If you could write your dad a letter thanking him, what would it say?
Yahoo Answers Team
2014-06-09 11:35:41 UTC
Happy Father's Day!! We know there are TONS of really great fathers out there. So we want to give you a chance to thank your dad! We'll choose our favorite ones and post them on our Answers Tumblr Blog!

Mother's Day Letters:

Now start writing! :)
74 answers:
2014-06-14 06:53:11 UTC
Dear Dad,

I wish you were still here and free of the Alzheimer's that destroyed your mind and then your body. I never got the chance to thank you for showing me what a strong marriage is. How a man and woman function as couple through the good and the bad. How you impressed upon the me the importance of standing up and taking what you had coming when you screwed up. I'm sorry that you didn't get to see me put my life back together and doing the things you taught me. I'll never match the man that you were. But I'm giving it a hell of a shot.
2014-06-13 11:16:25 UTC
Dear Pathetic Excuse for a "Father",

Thanks for leaving my mom and only showing up AFTER I was were such a GREAT father for that. And not to mention....thanks for showing up 12 years later that was a nice cliche I've never heard before....oh and it's nice that you went ahead and started a new family now why don't you just keep paying child support till I'm 18 then be done with me? Because I never loved you, nor cared for you because you didn't do the same to me or my mother.

Sincerely, The Son who is better off without knowing you.
2014-06-17 16:58:18 UTC
Dear Dad,

I want you to know that I forgive you. I love you. I loved you when you were alive. I know I didn't say it then but I was so young. I didn't mean it when I said I wished you were dead. I wish I could have been a better son. I wish you had the courage and strength to stick around because I really needed you. I really needed a father growing up. I even need a father right now. I know I can never know what went through your mind on the night you chose to shoot yourself. I know you probably weren't thinking of the harm you were doing. I know what despair is. I've been there myself. The difference is I'm still here. I'm still here and there's no one that would miss me like those you left behind who needed you. You should not have had children if you weren't strong enough to take care of them. I know you couldn't beat the addiction. I know you were in pain. I know all that now but it took decades for me see. It took decades for it to truly sink in the pain that you caused. But I forgive you. I know you didn't intend for me to find you that night. Although I forgive you I still get very angry sometimes. I am so much like you, it's a shame I didn't get to know you better. There is so much I want to ask you. But you took that chance away.

I love you. I hope you're proud of me in some way. I really did love you and need you. I truly hope you are resting in peace.
2014-06-13 19:10:46 UTC
I will always be grateful for the entire estate you ( and Mama ) left to all in the family. Now a major real estate company is going to invest a large building where a joint venture is in the can and we hope business will fluorish and ultimately get the family off to a succesful life. It wouldn't be possible with you, Dad---WE all miss you this Father's Day of 2014!
Here we go
2014-06-15 01:04:02 UTC
Hi Dad,

My first hero will always be you. Your voice and never hurting character will always be remembered. At the age of 60 your bones in your leg got broken, you were not able to move the leg for 3 months.You got recovered very soon. You're will power made you recovered so soon. You're always been a giver.

You saw my future, more than i did. if there are more people like you, world would be a better place.
McKenzie Holmes
2014-06-18 08:22:27 UTC
Hi Daddy,

It's your pumpkin. Well, one of them anyway. I know you were never really there while I was growing up, but that's ok. People make mistakes, and I love you anyway. I think it turned out for the best. But I do need to tell you something, and that's to protect your sons' hearts. My brothers, dad, they look up to you, whether you know it or not. And candy is a poor substitute for love, even for them. Please, for their sake, love them. Stay with them. I don't care if you messed up earlier, this is your chance to make everything right. Don't worry about me- I found God, well actually He found me- and I've let it go. But I need you to love them and your other daughter. She loves you but is scared to say it. She pretends she's strong but really, she's falling apart on the inside. She wrestles with you because, just like me, we felt we needed to prove to you that we were just as strong as if you would have had a boy instead. Well we're not, and your little girl is growing into a lady, with or without you. I hope and I pray you will open your eyes and see that. Your kids are growing up. And I know you try to deny it, but it's true. Your babies have grown into toddlers, your toddler into a preteen, and now your preteen is a teenager. Daddy wake up. Your toddlers and preteen need you. I'm ok, don't worry about me. You never have anyway, and that's ok. I'm ok. I promise. And I love you. I always have. And I'm sorry for punching you in the nose and yelling in your ear when I was three or four. I still haven't gotten over that. Please don't be mad at me. And cherish your kids while you can, dad, they need you. I've said that often and it's true. I'll bring this to an end so this letter doesn't last forever. But thanks for loving us too. I know I'm a hard one to love.

