are also other good things to do as a family in the car such as ask hypotheticals (useless questions), tell riddles or jokes and do the similarity game (a game where somebody says something then you go around in a circle saying things similar, e.g. ghost, seethrough, glass, window, house, mansion, millionaire etc.). There are hundreds of other family games you could play though. Hope this helped!
2012-11-17 03:27:45 UTC
sing children songs , and talk .......and play games
2012-11-16 21:39:39 UTC
Make sure you have some baby carrots handy for healthy snacks. Bring helium balloons and show them how to suck the gas so everyone can laugh when they sound like alvin and the chipmunks. (It's a gas!) if they ask to stop for the washroom have diapers handy so you don't have to stop... oh and be prepared with board games because kids get bored. Bring random spices and play taste test. All these have worked great for our family trips over the years.
2012-11-16 20:53:56 UTC
pick up a black hitchhiker
2012-11-19 09:15:49 UTC
We play the punch buggy game and also reading license plates to make words and based on the numbers we get certain points. Also tell them to count how many cars of each color and whoever wins gets a prize.
2012-11-19 07:02:14 UTC
Give them technology. iPhones, TVs, iPads, Nintendo DS's, and stuff like that.

If that doesn't work, give them books.

If THAT doesn't work, then use games that don't use technology, such as I Spy.

If THAT doesn't work, well, I don't know what to say.
2012-11-19 04:11:09 UTC
Play the license plate game. Every time you see an out of state license plate you have to name the state that it comes from. If you get it wrong you get a friendly smack. That's how I learned my capitals.
2012-11-19 03:37:19 UTC
Let them choose good books to bring for reading

Bring cards to play games like go fish, uno etc

coloring books

sing along songs

if not installed get a portable dvd player and lots of movies

play educated games like naming items from the trip for each alphabet

portable video games
2012-11-19 00:24:21 UTC
Forget the DVD player for the car. Those mounted ones run over eight hundred dollars. For half that amount, you can get two iPod Touches and have a zillion games PLUS all the TV shows they can handle. (PVR recording can go on there, not just iTunes stuff.)

They read. They color. They take photos. They play with apps. They listen to music.

Tip: When you stop to eat, stop someplace that has a kid play area. Let the kids play immediately, and for the next half hour to 45 minutes. Then order your food and take it with you and eat in the car, on the go. You aren't trying to cut their play time down cause you want to get back on the road and they're happy eating for another 30 minutes or so while driving.

Babies: You might want to think about driving overnight if it's a long haul. Leave at dinnertime, kids in pajamas, and let them sleep in their carseats (blankies and stuffies included) for most of the drive. It's hard on the parents, but might be worth the trade-in if travel is tough for the little ones. (Neck pillows are wonderful things for those above the toddler stage!)
2012-11-18 19:47:39 UTC
put them in shackles and duct tape their mouths

ride the guard rail.
2012-11-18 16:30:45 UTC
Lock them in the trunk.
2012-11-18 11:06:12 UTC
Get Hyper
2012-11-18 08:06:06 UTC
Oh well, when my family and I go on trips.... We play games like 20 questions or story game where everyone says one word(taking turns) and makes a story- it could be like person#1- (My) person#2(dog) person #3(loves) person#4(fish) and so on and so forth
2012-11-18 05:53:13 UTC
Usually the only stops are for potty and eating, so ask them to create their perfect menu for the next food stop. Make it a game where the winners are, the one who plans the healthiest menu, the most cost effective menu, and the one who plans the most accessible menu. The prize? They get what they want!
Marquis Davis
2012-11-18 04:26:20 UTC
Have a dvd player on board,and be sure to play their favorite cartoons,or you could play and educational cartoon that deals with nature and they'll likelypass what their seeing in their movie.if this fails have sing alongs with them to the're favorite songs.
2012-11-17 18:06:05 UTC
I usually bring along an eight-ball and divide it up.
2012-11-17 16:49:55 UTC
My ma is caretaker of my daughter.

