Something that my kids do for me is the chores. Especially
when they do them without asking. Ex. Clean your room, unload the dishwasher, vacuum, dust, sweep mop. When your mom goes to work you could go to work on the house. She would love to see it clean. You could email her a card...or make it at home. State on there that it is her day to relax...and let her know the chores that you did.
Make a certificate to give her. It can state what you want to do with her. It can be as simple as a picnic in the park. You can get the food ready and go with her. I enjoy the time that my children give me.
Art Activities my children have done. Making a bracelet from beads, life size card by tracing around their body, a poster, making a cookie into a heart, or a cake can also hit the spot, and scavanger hunts around the house to find each cookie.
I have made poems before.One of the easiest and quickest ways to write a poem is using a format called an acrostic. An acrostic poem is where every line starts with a letter of a word that is displayed vertically. This was one I did for my husband:
In case you were in doubt that my
Love is not true, remember this
Only you can make me feel
Vulnerably, completely and
Entirely in love with
Only and always
Unconditionally you
I found the poem when I was researching ideas for me. You can google free gift ideas and you will find a bunch more that you can use that will work for your mom. Have fun