~your little girl who isn't so little anymore~
2014-06-16 13:16:17 UTC
Thanks for being the best dad I could ever wish for.. one day, I will start showing my gratitude.. I will achieve my goals and make you proud of the little girl you raised with so much dedication and love.. I'm not that little girl anymore, but I will never forget the cool things me and my sister were able to do, because of you and mom.. I know I don't express my gratitude as much as I should.. but words cannot express how much I appreciate you and mom.. One day, I'll have your back when you're weak.. because that's what you did, when I was.. and you still do..

This made me a bit emotional :(
2014-06-15 13:40:57 UTC
Dear Deadbeat,

I'm happy you aren't around because you threatening my mom to kill her and me, plus you going to jail, has let my step-father come into the picture. You abandoned me at age 1, and he came in at age 3 and made my mother happy. Something you couldn't do. Because of you not being around, I was raised to be strong and independent and to work for everything I have. Unlike the you I met in September 2012 who is a pot head that's doomed to die by age 50 because of emphysema. If you were around, I wouldn't be 17 with my own apartment and completely independent of everyone.


2014-06-14 23:03:16 UTC
Dear Dad,

I wish that you could be here to see the man that I have grown up to be. Since I last saw you I have graduated highschool, met the love of my life, pursued my dreams and even become a father myself. I just want to let you know that everything I do in life and everything I am is because of you. I know we had a short amount of time to fit a lifetime of lessons but I am the man I am today because of you and everything you taught me. I hope that when mom tells me that I would have made you proud that she is right. I know that if I am half the father you were that my daughter will be a lucky girl. I will forever be thankful for the things that you taught me and the time we had together. You were my best friend and I hope that wherever you are that you are happy.

Your Son,

Coffee ~.~
2014-06-16 18:36:28 UTC
Dear Sperm Donor,

This is your forgotten daughter. I would like to thank you for your donation. I am here to notify you that you have not been awarded the title of father or dad. upon reviewing your ''memories with daughter'' folder we were shocked to see it was nonexistent. except for the portion were the only contact you had with her was when you were in prison for 6 months for blowing up your mother garage.

I would also like to send my hopes,

hopes that your flesh dose not melt so quickly in the pits of hell.

Sincerely, the wonderful life form you will never know
2014-06-14 13:46:59 UTC
Dear father,

Thank you so much for being my father. You are the best anyone could ever ask for and I will definitely return the favor by being a great daughter. I am so happy you put me on this earth with mom and you are both the best parents. You always try to do everything you can to protect me, stand up for me, and be a great dad. I love you so much.

Miss Vegetarian
2014-06-09 11:47:46 UTC
Dear Daddy:

Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for being the most amazing man in my life. I know that when I was an annoying teenager who thought I knew everything, you were only hard on me because you loved me. Now that I'm older and about to finish high school and start my own life, I realize you and mama were right about everything. I'm sorry for putting you through all I've put you through. I've yelled, said things I regret saying, done things behind your back that would make you want to kill me if you knew about (lol)... but you still love me regardless. Thank you for letting me get a dog who is now my best friend. Thank you for letting me "ruin" my walls with paint you thought was ugly. Thank you for protecting me, feeding me, and loving me. Thank you for serving our country before I was born. Most of all - thank you for giving me someone truly amazing to call my daddy.

I love you -

Kimberly, ♥
2014-06-16 11:39:54 UTC
Dear Daddy,

I miss you so much and wish you were still here. I love you so much, thank you for being a good father. I hope you are proud of what I have done so far in my life. We'll meet again in heaven someday.


Your daughter
2014-06-14 19:06:33 UTC
I'm extremely confused. EXTREMELY.

All the negative and hateful answers are upvoted to the top, and all of the positive ones are downvoted. What?

Anyway, downvote me all you want.

Dear dad, thank you for giving me a wonderful life and future before you passed away. We will always miss you.
2014-06-14 04:28:02 UTC

Thanks for being a good father for the first 6 years of my life. If only you had not listened to your church and moved the family across the country to go to seminary in pursuit of some "calling", we would not have wound up eating out of food banks and not having a home for 2.5 years, and your marriage wouldn't have fallen to shambles.