What she did when my daughter was about 9 was buy an activity set that attaches to the headrest of the front seat & hangs down the back of the seat. It had crayons, pencils, paper, colouring books, stickers & a bunch of other things that would interest a child her age.

My ma said my daughter did not once complain that she was bored the whole trip--they made a long trip to different places in many states. My daughter had plenty to do to keep her busy.

I found this pic that shows what this activity set looked like:;_ylt=A0PDoQwrMKhQDGcAsYWJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?
2012-11-17 15:20:16 UTC
buy them KFC
2012-11-17 05:32:31 UTC
My loves to play the DS.
2012-11-17 05:06:10 UTC
Play games:

1. Give them a list of things to find on the way like a yellow or pink car just unusual things.

2.Eye spy

3. Talk about what you will be doing when you get them and what they can do at the resort.

4.Tell them storys about your childhood

5.portable dvd player
2012-11-17 04:34:00 UTC
I had three little ones. I made a bag for each one with their special toys, one or two new (cheap) ones, and their favorite snacks. Believe me, it was worth every minute I put into their bags. Then we played games-ABC game-finding the alphabet along the road in signs....Spud Beaver (I used to play with my sister-find volkswagon beetles), and we got into groups and played Password-that was interesting and fun.

My husband (before TV's in cars) hooked up a small TV with a VCR in it. They watched Disney movies-that is about one and a half hours a piece! Then, came CD's with their favorite music-I wouldn't hear them for an hour. Then, video games came....then Ipads...the sky is the limit with technology now.
2012-11-17 02:20:05 UTC
I played this game on a bus trip with a bunch of kids in my gym class this year. We were all in grade 12, so most of us were 17-19 years old, so if it can entertain us, it can entertain a family.

All you need is paper, pen/pencil and tape, if you don't want to hold it on your fore-head.

You just choose a category, like animals, celebrities, people you know, places, pretty much anything you can think of. Everyone gets a piece of paper and you write down an example of the category and then, without showing anyone, you pass it to your right or left/ (everyone passes in the same direction!) you then take the one you got passed to you, but don't look at it. Then you out it on your forehead for everyone to see. Then you take turns asking questions about what you are and who ever guesses first wins. The way we eventually started to play as the game got bored was the last person left in the game only has a set number of questions left. If they run out of questions and can't guess what they are then they have to do a punishment/dare. ITs pretty fun,
2012-11-16 15:28:53 UTC
Nom Noms
2012-11-16 15:14:17 UTC
tons of candy so they just crash and fall asleep.
2012-11-19 09:18:16 UTC
sing songs. I love songs.
♛ Nicolas ♛
2012-11-19 08:11:59 UTC
Chloroform. or you can get them real tired the night before and mess up their sleep schedules so that they sleep the whole trip. some ways to get them hyped up prior is to give them energy drinks or coffee. good luck and have fun.
2012-11-19 00:01:51 UTC
get everyone to make a song!! one person does the beat, one person does the rapping, one person makes a guitar sound!!! lol
2012-11-18 22:51:02 UTC
Singing songs
2012-11-18 15:48:19 UTC
Well portable dvd players are good, music ipods and maybe a DSI/DSI 3D, or just a ds
2012-11-18 09:57:24 UTC
Give them some nyquil and challenge them to see who can stay up the longest. Once they wake up let them watch a movie or play a portable video game. Then rinse and repeat.
2012-11-18 06:17:29 UTC
1. Get out the trusty old iPad or PSP or Nintendo DS--that should keep them occupied for an hour or more.

2. Sleep! By eating a hearty meal, then having a nice temperature in the car, the kids would be snoozing before you know it.