I'm sorry that you became angry at the world, and that you and mom took out your frustrations on my sister and I, and that you eventually cheated on my mother with some woman from your work. And I'm sorry that while you were off at church praying for things to get better that my sister and I were abused by the babysitter you left in charge of us, and that when we finally told you about it you couldn't handle it and pushed us away.

I'm sorry that you never rose as high as you believed you should in your job, being nice to the workers who were constantly screwing you over and taking out your anger on everyone at home. I'm also sorry that you were picked on as a child and teenager, and grew up being overly critical of everyone else so as to keep the attention off yourself.

Had you gotten that Beaver Cleaver family you always wanted, and originally had before you starting chasing religion, I'm sure you would have been a good father like you were at the start of my life.
Disregard Males
2014-06-13 18:39:17 UTC
Dear Dad,

Thank you for giving us your love while you were here. I wish your time on this earth hadn't been cut short so that we could have gotten to know each other better.


Your daughter
2014-06-16 10:12:45 UTC
Dear dad,

I know lcompared to other kids I have a lot to thank you for- for giving us a better life, helping me strive for success staying up late trying to help me on research papers while I'm the one who's falling asleep. Though you weren't the greatest guy when I was younger, but now your alright, thanks for being around all 17 years of my life and not choosing other women over mom I love you
2014-06-13 09:29:03 UTC

Thank you for being a sperm donor because that's all you ever were. You didn't care for me and gave me up to your sister-in-law because your wife said so. I hate you and you've ruined my life. Words can not express my hatred for you.

Hope to see you in hell.

2014-06-14 16:57:26 UTC
Thanks dad for never caring about me, for never including me in your life, It made me experience loss, depression, anxienty and the feeling to not be loved. I hope your happy with your new family. But without you, I'm a better person, and one day if I see you, all I would want to tell you is not I love you, not I look up to you but thank you, for not being in my life. And making me who I am today. Thank you. @megaaan247 ******
2016-04-24 10:10:02 UTC
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2014-06-16 11:39:40 UTC
Thanks for nothing..... For NOT being there for me and for ruining my life when I've always needed, wanted, and hoped to have a dad of my own that I could look up to and that I could have that lovely father/daughter bond and relationship that I've always wanted all these years..... :'(
2014-06-16 11:53:45 UTC
I am so grateful for my father. Sorry about everyone elses'
2014-06-14 19:58:05 UTC
I would never write my dad a letter. He is poor. There is no point in thanking for him anything when he does not have any money. If my dad ever gets rich, I would send him a nice letter.
2014-06-14 11:42:44 UTC
dear dad,

thank you for dedicating your best years to your country, even though it meant missing out on big parts of my childhood. thank you for working yourself into the ground in front of me, just to prove to me that it wouldn't kill me. thank you for never being satisfied with yourself or me. "perfection is acceptable, anything less is punishable." thank you for NOT rewarding me for doing what I was supposed to and punishing me for doing what I shouldn't. last and certainly not least, thank you for kicking my butt when I needed it. thank you for all the spankings and the few beatings I was asking for. without those, I would probably be in jail right now. I was too hardheaded to listen to reason and putting a lump on my head was the only way to get through to me.
2014-06-15 09:56:38 UTC
Dear Dad,

There's nothing I need to thank you for because all you ever did was hurt me.
2014-06-13 08:58:54 UTC

Although, you have gone to heaven and be with mom, all I wanted to say is thank you for having taken care of me and my siblings, and discipline us in a good way. We're very proud of dad and mom, and I speak on behalf of my brothers and sisters, and we want to say thank you, and wee miss and love you very much.

Your youngest child.

2014-06-14 13:54:49 UTC
Dear Dad,

You give me $$$ when I need it and you didn't get me circumcised.

Thank you!
2014-06-16 11:51:20 UTC
well, i have two fathers... God... and my dad here on earth..

To God... thank you for everything you have created. Thank you for the family you have given me. Forgive me because i'm a sinner.. oh father, how i wish i could stop committing sins, please give me strength and wisdom to stay away from sins. I ask you this, in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.