3. Play some classic car games (I spy, etc.)
2012-11-17 23:39:07 UTC
well try getting all kind of stuff like his favorite dvd, movies, or get a portal games like ds, 3ds, psp, or psvita to keep him entertained for a wild.
2012-11-17 22:43:34 UTC
depends on their ages 8 and under teach them "99 bottles of ( you put it in ) beer or soda or water on the wall etc" but they have to sing it QUIETLY or you'll go back home. if their over 8 - they will be thrilled to be allowed to play a video game you never let them play at home--that's the secret--being allowed to do something they can't do at home - the silence SHOULD be deafening!!!!!!!!!!
2012-11-17 22:11:29 UTC
To me, part of the fun of a long drive is enjoying the view...NOT having your face buried in a board game, Gameboy, book or DVD. A favorite way is to make up "BINGO" cards. However, instead of numbers, write out various sights to be watched for! Such as barn, pine tree, certain kinds of animals, birds,or even people. Need to be creative, to keep it interesting, a few seemingly hard ones, such as pink house, person with purple clothing, TWO dogs together, instead of just one, a train,boat,small plane...let your imagination soar! Adjust to ages, type of areas you'll be passing through, maybe weather. My kids enjoyed this from ages 5 all the way up to their teen years. And now, they do it with THEIR kids TOO! Another fun thing is to be on lookout for "vanity plates" on other cars on the road...maybe keep notebook of interesting ones. Or count out of state plates. ENJOY!
2012-11-17 07:55:10 UTC
P0RN! Always works!
2012-11-17 06:41:22 UTC
Kids can entertain themselves with crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc. Just threaten to spank them if they give you a hard time.
2012-11-17 03:49:26 UTC
music,t.v in car,mind games,psp,etc.
2012-11-17 00:09:54 UTC
When they get too loud, or start fighting, just turn around and slap them.
2012-11-16 18:35:47 UTC

-Coloring books


-DVD player

-Write a story

-Car bingo



-Nintendo DS


-Educational gadgets

-Mp3 Players

-I spy with my little eye game


-Quiet game

-Get kids to write about what they see

-Bring their favorite toy


-Washable markers

-Crossword puzzles

-Sticker books


2012-11-16 17:41:54 UTC
just hide sleeping pills in their food
2012-11-16 17:29:07 UTC
if you have a tv in the car then you can either buy a movie or put one in that they havnt seen. or you can buy those little ones that strap on to the back of your seat.
2012-11-19 08:02:43 UTC
I'm a kid, so take it from me, I play my ds or any other game system, or just sleep.
2012-11-19 03:37:51 UTC
Sing a song together, talk about the place you a guys are, play what I seek game....(am not adding pacifiers as not all families have video-games/books/etc... in their car).
2012-11-19 03:08:17 UTC
In a few easy steps, you will not have to bother with the drama of a long/short car trip with your kids.

1. Buy lots of candy.

2. Give your kids drinks/food infused with a small amount of sleeping pill at the beginning of the car trip.

3. Wait til they fall asleep.

4. Turn up the music and get hyperactive on the sugary goodness of candy!!
2012-11-19 00:36:16 UTC
• Advil PM

• Absinthe

• Marijuana

• Duct Tape

• Doctor Who
2012-11-18 23:02:17 UTC
You could play the sign game. It's where each person in the car plays and you all have to look for signs and words on the road. For example, you see a sign that says Alabama. You will then say "A, alabama" and you will continue to look for signs till you get to Z and win. Each person has to try to get to Z first and you cannot use the same sign someone else already used. Each person tries to look for signs with the letter they are on and whoever reaches Z first wins
♠♠• » αηιяυ∂∂нα αιяση « •♠♠
2012-11-18 18:31:39 UTC
Lol! Just now i am on a family road trip. And the children are using my mobile phone to play games for their entertainment, leaving me empty hands. :)
2012-11-18 13:09:58 UTC
different games and movies
Anime Fan
2012-11-18 08:19:27 UTC
rent an r-v,or if you dont have the money bring a blanket and pilloe for them to rest on,or one of those plug-in screens that hook up to the back of the front seat and rig a gamestation to that!
2012-11-17 23:20:15 UTC
you could get one of those ispy books where they have to spot different animals,postboxes, vehicles e.t.c
2012-11-17 19:53:05 UTC
For passive guys : a book or game console will do good

For active people : stop once in a while to let them move coz they may start getting bored of little space to move about

For people who likes to do practical things : maybe bring a pet or sth. That'll entertain almost any child. But u must be prepared for the pets death :)

If its a night trip : just bring some torchlight for them to play with light. Better yet make sure your chair can be pressed down coz it's really hard to sleep in car on an upright chair.

But the best choice is to have another child to accompany your bored one :)
2012-11-17 19:31:40 UTC
What I do with my son is:

- Talk about scenery: farms, crops around the road, what factories make, what cities or villages we come across, rivers, and so on. Yes, driving through desert can be challenging.

- Let him use my photo camera (mine is fancier than his). He has full permission to take pictures of trucks, cars, road signs (especially those with funny place names), himself, me and just about everything.

- Stop every now and then to take pictures (boys like trains), for some food, drinks, etc.

- Who reads license plates first.

- Give him something to read.

It has worked so far for 400+ mile rides. What I NEVER use are TV, videogame or DVD. He's already had enough of it at home.
2012-11-17 17:43:43 UTC
Pull out Twilight movies as a warning to keep quiet.
2012-11-17 16:37:42 UTC
dvd players!!
2012-11-17 12:41:12 UTC
While I do think that portable DVD players are a great tool for occupying a child's time, and for keeping them from extreme boredom, it has been my personal experience that this does not last through the duration of a long trip. For this reason, I pack a small plastic tote with the kids Nintendo DS games, coloring books with crayons and small activity books. I also make sure we have music the kids enjoy and small snacks, wrapped in plastic, with mini water bottles that I place in a small cooler. Whenever we stop to stretch our legs I play a quick stretching game with the kids, like the hokey pokey or Simon Says, and I make sure everyone uses the rest room. I also like to keep small trinkets and dollar bills or quarters on hand for road games. Sometimes we even build up extra spending money by playing road games. For this activity I keep a notebook with everyone's name in it and I tally the scores of the games we play. When a game ends, I note who won and how much they earned so they can spend their money when we arrive at our destination. Lastly, I make sure each child has a disposable camera to capture their own memories.
S i r i
2012-11-17 10:41:20 UTC
why entertain them? have them each have a book.

too much electronic stuff causes distractions which can cause car accident.

2012-11-17 09:39:12 UTC
well bring a DVD PLAYER and movies they like and some pop corn put it in the back so they an watch and bring a little game and sing songs with them anything
MR. “cool”
2012-11-16 23:29:16 UTC
just give the kids their favorite toys,play their favorite music and give them their favorite food items!
2012-11-16 21:11:51 UTC
Talk, talk, and talk. Talk about what your children are interested in.
2012-11-16 19:56:13 UTC
quess what I am thinking ask a noun. each one takes a turn
2012-11-16 17:46:20 UTC
To keep the kids occupied take their co louring pencils and have a drawing competition with prizes.

Craft ideas with. co-loured paper, and stickers are a favorite Play I spy games and have prizes.Games with numbers, cut outs, dramas and endless amount of planned activity with prizes, and also let them listen to their music
2012-11-19 09:37:56 UTC
I remember when my family would go to Ireland (from the USA) ...and that's a very long plane ride for a little kid. So what she would do is buy us a toy that we don't already have and wrap it like a gift. Then we would get to open the toy on the plane and it would be very exciting and entertaining for us because it was a brand new toy and it was a reward for having to be cooped up for so long.

As for car rides specifically, my family would have us play outside all day so we would be tired by the end of the day and then leave on the car trip late at night so we slept most (if not all) of the car ride. Nice quiet drive for the parents and painless waiting for the kids, win win.
2012-11-19 00:58:26 UTC
By playing their favorite songs, telling them ''in my days'' sort of stories and telling jokes to each other.
2012-11-18 20:32:46 UTC
Buy a iPad or something and let them watch it
2012-11-18 16:37:17 UTC
I would put in a movie or play a game to see who can find the most Christmas lights.
2012-11-18 14:54:59 UTC
Portable mini DVD player
2012-11-18 12:39:09 UTC
you could all sing together

or get one of those tv things behind a seat and put a movie on, or just put their fav songs on that always works