To my father here on earth... well, we haven't talked during the last couple of years.... i thank you for the things you did for me during my childhood and adolescence. Forgive me because i know i'm a bad son. I wish we had a good father=son relationship. Thank you.
2014-06-16 13:33:19 UTC
I wouldn't write my father a letter.
2014-06-13 08:13:39 UTC
My Father has been dead for 7 years.

We were not on good terms since 1978, I already forgave him for not being a good Father.
2014-06-16 12:45:40 UTC
You piece of sh*t, thank you for abandoning us when I was 6. You only visited us once when I was 10. Then when my wife was carrying your grand daughter you told her she was was too large and could smother her child. Too bad I found out too late you were dead. My evil stepmother even left me out of the obituary. I would have loved to come and piss on your grave. May you rot in hell.
2014-06-15 07:59:14 UTC
But now, O Lord

You are our Father

We are the clay, and You our potter

And all we are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8
Dee in CO
2014-06-13 14:45:42 UTC
Dear Dad,

I'd like to thank you for something on Father's Day, but frankly I can't think of anything you did that deserves thanks. You were an uninvolved father who was unkind to my mother.
Britney Spears
2014-06-13 20:03:45 UTC
Dear Dad,

Thanks for choosing your new wife over me. Also, thanks for believing the nasty rumours she created about me apparently damaging your property so she could further push me out of your life.


Somebody who prefers to pretend that you don't exist.
2014-06-13 10:02:20 UTC

I'm really drunk now and I must say I love you... Thanks for being an awesome dad... did I mention how I love you??

2014-11-02 19:40:22 UTC
Dear dad thank you soo much for LEAVING me and my twin sister AND my mom it would be nice if you payed chiled support instead of wasting all your damn money on drugs and yourself

You've been a HORRIBLE dad and I want to thank you for that (not)
2014-10-08 19:27:53 UTC
Dear dad i hope you realize how bad you was for me i hope you feel sorry and guilty for what you've done for me when i was just a child i wont forgive you and i wont foreget what you've done.. i hate you :)
2014-10-06 13:07:46 UTC
I love him but I have no conechon with him but I love him .so you show your dad you love him right now<3.
2014-07-04 07:10:41 UTC
Dear Dad:

You are a great Dad! You take me to school and swim, you can do so much! Thank you for supporting me through my life! If I could count how many things I could thank you for,I'd go crazy! All I ask of you is to: 1: Get out and have fun, not sleep as much!

2: Go somewhere besides work a few times a week and go to church!

3: Don't drink or smoke so much anymore!

That's a small list that's probably really hard, but I KNOW you can do it and you'd be an even better dad! I ask of this because I love you and I KNOW everyone, even YOU, would be so much happier if you did this!

Thanks and I LOVE you:

2014-06-18 04:41:08 UTC
Dear Dad,

Thanks for leaving me and my mom when i was only 4 years old. There were times when i had nothing to eat for days and i've always have been looked into as the poor kid with no possibilities. I suffer from depression and i'm all covered in shame. Thanks for being by my side when i needed a father. Our home is pretty much the same as u left it 19 years ago. You're pretty dead to me for years now. Oh and thanks for calling me once in few years when you are drunk telling me that you didn't forgot me. It does help.


your Beloved daughter
2014-06-17 19:39:10 UTC
I think these answers would make an interesting and insightful read for the people that hang out in the Gender Studies section. Just sayin'. I didn't realize how lucky I was. My father was wonderful. He engaged me intellectually, taught me to respect all life, and treated my mother very well. I did not realize it at the time - but he was teaching me in a subtle way as to what my expectations should be regarding how a man should treat me. I lost him all too soon to Lou Gehrig's disease. He accepted his fate with dignity and passed away peacefully. I feel he is still here with me, inside me, giving me guidance (doesn't mean I always listen, but I try.)
2014-06-17 19:39:09 UTC
dear dad i wish you know me better you could be there when i need you the most life is not just fare
2014-06-17 11:03:16 UTC
thanx dad for getting married to another wife thats 20 year old and the age gap is 20 years but i just want to tell you she got married to u for your money but im glad that now she knows your broke . And your three kids thank you for dumping them over a 20 year old :)

love your favorite daughter
2014-06-17 01:30:00 UTC
Dear Dad,

Thanks for being there for me when I need you most. When I would get scolded by you(which i rarely do), I would go to my room and cry. However, if Mom ever scolded me I would go to you. Honestly, I preferred to get scolded by her more than you. You gifted me my dream gifts on my birthdays. In other words, you spoiled me. Thanks for all your love. You hardly scolded me when I did something bad. You would make me understand. You would always be there. Thanks a lot! I love you! <3 Happy Father's Day!! I love you!! More than ever.