or just ignore them so they fall asleep or keep them eating until they're full!
Daniel Ujkashi
2012-11-18 09:45:29 UTC
an ipad
2012-11-18 08:54:10 UTC
mp3 player ipod drawing
Sam Witkus
2012-11-18 06:36:00 UTC
If I were you, I would buy them a little movie player, and bring some movies with you, or maybe an ipad or something for them to share. Also, you can bring audiobooks, or maybe even some nice books for them to read if they enjoy. Make sure to bring lots of pillows in blankets because sleeping is the best way to pass time. I'm 13, and I know I enjoy sleeping or watching movies. Maybe even bring a laptop, and get a computer game for them to share. That's what I am doing for my 14 hour road trip. I know I enjoy just playing games on a computer.
2012-11-17 21:54:52 UTC
DS, Ipod touch, books, Bop it, but if they get car sick then play games like everyone has to name a footballer beginning with a then b etc. Or CD's or just talk.
2012-11-17 21:36:59 UTC
I read to my kids on christmas
2012-11-17 21:23:46 UTC
My parents would give us clipboard, we would have little word games like word search, find the difference things like that. Every 15 minutes that would go by, and me and my sister wouldn't bother each other by fighting or whatever, just act up. We would get a sticker!! and depending on how old you are this is very exciting! And after you get 6 stickers you would get a little prize! Like a cool pencil, or a book, things that would not be very expensive, but things that would keep us occupied or would pertain to the trip. my and my sister loved it, and now that i have a son, i am eager to do this!
2012-11-17 16:45:59 UTC
Adults don't need to keep their kids "busy and entertained"

Children should be able to keep themselves entertained- that is why it is called "play" If children are bored, that is there problem. I would however suggest a few games in the car. This is very limited however because they need to ride in car seats.

Our society has us always having to be "doing something"; we should all take time out of our days to relax. Children can learn to do the same. We truly don't need DVD players in cars. Children watch enough TV at home.
2012-11-17 16:01:43 UTC
We tell a story. I start out saying one sentence, then my husband says one, then my son. It always turns out really funny and we end up laughing so hard.

There is also seeing who can find the most diff state tags, I Spy, ect. Another thing is Bingo. Just use construction paper and do stuff like Cow, Windmill, Cop Car, Lake, ect and they can X it off as they see one to see who gets bingo 1st.

And if all else fails, Niquil. lol just kidding =)

Good Luck and safe travels
2012-11-17 11:16:09 UTC
always go with giving my 7 year olds quantum mechanics and AS level physics, they love engineering the lads
Ron Unstoppable
2012-11-16 23:58:27 UTC
Taking my a** to sleep always keeps me entertained :)
Swag Amira
2012-11-16 20:16:19 UTC
All you do is play can you fill in the blanks of the song turn on kissf.m. On 105.5 or 102.7 and any song they love or anyone pop and the latest songs also, turn down the radio when they are singing and see if they get it right.😎😍
2012-11-16 17:46:02 UTC
when i was a kid, i enjoyed playing on my little computer that tested my knowledge in math, english, and spelling...
2012-11-16 14:48:53 UTC
I just pull over and give them spankings if they don't behave. They're kids they can entertain themselves!
2012-11-19 09:32:49 UTC
teach them the meaning of 'grocer's apostrophe'.
2012-11-19 04:06:35 UTC
I'll bring my mom on the trip. She definitely will entertain my kiddos with her boring story and make them sleep peacefully straight away. :) No offense, Mom! I love you still :*
2012-11-19 02:23:25 UTC
2012-11-18 21:19:40 UTC
Depends on the age of the kids, of course but there are many options.

One option is to travel at night, so they sleep. That can work well with babies and toddlers, but it does obviously require a couple of drivers, or opportunities to sleep in the daytime with other people watching the kids. If going to stay with relatives, that may be the easiest.

If you have to travel with toddlers while they're awake, you can pack a little bag with a variety of things to do - we used have a few favourite toys, perhaps a couple of little snacks (eg a box of raisins, if old enough, or a cut up apple in a tub, or a juice-with-a-straw... that kind of thing), and maybe some new drawing pads and crayons, and a few books they can look at. Bringing out one thing at a time when they start to get bored can entertain them for quite some time. Story-CDs are good too, or children's music if you can stand it - and if old enough you can play all sorts of car games - I-Spy, Twenty Questions, looking for different coloured vehicles/kinds of animals/etc etc.

With older children, if they have electronic devices let them play as much as they want - that may occupy them for the whole journey. If not, then story CDs for their age-group may be good, or if they're able to read/draw in the car, supply plenty of books/art supplies. There are many games - more advanced versions of the ones above for toddlers, or board games if you're not the driver, or if there are two who can play together: many board games have magnetic or otherwise portable options.

As they get to around 9+ (or earlier if relevant) , it's good to supply a decent map, too, so they can follow the journey and learn some map-reading skills along the way.

Portable DVD player

iPod or mp3 player

Books (if your a reader)

Crayons and markers to color!!!

Play the license plate game

Count something during the trip, such as horses, blue cars, or motorcyclists

Play a handheld game such as a Nintendo DS or game boy

Bring plenty of games and movies that will keep the attention of the children during the entire trip. Games that require them to interact with each other, such as slug bug, looking for license plates from different states...... Portable dvd players are great as long as everyone can agree on what movie to watch.

Do some sleeping! It's the best time passer!!!
2012-11-18 14:14:33 UTC
Keeping kids entertained on a family road trip can be really tough especially with repetitive questions like "Are we there yet?" and "How much longer till we get there". But with these tips, I'm sure you'll almost won't hear another one of those questions.

1. Play good movies.

Almost every car comes with a mini T.V now-a-days. Pick movies that your children have not seen yet, that are entertaining, and suitable for your kids.

2. Play great road trip songs.

Play appropriate songs that your children will enjoy. "Repeat after me songs" are the best because it gets everyone involved and are so fun that it will pass the time away.

3. Talk.

Have a great conversation with your family. People like to talk [about themselves]. And there's nothing better than a good old conversation.

4. Educate them in fun ways.

Point at landmarks and educate your kids about them. Teach them fun facts about things or places you may have passed. Maybe even play a little trivia game. It doesn't have to do with the road trip. It can just be random. Kids love a little competition.

5. Let them bring their own entertaining devices.

Let them bring their iPod, laptops, coloring books, books, magazines, etc.

Just be creative. Think of great ways you can kill boredom.
2012-11-18 14:07:20 UTC
Put them on the roof.
2012-11-18 11:52:48 UTC
Give them a portable DVD player. Bring them movies, and try and bring their favorite video games as well. That will keep them quiet. You can also bring them their handheld games!
Monica W
2012-11-17 22:07:20 UTC
Play games: travel bingo, License plate game, alphabet game.

Sing Songs: A lot of older tunes and silly songs.
2012-11-17 13:03:53 UTC
play sweet or sour, this is where they wave at people in cars and if they wave back or thumbs up there sweet or if evil look or no reply sour, Great games.

Double Letter game see who can spot double letters on number plates, town names, sign post ect.

or print a list of things to spot like post office, red car, cow, a stream fun for keeping them entertained.
2012-11-17 10:48:49 UTC
a few calculus questions... they'll be stumped the whole ride !
2012-11-17 09:09:43 UTC
play I spy, Board games, the Quiet Game,or bring any Electronicss.
2012-11-17 05:56:03 UTC
eye spy
2012-11-17 01:55:21 UTC
Tell funny stories from the past. Or some funny thing the father or the mother did. This way they will be entertained. and play a music that is happy or fast. Or tell them about where you will go and make it exciting so they will be excited to get to your destination. If that doesn't work... let them sleep. and bring a lot of food specially their favorite. Let them eat snacks so they won't get bored easily.
2012-11-16 23:08:22 UTC
road trip is the good holiday packages.
2012-11-16 21:25:20 UTC
Depending on the age, you can play travel bingo! That was always fun, you can get pre-made boards or create your own... yield sign, 5 semi trucks, license plate that starts with "S" etc. Portable dvd player, books (coloring and reading), nintendo ds....mad libs!
2012-11-16 21:01:15 UTC
drive at night and then they will sleep, especially if they are teenagers