Spoiled Brat <3
tceffE rorriM
2014-06-16 19:47:32 UTC
Wow, does Hallmark make cards like some of the answers here for the inept crappy fathers?

These answers are a more realistic portrayal of what goes on in the real world. Getting half way decent parents is pure luck.
2014-06-16 19:29:37 UTC
Hey there buddy!

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for all the childhood molestations. I mean, a lot of dads walk out on their kids but you stuck around for that free pedophilia. That takes a special type of man, not one of those weak ones who diligently works towards the productive goal of their family.

You sure helped us out a lot when the light would keep going out because no one bothered to pay the bills. That sure came in handy when us kids had homework.

Oh, and who could forget my 16th birthday when you chocked me while simultaneously lifting me off the ground. Those surprise birthday gifts are so rare. You sure are one of a kind!!

Hey dad! Do you remember when I got my first job and both you and mom took out half my savings account that I was saving up for college?? No big deal, I just started a year later from my original plan. I love our family memories!

I hope I have a bunch of kids and get a chance to recreate my superior quality childhood with them! Fingers crossed!!!!

Happy fathers day to the most fantastic dad in the country!!!
2014-06-15 23:31:27 UTC
Why "would" and "if" I did do it.
2014-06-14 01:32:28 UTC
thank you for teaching me to question everything, never to take anything for granted, always see two sides to a story and for so many, so many other things that made me what I am now.

Thank you for teaching me to be kind and forgive. And thank you for that piano lesson, the only one you ever gave me, a few months before you passed away.

And thank you for the most beautiful surprise on a sunny summer morning on my 10th birthday.You called me downstairs and there was a blue bicycle for me.
2014-06-13 10:31:14 UTC
Dear dad,

Their is nothing that I must thank your for as you have done very little if not nothing for me. You are the most stingiest, annoying, embarrassing father in history, same goes to mum.
2014-06-13 07:33:07 UTC
you are not understand.. and you will never understand.. i was born with no father behind me.. i never seen my father's face.. and can you describe what is looks like?? :"(
2014-06-18 14:30:27 UTC
If I could write my precious father:

Daddy, I couldn't possibly ever thank you enough just for being you. YOU are the ONLY reason I was able to mostly rise above mom's abuse; had you not stayed and done the best you could for us, I'd have been another statistic long ago. Your strawberry blonde granddaughter graduated from Pitt a few years ago and is very happy, successful, charitable and level-headed - thanks ONLY to you. Your grandson, whom you never got to meet but who is named for YOU, is a hard-working, very handsome young man who doesn't get in trouble and has a gorgeous girl he treats right. And he's very intelligent, like you and Darryl. Your other granddaughter from me, that you also never got to meet, is on her way to college this fall. Daddy, I could never have pulled this off were it not for your love and devotion. I will NEVER get over the sickeningly tragic way we lost you, but for what it's worth, I'm doing my best to be sure that you'll never be forgotten. I love you, Daddy.
2014-06-17 20:04:54 UTC
Dear Dad,

I know that life was hard for you and that you did the best you could. Thank you for loving me through it all, for thinking that the sun rose and set on me, and for being proud of me no matter what, even when I did less than admirable things. Thank you for giving me the legacy of your patience and kindness and your good heart. I think of you every day of my life, and wish that I had told you how important you have been in my life and how much I loved you. Rest easy, dear Dad. You were a good and kind man caught in a situation you couldn't fix. You stood by her and us when there was little happiness in your life. You were a fine man. I wish you could have lived to know your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You would have been so proud. Look down on us and smile, dear, dear Dad.