if that doesn't work, try a TV or something electronic

there are cigarette lighters to electric current things you can buy, but they can drain your battery, so remove them before taking the key out of the ignition

if that still doesn't work, buy them something small that will take a large amount of their time to do, like a rubiks cube

also a little advice for family road trips

NO CAFFEINE WHATSOEVER you will be stopping every 15 mins for a bathroom break

MINIMAL PACKING especially if you have 3 or more children and/or a small car they will complain about the lack of space

finally, stop at interesting sights along the way. this will give everyone a chance to stretch their legs and the driver can sleep if he/she feels tired on the way

best advice one can give


its supposed to be fun, right?
2012-11-16 20:28:21 UTC
Get a t.v for the car or dvd player and bring plenty of children dvds or you can get them one of those labtops for kids. You can also get them children books or nitendos.
2012-11-16 20:21:41 UTC
My and my sister play the word game ( you use your abc's so of corse you start with the letter A lol you look for a sign that starts with the letter A then yell it out whoever does it first gets a point and you do the same with the other letters its a good time killer thats fun as well :) we also play the classic I-spy, and to top it all off we see who can guess what song is playing on the radio first. Im 18 and she is 7 so its fun for all ages :)
2012-11-16 19:10:13 UTC
Medication. Just enough so that they wake up as we get close to the destination. Can't have them sleep through the whole journey!
2012-11-16 18:40:25 UTC
Skip the kids then you won't have to worry about this nonsense. Best decision you'll ever make in your entire life!
2012-11-19 08:53:18 UTC
give them sleeping pills
2012-11-18 17:14:02 UTC
play a game or take an ipad or a computer so that the y can watch a movie or pay games to help them stay entertained
2012-11-18 16:56:48 UTC
try to find all 50 state license plates

try to find all letters of the alphabet on road signs
2012-11-18 13:43:32 UTC
1. Play I-Spy

2. Talk about destination

3. Give them electronics (Nintendo or Apple products)

4. Supply a lot of food to keep them busy

- Play games with food, like sorting them by color, if it's a colorful cereal

5. Whiteboard with markers to draw on

6. Sing songs

7. Bring a kids radio to play music

8. Look outside the car window and list exciting things

9. Bring lots of books to read, if kids are older

10. Bring travel sized games like, Uno or other card games

11. Taboo is always a fun game for everyone

12. For educational purposes, bring BrainQuest and have fun with kids!

13.If younger kids, play peek-a-boo

14. Bring a camera to take car pictures

15. For girls, bring yarn and beeds so they can make friendship bracelets!

16. For boys, bring, the all the favorite, POKEMON!

17. Mad libs are fun

18. Toys that make music (small keyboard or guitar)

19. Bring portable DVD player and play movies

20. For older kids: homework in the car
2012-11-18 10:24:26 UTC
Video Games
2012-11-18 09:20:54 UTC
. Play i spy

. give them colouring books ( Depending on their age )

. Count how many houses you go past

. Sing songs

. Pick a colour of a car and count how many cars you see of that colour and the first one to count 20 cars of their chosen colour wins ( 2 or more players )

. Hangman ( Someone choses a word without telling anyone the word and they've got to guess letters to try and complete the word chosen, and if they chose a letter that isn't in the word a line gets put onto hangman )

. Someone hums a song and you've got to guess the song

. Chiense whispers ( Think of something to whisper to the person next to you and pass on the whisper, and the last person that gets that whisper has to shout it out )

2012-11-18 01:11:36 UTC
Play 20 questions

Play eye spy

Play the car game (where you pick a car colour and count up how many coloured cars you can see)

Read books

Play on game consoles
2012-11-17 23:08:50 UTC
Honestly? This is generally what I sound like. Hopefully it's entertaining to someone in the car.