Steven Ewing
2014-06-16 16:22:27 UTC
Hey dad, this trip we are on, having been to Calgary to acquire some needed equipment, has been a great way to spend Father's Day. I want to thank you again for allowing me to drive the cattle hauler back to Arizona, it is to die for. Btw, if we are stopping for the night in Durango, this fuel stop means just 3 hours from beer time, and pop, remember, you're buying. Love you!
2014-06-15 11:20:37 UTC
I would tell my dad I miss him every day. If I could go back in time to when he was younger, I would beg him to take better care of his health.
I hear voices in my head
2014-06-15 08:52:18 UTC
Thank you dad
2014-06-15 06:09:09 UTC
Oh my! These answers are horrible!
2014-06-16 09:39:01 UTC
I would not be thanking him because he subjected me to physical and verbal abuse until I was 18 and enlisted in the military.
2014-06-14 01:23:24 UTC
F or all things you've lead me through and taught me

A nd for promising me that you will never leave me

T hrough and through you';ve shown me the ropes

H elping me in anything and everything I face

E veryday you're there for me by simply calling your name

R arely do I get to thank you enough. So on this special day, I do exactly that.

T hank you for being my father!

You have taught me, guided me and instilled wisdom in me my entire life. I hope one day to be even half or even a quarter of the Father you've been to me. I hope that when my kids need something, I am there for them as you have been for me. I hope that when my kids have questions, that I am there for them as you have been for me. I hope that when they are going through good times or bad that I am there for them, just as you have always been there for me.

So I end this letter by thanking you for being my Father and by writing that I have been VERY blessed by being one of your children! Furthermore, I want to thank for your undivided attention for me by treating me as your only child when I am talking. Thank you for making our lives so joyful and lively, thank you for giving me hope and support in the toughest times, thank you for making me smile during my saddest, the weakest and the loneliest, thank you for not treating me, my siblings and my mother in the same abusive way as your brothers treat their wives and children. Thank you for believing in me more than your brothers,thank you for going against them by educating me to secure my future, thank you for being different from your family. Thank you for everything. I know I will never be able to repay you for all you did for us.

Thank you for making my life so wonderful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for each and everything.

Your arrogant daughter,

2014-06-17 21:20:10 UTC
"Dear Dad, Thanks for getting my mom drunk, knocking her up, and having her give birth to a son you probably don't know exists." "Sincerely, an antisocial recluse that obviously suffered without having a dad."
2016-03-10 01:20:57 UTC
I really love that joke. I remember my mum once telling a friend about how she told her parents she was leaving home and they thought it was that joke.
2014-06-15 23:24:00 UTC
Thanks My (so called Dad) for everything you did with my mom and me..

I am thankful because you are the one who taught me to trust nobody..

Thanks for leaving us alone in our problems so that we can face them alone and become more stronger..

Thanks for marrying other woman so that my mom's life is now changing and improving..

Thanks for abusing my sister so that she decides to never marry a guy like you..

Thanks for insulting my family so that we will never let you enter it again..

Thanks for keeping me away from my mom so that I've realized the importance of her..

Thanks for everything bad you did with us Dad...

2014-06-13 17:45:07 UTC
I miss you Dad, I think you would be proud of how I am living my life.
2014-06-14 17:55:01 UTC
you're better than most moms
Josh David
2014-06-13 12:59:20 UTC
Dear Father,

Thank you for giving birth to me and leaving me to a wonderful mother, and thank you for not wanting to speak to me that one day... Jerk face.. Oh and you can keep the child support, you haven't paid it in years anyway.. $20.00 really help... Not..

-Sincerely Jmane..
2014-06-13 07:34:38 UTC
thank you for everything dad

there is no way i will ever be able to repay you everything you have done for me

and im sorry i have failed you
2014-06-17 02:29:07 UTC
I just want to say : you have put all love on me ,but now you are old , i hope i can be your umbrella!!!!
2014-06-13 11:11:25 UTC
Dear Daddy,

Thank u for EVERYTHING you have done and is doing.Sorry but 1500 characters can't do :)

ur daughter that will always torment you,

2014-06-15 01:34:50 UTC
i missed you since 20 years but thanks for what i learned from you how keep my good value all my life
2014-06-13 21:26:40 UTC
Dear Dad, thanks for not abusing us kids the way you abused mom.
2014-06-13 07:13:09 UTC
You guys know you're going to get some negative answers, right?

Anyway, thanks father for being one half of the group of people who are responsible for my birth. You brought... something, into this world and it's me.
2014-06-15 03:10:04 UTC
dear father

thanks for all thing in life i love you
Las Scarba
2014-06-13 21:09:15 UTC
**** you I hope you get tortured to death!
2014-06-15 03:34:49 UTC
If You Say So!
2014-06-13 05:51:55 UTC
Thanks for nothing.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.