Tell them to be quiet in the back and keep kicking my seat, or I'll turn this *bleep* thing around right now and no, wait, I'm GONNA STOP THE CAR! Yeah, and you can all get out and walk home! Yeah? The snow willl maybe wear off some of that pyscho energy! Do you understand me, young lady? Quit hitting your brother! No, there isn't any more pop and all your cheesies are now on the ground now, aren't they? How do I know what Santa is bringing you? Quit crying like a baby already, mom is getting you a new comic book. No, I don't want to stop at this McDonalds either. Yeah, well... That's because your friend Jeannie must just have a better dad. Look, son, quit, I mean QUIT kicking my seat - for pete's sake can you tame those animals down back there? What do you mean 'my' kids? Right, and it was my idea to drive to your sister's, like we've been doing EVERY year for the last 5 years. It's only 4 hours with the spawn of she-wolf in the back. No, I'm not calling you a wolf. Ok, everyone smarten up back there we're almost there. What's that horrible smell?

That's how my family does it.
2012-11-17 22:59:39 UTC
but them a ipod or some sosrt of mobile device they like anything from video games to facebook and social media.also along the trip buy them things they like from stores along the way thats what would work if my parents did this stuff
M. Shoaib
2012-11-17 19:06:20 UTC
Good question,

There are many ways,

If you have a dvd player in your car, turn on a movie, you can also give them ipads, or laptops, or ipods, or tablets, or portable video games, i hope younp have wifi in your car

Another suggestion is: bring $1 portable travel games or puzzles from dollarr stores, like 4 in a row, chess, checkers, snakes and ladders, etc., they always help entertainment on car, airplane, train, bus, and subway trips,

Or you could play classic window games such as this game:

Whoever sees a yellow vehucle first wins,

Thank you
Fred F
2012-11-17 15:35:52 UTC
The alphabet game.

Start with the A. The first person to see a A hollers out "A" and proves where it was seen.

Then that person can then move on to the letter B

Everyone must start with A and move through the alphabet.

The person that finds a Z first wins the game.

Hard letters are P Q Y Z
2012-11-17 14:38:17 UTC
gta 4 sleeping dogs gears of war... stuff like that
2012-11-17 13:04:21 UTC
Just make sure you charge all the electronics!
2012-11-17 11:22:44 UTC
When I was a kid, we had a DVD car player on our seats. We also bring along reading books, DSs, Gameboys and paper to draw on. So this could answer you question :)
2012-11-17 07:25:29 UTC
Thank you for your valuable question. Let me put my knowledge in this ways :

1. Ensure that you have planned accordingly while at Roaming.

2. Please don't forget to carry Camera and other musical instruments.

3. Make sure that your kids is/are healthy (Not very sick).

4. Ensure that while travelling long, the your kids is/are not getting boaring.

5. Please read about places where you are going and you will cover so that you can explain your children about the places.

6. Take always different types of top country food.

7. If your kids getting boaring then just ask or talk what they are feeling and they wants during journey.

8. Ensure that you and your kids not getting much tired.

9. Play with kids with unknown friends during journey.

10. Not least that you have completed what you committed to your kids during journey.

Happy Journey. Life is Journey !!
2012-11-16 23:28:39 UTC
Play games with them, listen to music, talk to them. Give them toys to play with.
2012-11-16 15:10:25 UTC
I do not, and *will* not, travel with kids. Period. NOt even at gunpoint. Unless it's my grandsons. Then, my son deals with them.
2014-06-21 14:59:59 UTC
What they want for chrismas

maybe talk about future

Favorites and least

Bring food
2014-09-22 19:23:17 UTC
encourage their sleeping by keeping the car's heat up high and the same kind of restful soundtrack or calming sounds via the car stereo system
2012-11-20 08:39:16 UTC
Telepathic hypnosis.
2014-04-16 01:30:30 UTC
Give him a ipad or smartphone.
2012-11-20 13:43:39 UTC
coloring hats
2012-11-19 16:11:40 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.